
A week of determination and perseverance 12 Horoscopes of the Week 2022.2.14-20

A week of determination and perseverance 12 Horoscopes of the Week 2022.2.14-20

Happy Valentine's Day and Lantern Festival to all of you in advance!

This week Venus runs parallel to Mars, making it easier for us to indulge in all kinds of desires.

The friendly angle between Jupiter and Uranus is also prone to sudden, exciting events.

A certain result of the full moon seems to be the impact of the short time, but it also sets the tone for the year.

Spirit Rhinoceros Tree-12 Constellation Weekly Horoscope




Ascending/Sun Aries

The first half of the week has been about changes and decisions in the workplace, and you're on a good track. Thursday's full moon tends to lead to a result: maybe you're settled on a new team, or maybe you're the leader of the team. Of course, if a good cause had not been planted, the situation at this time may be just the opposite. But regardless of the outcome, the sheep are facing an unexpected opportunity near the weekend or even next week, and if they seize it, the first half of the year will be spent easily.

The rains arrive on Saturday, and the next step is to move into a period of low-key days.

Rising/Sun Taurus

The first half of the week is still about academics, travel, and legal progress, and you'll feel excited. Thursday's full moon can easily lead to the determination of work direction, the determination of the position, the result of a certain affair in the family... Whether or not you are satisfied with the result, you will be brewing your own transformation, and you will be answering the question after May Day. It's also easy to have unexpected invitations to events near the weekend, or a team opening up to you, or someone showing love in a high profile.

With the rains on Saturdays, you'll be gradually entering a bustling month of making friends.

Ascending/Sun Gemini

The first half of the week involves financial help, but you will also be tempted to spend a lot of money to satisfy your personal desires. Thursday's full moon is prone to results related to exams, studies, travel, official certification, etc., no matter what the result, it does not affect your career, because close to the weekend or even next week, it is easy to have unexpected progress in your career, or a leader is optimistic about you and is willing to give you a chance.

The rains arrive on Saturday, and over the next month, your career ambitions grow.

Ascending/Sun Cancer

In the first half of the week, you are easy to be happy in the crowd, someone is always showing you kindness, and it is easy to have important interviews in the workplace. Thursday's full moon tends to bring a financial result; this year your team will change, and your salary will naturally change. Whether your income is rising or falling, don't rush to react right away – you may have some windfall near the weekend or next week, and maybe distant developments are more beneficial to you.

With the rains on Saturday, you may be busy with further education or an unforgettable trip the following month...

Rising/Sun Leo

The first half of the week is on your mind, you may see the light, so you will work hard to complete the task. Thursday's full moon can easily lead to the determination of important relationships, especially new collaborations about work, which is an important start of the year, or you have established a relationship with someone who will give you important help in your career. You'll still have financial windfalls as you approach the weekend, but don't inflate your desires, it's so easy to expand your debt.

With the rains on Saturday, the next month taking care of finances will be a key focus.

Rising/Sun Virgo

The first half of the week was a great time interacting with the people around you, having fun, and you also had the opportunity to show off your talents. Therefore, the peach blossoms of love bloom endlessly. Thursday's full moon a work task is at the end, or whether to do a certain job has been decided, this year you will want to improve your academic qualifications, or you may want to get a certificate, then the end of the work in front of you is conducive to the implementation of this year's important plan. You may have an unexpected invitation from afar as you approach the weekend, or you may be on a walk-and-go trip with someone.

With the rains on Saturday, the following month is prone to important exchanges and more opportunities for one-on-one communication with a certain person.

Rising/Solar Libra

The first half of the week involving home was going well or the office environment was improving. Thursday's full moon is easy to bring happy interactions, maybe there are small gatherings of relatives and friends, or there may be a small celebration ceremony, people who make you happy will come close to you, maybe this year ta will bring you a lot of fun. You're likely to get a windfall towards the weekend, maybe it's a bonus, it's an investment profit, or it's the chance to get a part-time job.

With the rains on Saturdays, you'll be working harder or more for the rest of the month.

Rising/Sun Scorpio

The first half of the week will be fun to talk about travel, contracts, travel, peer exchanges, and it's easy to make friends with people who will have an impact on you in the future. Thursday's full moon is likely to have the result of related matters such as living conditions, family relations, real estate, etc., which may all be very related to someone, and you will face a lot of growth together in the future. Close to the weekend, it is easy to have the opportunity to go out and invite entertainment to suddenly come; it is easy to meet in the crowd; there is a very special person in your circle of friends; or maybe it is a relationship with someone...

After the rainy season on Saturdays, there are more opportunities to go out and have fun, and more time to communicate with friends.

Rising/Sun Sagittarius

The first half of the week will be a satisfactory progress on the issue of salary, but only if you are really the talent that everyone needs. Thursday's full moon can easily bring a result related to schooling, commuting style, travel, interaction between relatives and friends, etc., and you may also have a successful end to your trip... Previous exchanges or exams and travel will help you work this year, and you may actively or passively change your lifestyle during the summer. As you approach the weekend, your work environment either changes suddenly to a better place, or it becomes easier to get to work...

After the rainy saturdays, you'll shift more of your energy to improving your living or office environment.

Rising/Sun Capricorn

The first half of the week everyone's eyes are on you, and you will have a happy Valentine's Day. If you are single you should not refuse blind date activities. Thursday's full moon can easily lead to a result involving salary income, and if you have a special talent, you have the opportunity to turn that talent into a career this year, especially in May. Or now you're going to start planning to spend on something to celebrate this year... It's easy to have a sudden invitation to have fun when you're close to the weekend, or maybe you show off your talents in front of everyone... So love, travel opportunities are all rushing to you.

In the month after saturday's rainy season, travel, driver's license, and interaction with relatives and friends will be smooth and happy.

Rising/Sun Aquarius

In the first half of the week, you are easily immersed in your own inner drama, maybe you have a crush on someone, maybe you and someone are still in a secret relationship... However, if it goes well, your relationship with someone will be settled on Thursday's full moon, and I hope that the person you have a crush on is the same person you are marrying. This important relationship of the full moon may also be a career partnership. Your family will change this year, especially in May and June, and this change is very related to the person who is related to the person who is in a relationship during this full moon. Approaching the weekend or next week is prone to unexpected gains – either wages increase or living conditions improve.

After Saturday's rainy season, how to raise your income or how to balance your payments will be your focus on improving.

Ascending/Sun Pisces

In the first half of the week, there were celebrations in your team or company, or there were hilarious events, and there was a lot of laughter among colleagues. Thursday's full moon ends with a life of rest and recuperation, and you might want to go out for a spring break. And close to the weekend or the next week you may just get the opportunity to go out and have fun, maybe someone will suddenly invite you, or maybe someone will suddenly express love to you, if you want, you will immediately agree to the other party's invitation and go to some place together...

The rains on Saturday arrive, and the closer you get to your birthday, the luckier you get to make a good wish for the new year.

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