
Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

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Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes
Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Previously on December 8, 2021

The NmPA also approved it

Tengsheng Huachuang's new crown neutralizing antibody drug registration

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes
Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Neutralizing the principle of action of antibody drugs

The structure of the new crown virus is very simple

It's a layer of protein shell

Encased in genetic material RNA

Small crown-like bumps on the shell

It's called protein S

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Coronavirus is full of bad water

Thinking all the time—

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

But cell factories are not easy to enter

It has a wall called the cell membrane on the outside

There is a large number of "guards" outside the city walls

Guard the entrances everywhere

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

These "guards"

The technical term is called "receptor"

Only substances that are recognized by them

to be allowed

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

If the new crown virus has not been able to find a way

Into the cells

It will be Game Over


There's a "guard" called ACE2.

Confused by the "crown of the new crown"

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

The full name ACE2 is angiotensin-converting enzyme 2

It is a protein that is usually involved in the regulation of blood pressure in the human body

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Coronavirus Crown (S Protein)

There is a part of the substance that looks like the one needed for ACE2

Therefore, he was mistaken by ACE2 as his own person

A small hand leads the wolf into the room

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Principles of neutralizing antibody drugs

It is to inject the body with a preferred neutralizing antibody

This antibody recognizes and envelops the crown of the new crown virus


ACE2 does not recognize the coronavirus

Automatically block it out of the cell walls

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

The neutralizing antibody then further damages the viral particles

Neutralize them

Tengsheng Huachuang was approved for marketing of neutralizing antibody drugs

That's it

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

It is a combination therapy drug

It is injected into the body by means of drips

After one injection

Neutralizing antibody concentration in the blood

It can be achieved 300 times that inhibit the growth of 90% of the virus

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

According to the State Food and Drug Administration

This medicine is used in the treatment

Light and normal and accompaniment

Adults who progress to a high risk factor for severe and

Adolescent patients (12-17 years, weight ≥40 kg)

Principle of action of small molecule oral drugs

If it is said to neutralize antibody drugs

It is used to prevent the virus from entering the cell

That small molecule oral drug

It is used to disrupt virus replication plans

After the virus enters the cell factory

The outer protein shell will dissolve

Releases genetic material RNA

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Then, the RNA will do whatever it takes to sneak in

The command center of the cell factory , the nucleus

To the "hit workers" in the factory

Issue an incorrect command

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes
Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

"Hit workers" in various departments of the cell factory

After receiving the instruction

Regardless of three seven twenty-one

Start doing it

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

In this way, the cell factory becomes a virus factory

An army of viruses was produced

Then proceed to infect other healthy cells

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Currently the mainstream small molecule oral drug

There are two kinds of working logic:

One logic is

The drug contains some substances

It looks a lot like parts of the coronavirus

When assembling parts in "hit workers"

These substances are also mixed in

Eventually assembled into a fake virus

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Merck COVID-19 oral drug Molnupiravir

This type of drug is in the face of viral mutations

There are certain advantages

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Another logic is

The drug contains an ingredient

Can make the "hit worker" in key positions

Passive sabotage or even strikes

The production line that directly causes the virus to replicate is paralyzed

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

Today the conditional emergency was approved for import

Pfizer COVID-19 oral drug Paxlovid

It's this kind of medicine

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

This medicine from Pfizer

Can be used to treat adults

With high-risk factors for progression to severe disease

Mild to moderate patients

For example, with advanced age, chronic kidney disease,

Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease,

patients with high risk factors for severe illness

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

I have medicine, can I take off my mask?

The new crown special drugs are currently approved by emergency

Some are conditionally approved

In addition, the new crown virus is extremely easy to mutate

Long-term effects

Especially side effects, etc

It remains to be observed

So prevention is still important

"COVID-19 Vaccine + Mask + COVID-19 Special Drug"

It is also the best combination of COVID-19 prevention and control at present

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

In addition to the above has been approved

Outside of the new crown special drug

There are also many new crown drugs at home and abroad

It is under development

The progress is as follows:

Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes
Nuclear bomb class good! Pfizer's new crown oral drug has been approved in China, and the principle of action can be understood in 3 minutes

China Securities News and China Securities Taurus reporters sorted out according to the research report and the announcement of listed companies

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Reporter: Fu Suying, Guo Jiying, Wang Zhuying, Roger

Editor: Zhang Nan, Ye Song

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