
Have multiple miscarriages ever caused infertility?

Have multiple miscarriages ever caused infertility?

Infertility, especially in IVF patients, fallopian tube factors account for 50% to 60%, or even 70%, where there are so many congenital fallopian tubes are not good people, are caused by acquired factors. Among these acquired factors, most of them are induced abortion, or drug abortion caused, an artificial abortion, may cause lifelong regret, no longer on the child, can only through medical means, and then to obtain their own next generation, artificial abortion will definitely cause damage, including may cause tubal obstruction, or uterine adhesions, some times cure the uterus, doctors are afraid of scraping clean, may give the patient a slightly deeper scraping, will cause adhesions, light adhesions can not be felt, Because there is no change in menstrual flow, finally not pregnant, a variety of examinations, and finally checked the uterus found that there is already adhesion inside, many times of artificial abortion, the doctor's hand is clever, it is also possible to scrape deep and shallow, scraping deep may cause adhesions.

Have multiple miscarriages ever caused infertility?

Drug abortion may also cause ascending infection, its own villi, as well as the deciduous tissue of the uterine lining, blood transport is very rich in bacteria is a good medium for bacteria, and when the drug abortion, often the menstrual period will be relatively long, the bleeding time will be relatively long, it is easy to cause infection in the uterine cavity, intrauterine infection is also one of the causes of uterine adhesion, in addition to causing tubal obstruction, these are risk factors. The increased incidence of infertility is now related to abortion. It is much easier than the original, before I wanted to do personal flow, want to do a drug flow, not so simple things, now everywhere can do it, the age of marriage is also postponed, the age of childbearing is also delayed, when you are young and pregnant, you have to take abortion measures, and take measures, and now it is relatively easy, it has caused a big social problem.

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