
The snowy plateau dedicates the power of youth

author:China Jilin Net
The snowy plateau dedicates the power of youth

Figure (1): Wang Jun at work. Figure (2): Wang Dewei instructs children to read. Photo (3): In Shannan, Tibet Autonomous Region, an EMU is driving on the Lalin Railway. Photo by Jiao Hongtao (People's Vision) (4): Zhang Teng at the railway construction site. Profile picture

In July this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping said emotionally when receiving cadres aiding Tibet in Tibet: "The spirit of aiding Tibet is a lofty spirit of the Communist Party of China and a significant advantage of socialism with Chinese characteristics." Lack of oxygen is not lack of spirit, this spirit is the revolutionary ideal is higher than the sky. You are on the plateau, and your spirit is higher than the plateau. This matter must be done one stubble after another, generation after generation. ”

In the process of Tibet's economic construction and social development, countless young people in the interior have chosen to stay away from home and come to this snowy plateau to sweat and dedicate their youth. They either teach and educate people in schools, or build a "heavenly road" for Tibet to the future on the front line of engineering construction... "Lack of oxygen is not lacking in spirit, and the altitude is high and ambitious", which is a unique "song of youth" belonging to these young people.

Wang Dewei, a teacher in Shanghai aiding Tibet and secretary of the Youth League Committee of The Shanghai Experimental School in Shigatse City:

"Opening windows for children to see the wider world"

In the summer of 2019, Wang Dewei, a 26-year-old young teacher in Shanghai who aided Tibet, was about to end his first one-year tibet aid work.

"Teacher Wang will return to Shanghai at the end of this semester, and we will part ways!" One of the children in the class said such a sentence in class.

For a while, the class fell silent, and Wang Dewei's mood was also a little heavy. Go, or stay? During that time, Wang Dewei had been hesitating in his heart, listening to the child's words, he finally made up his mind: do it for another 3 years!

From the perspective of "language comes from the side", Wang Dewei has thought of many ways to awaken children's perception of language - in the classroom, he has prepared many expansion materials according to the content of textbooks and students' interests, and through various video and audio materials, the world will be directly presented to children; He also holds various debates and speeches in the class, so that children can boldly express their ideas. Outside of the classroom, he buys extracurricular books for the children out of his own pocket, leads the children to swim in the books, and cultivates the children's interest in reading.

Solang is a child in Wang Dewei's class, with a silent and shy personality, and rarely interacts with teachers in class. When Wang Dewei first led this class, the other teachers said, "Solang is too shy!"

This actually made Wang Dewei notice this silent child, and deliberately communicated with him more in class and after class, and the silent Solang gradually opened his heart.

At an open class not long after, the children held their hands high and rushed to answer questions, and Solang was particularly active.

"I didn't expect so that The child so cheerful." After class, a teacher said to Wang Dewei. Wang Dewei felt that this was a moment of great pride for himself.

In the second aid to Tibet, Wang Dewei also served as the secretary of the youth league committee of the school, and he put more energy into organizing activities, constantly traveling back and forth between Shanghai and Tibet, organizing children to go out of the plateau and "let more children see the bigger world."

In 2019, Wang Dewei took a group of children to Shanghai for exchange and study. Originally, the main organization of the school this time was the students of the first and second grades, but Wang Dewei insisted on bringing Dawa Tsering, who was in the third grade.

Why do you have to bring this child? It turned out that Dawa Tsering was the top student in the class, but she had always resisted applying for the Tibet class in the interior, so she wanted to study in Tibet all the time and go home to help in the future. "I just want to take him to Shanghai to see the outside world, and then it's not too late to make a choice." Wang Dewei said.

At the airport, Dawa Tsering clutched Wang Dewei's arm and looked nervous: "Teacher, this is my first time on a plane."

It was not until the plane landed steadily in Shanghai that Dawa Tsering, who was nervous, pulled Wang Dewei and asked him to take a photo of himself who flew for the first time.

