
Hypertensive patients take medicine every day, why do they continue to take medicine after normal blood pressure?

Such a problem, the doctor does not feel that it is a problem.

Hypertension, medication antihypertensive therapy is effective, of course to continue to take medicine.

But patients think it's a problem.

I have high blood pressure, and my blood pressure has dropped to normal after taking medicine, so why should I take medicine?

Hypertensive patients take medicine every day, why do they continue to take medicine after normal blood pressure?

Patients often ask, doctors, I have been taking medicine for two months (three months, half a year, one year), my blood pressure is normal, can I stop the drug? Don't drugs all have side effects?

There are also some patients who take medicine for one or two months, and their blood pressure is normal, so they simply stop the drug themselves.

Hypertensive patients take medicine every day, why do they continue to take medicine after normal blood pressure?

Because high blood pressure cannot be cured, it needs to be controlled for a long time.

We say that patients need to take drugs, first of all because they are sick and need to be treated with drugs; and it must be that the benefits of drug treatment far exceed the damage of the disease and the adverse reactions of the drug.

Hypertensive patients take medicine every day, why do they continue to take medicine after normal blood pressure?

This is the treatment of high blood pressure.

The reason why patients with high blood pressure take antihypertensive drugs is because excessive blood pressure cannot be lowered. The normal blood pressure after taking antihypertensive drugs is the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs. Blood pressure reduction is effective, but it does not mean that high blood pressure is cured.

Hypertension is a chronic disease. Chronic diseases have this characteristic, can be controlled, can not go to the root.

Hypertensive patients take antihypertensive drugs, blood pressure can be reduced to normal, but the disease of hypertension is still there, the cause of potential hypertension in patients, risk factors are still there, some can not be removed. For example, genetic genes, such as aging, as well as some lifestyles, metabolic disorders in the body, other diseases, etc., are also some reasons that are not so clearly studied. Since the root of the disease cannot be removed, of course, the disease cannot be cured.

Hypertensive patients take medicine every day, why do they continue to take medicine after normal blood pressure?

Therefore, even if the blood pressure of patients with hypertension drops to normal, it is not considered a cure. Some patients who stop taking the drug for a year or two have normal blood pressure, which is not a cure, because they don't know when their blood pressure will be high again.

Hypertensive patients have normal blood pressure after taking antihypertensive drugs, and it is the role of antihypertensive therapy. Since the blood pressure is lowered by the drug, of course, it is necessary to continue to take the drug to maintain the efficacy and control the blood pressure.

Some people will say that if the blood pressure is normal, stop the drug, and then lower it when the blood pressure rises!

However, if you wait until the blood pressure rises and then falls, the damage of high blood pressure has already formed. At this time, the pressure reduction belongs to the "dead sheep to make up for the prison". The prison is made up, the sheep are also dead, and the loss has been formed. Moreover, blood pressure fluctuates and the damage to blood vessels is greater. Like a stream of high-pressure water hitting a dike, it is easy to collapse.

Hypertensive patients take medicine every day, why do they continue to take medicine after normal blood pressure?

Some people feel that taking medicine for a long time will have adverse reactions and damage the body.

It should be known that hypertension is most likely to damage blood vessels, damage to the heart, brain, kidneys, will cause coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, cerebrovascular disease, kidney failure, acute myocardial infarction, stroke, is a highly disabling, fatal disease.

Continuous and stable antihypertensive therapy is designed to reduce the overall risk of cardiovascular and cerebral damage, vascular complications and death of hypertension.

Compared with the organ damage of high blood pressure, the adverse reactions of the drug are very mild. "The lesser of two evils", patients with hypertension should be treated with antihypertensive treatment.

Hypertensive patients take medicine every day, why do they continue to take medicine after normal blood pressure?

Of course, patients have individual differences, which can be used to choose the right drug for you among different antihypertensive drugs.

Some people say that if my blood pressure can be maintained at normal after controlling my diet, losing weight, and quitting smoking and alcohol, can I not take medication?

Of course. If blood pressure can be maintained at normal levels after improving lifestyle, of course, antihypertensive drugs can be taken. However, it should be noted that such patients have some predisposing factors for hypertension, and blood pressure is still easy to rise. Even if the drug is not taken, it is necessary to strengthen monitoring.

Therefore, even if the blood pressure is normal after stopping antihypertensive drugs, it is necessary to monitor.

Hypertensive patients take medicine every day, why do they continue to take medicine after normal blood pressure?

In antihypertensive therapy, what kind of blood pressure doctor will consider reducing or stopping the drug?

When the systolic blood pressure is more than 110 mmHg (what is the normal blood pressure?). Is blood pressure at 140/90mmHg normal? )。

【Special reminder】 There is an illusion that blood pressure is normal without taking medicine.

Many patients eat long-acting antihypertensive drugs, such as amlodipine and levamlodipine. These long-acting drugs accumulate in the body due to their slow metabolism. When the drug is just stopped, there is still "inventory" in the body, and it can also play a role in lowering blood pressure, so it will mislead the patient and feel that it is normal not to take medicine. Sometimes the effect of the drug can last until about 1 month after discontinuation.

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