
My friend Ah Quan told me about one of his troubles. He said that an iron brother who had played for more than ten years had broken off relations with him. The reason is that some time ago, I attended the wedding of a mutual friend Zhu Sheng's son, Ah Quan was

author:Wheat field to see melon people

My friend Ah Quan told me about one of his troubles. He said that an iron brother who had played for more than ten years had broken off relations with him.

The reason is that some time ago, attending the wedding of a mutual friend Zhu Sheng's son, Ah Quan was arranged to have a table with his iron brother classmates. At that time, Brother Tie came in to greet Ah Quan and nodded to Brother Tie in return.

The next day, Brother Tie called and blamed Ah Quan for saying that he was ashamed of not taking the initiative to greet him that day.

Before the Spring Festival, Ah Quan bought some gifts to give to Tie Ge. It was more than eight o'clock in the morning. Ah Quan went to the phone and was hung up by the other party. So he entrusted the gift to the next door neighbor for safekeeping, and took a photo of WeChat TieGe asked him to get it. Unexpectedly, WeChat showed that "the message has been sent and rejected by the other party." At this time, he learned that Ah Quan had been deleted by Tie Ge in his WeChat friends. #河源头条 #

My friend Ah Quan told me about one of his troubles. He said that an iron brother who had played for more than ten years had broken off relations with him. The reason is that some time ago, I attended the wedding of a mutual friend Zhu Sheng's son, Ah Quan was

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