
Can't afford to win and lose, South Korean players receive awards and cause controversy, Gao Tingyu beautifully fights back, netizens: handsome!

South Korea's athletes began to demonize again, and at the award ceremony of the men's speed skating 500 meters, South Korea's Kim Min-kyu, who won the silver medal, made a controversial move. Gao Tingyu, the Chinese player who won the gold medal, gave a beautiful counterattack, and netizens shouted: Handsome!

Can't afford to win and lose, South Korean players receive awards and cause controversy, Gao Tingyu beautifully fights back, netizens: handsome!

Everyone knows that South Korean players are the masters who can't afford to win and lose, and in this Winter Olympics, they have been punished many times for fouls in the competition, and they missed the final gold medal. Not only do they not know how to restrain their foul actions, but they feel that they have been greatly wronged, and acts such as protests and strikes are endless, showing the behavior of villains. Do they think they are still playing in PyeongChang and have to take care of everything?

Can't afford to win and lose, South Korean players receive awards and cause controversy, Gao Tingyu beautifully fights back, netizens: handsome!

In the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan and the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea was taken care of by many parties to achieve good results. It may be that they are used to being taken care of, and suddenly return to normal punishment, leaving them at a loss, so they make various accusations and present a villain face that "cannot afford to win and lose".

Can't afford to win and lose, South Korean players receive awards and cause controversy, Gao Tingyu beautifully fights back, netizens: handsome!

The top three players in the men's speed skating 500 meters are all from East Asia, and when everyone applauded the East Asian players, the South Korean athletes obviously did not appreciate it, but made controversial moves when receiving the award. According to the rules of award receiving, the bronze medalist starts to stand on the podium. The Japanese player who won the bronze medal stood on the podium normally, and when it came to South Korea's Kim Min-kyu, he did not stand directly on the podium, but first bent down and extended his right hand to make a sweeping motion. The meaning of Kim Min-kyu's action is to question the unfairness of this Winter Olympics, believing that the South Korean team has suffered too many losses in front of the rules and is crying for the previous teammates.

Can't afford to win and lose, South Korean players receive awards and cause controversy, Gao Tingyu beautifully fights back, netizens: handsome!

Fortunately, Gao Tingyu, who won the gold medal, did not play in the same group as Kim Min-kuei. Gao Tingyu's performance is 34.32 seconds, Jin Minkui's performance is 34.39 seconds, the two results are indeed not much different, but Gao Tingyu's gold medal has no problems and is very clean. Therefore, Jin Minkui's action is undoubtedly a representative of "can't afford to lose".

Can't afford to win and lose, South Korean players receive awards and cause controversy, Gao Tingyu beautifully fights back, netizens: handsome!

In this regard, Gao Tingyu also gave a beautiful counterattack when he came on stage. Gao Tingyu also did not stand on the podium normally, but made a move when Liu Xiang received the prize at the 2014 Athens Olympic Games, with his feet off the ground, and jumped directly onto the podium. Gao Tingyu is undoubtedly telling the Korean athletes that although our results are not much different, I am the king, that is, the gold medalist, since you want to blow the ground, I must also have a serpent, using the action of jumping on the podium to let everyone remember that the gold medalist of the 500-meter speed skating is the confident and sunny Chinese player Gao Tingyu. After netizens watched Gao Tingyu's action of jumping on the podium, they all said that they were too handsome.

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