
Breaking the flag bearer's curse and fulfilling the promise made 4 years ago, Gao Tingyu interpreted his love and prepared for the battle with all his might

In the ice ribbon competition venue of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Chinese speed skater Gao Tingyu, wearing a five-star battle suit, transformed into a red and black lightning bolt, and in the 7th group, he only took 34.32 seconds to cross the finish line, surpassing the 34.85 seconds skated by American youngster Stolz and creating a new world record.

Breaking the flag bearer's curse and fulfilling the promise made 4 years ago, Gao Tingyu interpreted his love and prepared for the battle with all his might

What is this concept? According to official statistics, Gao Tingyu, who is good at starting, drew a time of 9.42 seconds in the first 100 meters, while the 100-meter trapeze bolter scored 9 seconds 58 seconds, and Gao Tingyu still has a curve on the track. Because there are still contestants behind Gao Tingyu, so before the last player is finished, he can only be "temporarily ranked first", I believe that many audience friends in front of the TV set have watched the whole game with a nervous mood - all said that speed skating is the most boring ice project, Gao Tingyu changed everyone's view with his own strength, and today's game is not to mention how exciting it is.

In the end, Gao Tingyu, who had a panoramic view of the mountains, turned the advantage into a victory, and changed from "temporarily ranked first" to the desired first place. His victory also broke a curse that had plagued the Chinese delegation for 42 years— the flag bearer's curse. Since the Chinese delegation first participated in Lake Placid in 1980, no flag bearer of the delegation has finally won the crown. If the Summer Olympics are mostly played by basketball players who are tall and powerful, and it is understandable that they did not win gold in the end, then the Winter Olympics are also deeply troubled by the curse, and they have to be thought-provoking.

Breaking the flag bearer's curse and fulfilling the promise made 4 years ago, Gao Tingyu interpreted his love and prepared for the battle with all his might

Because of this, many people before the game secretly pinched a sweat for Gao Tingyu. But the 24-year-old Heilongjiang boy crushed the doubts with maneuvering, just like Gao Tingyu's domineering answer when asked this question in a post-match interview: "What magic spell is not a spell, the slide on the field is over." "The unique cheerfulness and self-confidence of the Northeast boy infected everyone present. This is the spirit that we Olympic athletes should have! Whatever spell he has, it's over!

The Beijing Winter Olympics is the second Winter Olympics attended by Gao Tingyu, who had achieved a breakthrough in the project for the Chinese delegation four years ago in Pyeongchang, and a priceless bronze medal gave everyone hope of winning the championship at his own gate four years later. Gao Tingyu did not disappoint the big guys, after coming down from the podium of the Pyeongchang Olympics 4 years ago, he threw harsh words at the camera lens, "Next time you must get the gold medal!" "4 years later, Gao Tingyu fulfilled his promise! The effort and sweat he put into the background is little known.

Breaking the flag bearer's curse and fulfilling the promise made 4 years ago, Gao Tingyu interpreted his love and prepared for the battle with all his might

Few people know that Gao Tingyu is actually not a talented player. He began practicing skating at the age of 8, but was dissuaded by his coach at the age of 11 because of his late development. If it were not for that persistence and persistence, I am afraid that without the historic breakthrough of the Chinese skating men's skating team in speed skating, we would not have been able to see the "Olympic champion" Gao Tingyu, and the Olympic record would be fixed on the 33.61 seconds created by Kulizhnykov in 2019 after 2022. Fortunately, Gao Tingyu persevered! Gao Tingyu, who was not selected for the national team until the age of 19, can be described as a huge accumulation and a blockbuster, and it took only 5 years to climb on the gold medal podium, which symbolizes the highest honor.

For this Winter Olympics, Gao Tingyu prepared for a long time, but his body is not in the best condition, the day before the game his muscles were still slightly strained, mental pressure is also very human, although he lies in bed early every night, he can actually only sleep intermittently for 8 hours a day, and he will lose sleep from time to time. But Gao Tingyu also has a clever way to combat external pressure. He told reporters that like every time he participated in the competition before, he would delete WeChat a week before the competition, just to stay away from the interference of the outside world. This little trick also allows Gao Tingyu to be able to stop the water as the competition day approaches, which is also the trick for him to break the "Flag bearer curse".

Breaking the flag bearer's curse and fulfilling the promise made 4 years ago, Gao Tingyu interpreted his love and prepared for the battle with all his might

Gao Tingyu does not intend to lie on the credit book, although this Winter Olympics only has 500 meters of speed skating, but he said he will "raise his body well." Because there are many injuries, the age is older, and the recovery is relatively slow. "The 24-year-old Gao Tingyu is creating an era that belongs to him, and let us look forward to what surprises Gao Tingyu will bring us in the future." Gao Tingyu, come on!

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