
It's too cold, "hands are frozen white"? Don't underestimate this symptom, go to the doctor

author:Shangguan News

"Frozen!" It is the sigh that everyone often makes in the cold winter, but have you ever encountered the situation of "freezing white"?

"Hands frozen white"

It's a disease signal!

Recently, the reporter noticed on multiple platforms that more than one netizen posted the experience of his fingers being frozen to completely white. However, doctors pointed out that this condition is likely to be a sign of Raynaud's syndrome and requires prompt visit to a regular hospital for examination.

The young girl froze to the point where her fingers were white

I believe that many people have it

The experience of being "frozen" in the hands of the great winter

However, recently, the reporter found on several platforms that some netizens posted the experience of their fingers being frozen to completely pale and bloodless.

It's too cold, "hands are frozen white"? Don't underestimate this symptom, go to the doctor

In the video released by Douyin user "Nicole", she said that she had just finished driving, and her hands were "frozen white", and she could clearly see her index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger from the fingertip to the second and third joints of the finger, which was in stark contrast with the color of the palm.

Netizens have left messages after seeing it

"Frozen is not like that"

"Let's go to the hospital!"

It's too cold, "hands are frozen white"? Don't underestimate this symptom, go to the doctor
It's too cold, "hands are frozen white"? Don't underestimate this symptom, go to the doctor

Coincidentally, the Little Red Book blogger "Qing-" also posted that in the winter, his hands and feet will be cold and numb, and his fingers will be pale, and he will be relieved when he returns to the house to blow the wind.

"Qing-" little red book notes have been concerned by many netizens, the reporter noticed that there are many comments are reminding "Qing-", which is likely to be a manifestation of rheumatic immune disease Raynaud syndrome, reminding bloggers to seek medical treatment quickly.

Secondary Raynaud's syndrome

It is mostly associated with rheumatic immune diseases

What is Raynaud's syndrome?

Is it really so dangerous for the fingers to "freeze white"?

"Raynaud's syndrome is translated from Raynaud's syndrome. The French scholar Raynaud first reported on this phenomenon in 1862. Gu Bingjie, attending physician of the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of Nanjing First Hospital, introduced that "Renault" is actually not just a finger freezing to white, but a process. ”

After a cold or emotional agitation, the color of the skin often suddenly becomes pale from the tip of the finger and then purple. Gradually expands to the entire finger and palm, with local chills, numbness, and decreased sensation. At this time, the "Renault" process is not over. After a few minutes, the skin will flush, warm, and feel burning-like swelling pain, and the skin color will slowly return to normal.

The reporter learned that there are two types of Raynaud's syndrome: primary or secondary Raynaud's syndrome. Cold irritation, emotional agitation, nervous excitement, occupational factors such as workers who have been engaged in vibrating machinery for a long time, endocrine disorders, heredity, fatigue, infection, etc. may become the cause of primary Raynaud's syndrome.

"In addition, some have to do with smoking. Before we met a 50-year-old male clinically, due to Raynaud's phenomenon, severe pain at the end of the finger, unable to sleep at night, after a series of tests to rule out the secondary rheumatic disease, considering that it is related to a large amount of smoking. Gu Bingjie said.

It's too cold, "hands are frozen white"? Don't underestimate this symptom, go to the doctor

Secondary Raynaud's syndrome is different. Gu Bingjie said that secondary factors mainly include diseases, trauma and drugs: "The more common cause of Raynaud's syndrome is connective tissue disease, that is, the rheumatic immune disease known to the common people. These include systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis or polymyositis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, etc."

Don't panic! Go to the Rheumatology and Immunology Clinic in time

However, not all fingers "frozen white" have to panic.

Gu Bingjie pointed out that if a person has Raynaud's phenomenon and has unexplained fever, arthritis, rash, mouth ulcers, dry mouth and eyes, skin stiffness, muscle soreness, difficulty swallowing, dry cough, chest tightness and asthma and other symptoms, or the physical examination finds that the blood is reduced, liver function is abnormal, young people have infertility, pathological pregnancy and other manifestations, then it is recommended that such people go to the rheumatology and immunology clinic in time to screen for rheumatic immune diseases.

However, Gu Bingjie also said that if it is a Raynaud phenomenon secondary to connective tissue disease, do not worry, most people can get different degrees of relief after treatment with hormones and immunosuppressants, and the hands and feet can feel the taste of "warmth".

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