
"Break up, our zodiac signs are not compatible."

"Break up, our zodiac signs are not compatible."

We have discordant personalities

It's because the constellations are contradictory

Bad temper today

It's because of bad luck

We don't get along well

It's because Mercury is retrograde


You will put the constellations

As your own measure of love

Poke the video below

Let's get away from it together

"The Theory of Love Only Constellations"

"Break up, our zodiac signs are not compatible."

Horoscopes have never been the only measure of feelings

It can only be a reason and excuse for not loving

After all, the person who really loves you

Will definitely understand your willfulness

Accommodate your bad temper

Even if the constellations are not harmonious

All can change their lives through your tolerance

I'm a Scorpio

How about you are an Aries

As long as we love each other

We are the most compatible combination

"Break up, our zodiac signs are not compatible."

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