In Shanghai, the teachers took Dawa Tsering to see many things, including museums with thick history, advanced science and technology exhibition halls, brightly lit buildings, and developed commercial bodies. All this made Dawa Tsering's heart flutter. The event is coming to an end, and the group takes a group photo on the Bund. Dawa Tsering lay on Wang Dewei's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Teacher Wang, I also want to take the inland Tibet class, and I also want to come to Shanghai to study."

In the 2020 middle school entrance examination, Dawa Tsering was admitted to Shanghai Everest Middle School as she wished. Now, Dawa Tsering has become a policy preacher in the Tibet class in the interior, taking the initiative to return to Shigatse during the holidays to introduce policies for the students, and when the children of Kaze visit Shanghai again, he also actively shares experiences and introduces experiences for the children.

"Opening the window for children to see the wider world is the proudest thing I have done in Tibet." Wang Dewei said, "Shanghai counterparts have supported Tibet for more than 20 years, and the Shanghai Experimental School in Shigatse has been operating for more than ten years, and generations of teachers aiding Tibet have worked together, stubble after stubble, to insert the wings of dreams for more and more Tibetan children." ”

Zhang Teng, employee of China Railway Electrification Bureau and builder of Lalin Railway:

"There must always be some back waves, rushing to the places where the motherland needs it most"

On June 25 this year, the Tibet Lalin Railway was officially opened to traffic, which is the first electrified railway in Tibet, and also marks the full coverage of 31 provinces, autonomous regions and cities of the Fuxing EMU train. Watching the train enter the station, Zhang Teng, a 22-year-old employee of the China Railway Electrification Bureau, was very excited, which was the long-term effort of him and his father Zhang Xinfeng and other railway builders.

During the construction period, before dawn in the morning, Zhang Teng and Zhang Xinfeng, a father and son soldier, had to go to the construction area in charge to start working. In winter, the road is often accompanied by ice rain and snowflakes, the temperature is more than ten degrees Celsius below zero, accompanied by the lack of oxygen on the plateau, and the working conditions are harsh and abnormal.

"Belt check well" "Up and down pole must be slow"... Walking on the viaduct, at the foot of the rushing Brahmaputra River, Zhang Xinfeng is directing the construction personnel to work; Not far away, Zhang Teng held a huge piece of equipment, unfolded the bracket, and measured the data needed for construction in detail. "When we do measurements, it's not uncommon to walk 20,000 or 30,000 steps a day." Zhang Teng said.

Although the work is hard, Zhang Teng is extremely pleased. In the past, he rarely got together with his father, Zhang Xinfeng worked outside all year round, the project construction period was tight, the task was heavy, and he rarely went home for the New Year; Even when Zhang Teng was born, Zhang Xinfeng was still carrying out engineering construction in the northeast, and the father and son gathered less and left more. But this year's Spring Festival, the father and son finally spent a different reunion year together for the first time at the Lalin Railway construction site thousands of miles away from their hometown.

It is rare to get together, but the father and son do not have too many parents, and they are more concerned about the engineering project. Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, how to speed up the progress and ensure that the railway is opened on time is a problem that father and son often discuss. Electrification construction is a technical activity that requires climbing a shelf of four or five meters high. "In the plains, a group of skilled workers can assemble twenty or thirty pillars a day, but in Tibet, everyone has to gasp for half a day after a while, and up to 10 shelves a day, which is more than half slower." Zhang Teng said.

The Milen Tunnel of the Lalin Railway, which is more than 11 kilometers long, can only take turns to work in order to rush the construction period. The tunnel is narrow, construction vehicles can not enter and exit at the same time, everyone can only grasp the window period of their own construction, as fast as possible to complete the task. The father and son entered the tunnel early in the morning, did not come out until the early morning of the next day, went back to eat a few bites of food in a hurry, and fell back to sleep... Finally, the construction schedule was completed on time. After the completion of the tunnel, Zhang Teng lay down for a day before he eased up.

"When we first came, it was silent; By the time the project was completed, it was already lit up. A line of communication is also the lifeline of many people. Looking at the newly built Lalin Railway, Zhang Teng said with emotion, "Seeing that here is becoming more and more prosperous, we have a great sense of accomplishment." If the older generation of railway builders is the front wave of building the country, we are the back wave. There must always be some back waves, rushing to the places where the motherland needs it most. ”

Wang Jun, a cadre of Suzhou aiding Tibet and deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission of Linzhou County, Lhasa:

"Bring not only the project, but also the attitude and approach to work"

Tanggu Township, Linzhou County, north of Lhasa, is more than 4,200 meters above sea level.

As a native of TangGu, Ujian Tsomu, who studied tourism management at Lhasa University, never expected to open a high-end hotel here.

Wang Jun didn't think so. In 2019, at the age of 32, as the youngest member of the ninth batch of cadres in Jiangsu Province to aid Tibet, he came from Suzhou to the Linzhou County Development and Reform Commission, and the Tanggu Tourism Service Center was one of Wang Jun's earliest projects.

Today, at the Tanggu Tourist Service Center, hotel staff Ujan Tsoum and colleagues are very busy, the infrastructure is perfect, the number of tourists is far beyond her imagination, and dozens of room hotels are often "difficult to find" on holidays. "Lhasa wants to build a northern tourism ring line, and we in Suzhou hope to lay out a number of projects along the line, so that the 'Labei Ring Road' can effectively drive the local people to improve their quality of life." Wang Jun said: "Tanggu Township is adjacent to the Rezhen National Forest Park and is rich in tourism resources, and the Tanggu Tourism Service Center that has been built so far is the answer sheet we handed over."

The first time he went to Tanggu, Wang Jun was impressed - about 100 kilometers of road, driving for four or five hours. Construction is everywhere on the road, muddy water splashing, potholes, on the way to cross a mountain nearly 5,000 meters above sea level, encounter landslides or construction repairs, the vehicle will stay for a long time.

From transportation facilities to people's livelihood facilities such as Tangguxiang Health Center, to tourism service centers, Suzhou has invested nearly 100 million yuan in local tourism development and people's livelihood improvement. Walking on the rugged mountain road, Wang Jun kept thinking in his heart: "How can the hotel's project be profitable?" How much will these livelihood projects change after completion?"

This is something he must seriously consider. The goal set by Suzhou Aid Tibet is to "be profitable and self-hematopoietic." This seemingly modest requirement is quite difficult for many projects in Tibet – the climate is cold, and the construction period is only about six or seven months a year; The altitude here is high, many engineering facilities can not be erected, and some operators are reluctant to come. All kinds of problems can slow down the construction schedule and challenge the quality of the project.

In order to ensure the construction progress and construction quality of each project, Wang Jun went to Tanggu one after another, sometimes two or three times a month. Once, when road construction was interrupted, Wang Jun and his colleagues could only detour a few hundred kilometers and spend an extra day from downtown Lhasa to Linzhou County.

Tanggu Township is running more and more, and the changes Wang Jun sees in his eyes: with the continuous advancement of traffic improvement projects, the traffic from the county town to the township has improved, and the distance has been shortened from four or five hours to two hours; With the landing of the township supporting medical facilities project, some minor diseases of the local people can be solved on the spot; With the completion of the construction of the Tanggu township tourism service center, more and more tourists choose to come to Tangguxiang for tourism, which has gradually become a well-known "punch point" on the northern tourism ring line of Lhasa.

The project construction not only changed the local environment, but also subtly affected the spiritual outlook of local cadres. When I first came to work in Lin Zhou, some cadres had no confidence and lack of enthusiasm for the project, and always liked to say "almost enough". "I don't think it's good at all!" Wang Jun always has to finalize the details of the project little by little, and polish it little by little. Under his influence, the people around him took the project more seriously, and the rules and regulations were more stringent, because everyone knew that if there was any problem, they would be beaten back by Wang Jun.

"If the details are not clear in the early stage of the project, the budget will be easy to exceed the standard, and then adjust when the time comes, one is that the procedures are troublesome, affecting the construction period, and the second is to form sloppy habits, which is difficult to be serious." We must bring not only projects, but also work attitudes and methods, so that we can bring more long-term changes to Tibet. Wang Jun said. Reporter Xu Yiyao Typography Design: Shen Yiling

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