
Gemini's attitude towards love

Gemini's attitude towards love

Everyone's impression of gemini is that they are indiscriminate

I want to think about how to wash it


It's about showing the true side of Gemini

In fact, Gemini is particularly single-minded

This can be seen in their attitude towards idols

The reason for the gems is mostly because


Gemini was similar to Taurus when they first fell in love with someone

Totally engaged in the obliviousness of love

But the personality is too bad for many people to endure

So after being dumped

The two personalities will continue to dialogue and reflect continuously

At this time, the Gemini male gemini will have a disagreement

Although they will all find their own problems

Gemini men will seek change to solve problems from the root

It's just not going to fall in love with someone again, and you're not going to show your true heart

This is the performance of the vast majority of Gemini scumbags

Because he's thinking about loving you

The dark personality will jump out

"Have you forgotten the pain?"

"Forget how that woman hurt you?"

"Do you still want to repeat the mistakes of the past?"

Then he will start to waver

As soon as you find the slightest problem, you will think of saving yourself and retreating

Gemini will become more protective of themselves

Specifically, oil and salt are not eaten, soft and hard

Particularly difficult to chase

Although the Gemini are not easy to chase

Whether it's the performance of gemini men or geminis

It's all because you're not doing well enough

He's not that they haven't fully accepted you yet

You have to convince him not only of his emotional side, but also of his rational side

Because Gemini is really in love with you

You will never do anything to be sorry for you

I'm sure about that

Because it's hard to fall in love with someone and have to pass the double test

So it will be harder to give up on someone

To be with geminis you have to be a little smarter

That's all I said

You should already know who he is

He has minefields and principles that he himself is not clear about

Even if you touch these, it's nothing

Because Gemini not only don't remember revenge

And it is very good at finding problems from themselves

It's just that the mouth is harder

Ignore him when you quarrel

After the quarrel, teach him a good lesson

He's going to apologize to you and he'll change it

Because gemini love is particularly pure

Gemini itself is also particularly pure

And he's willing to change for you

And those who say they want to kill Gemini

Save that

The rational pessimistic side will analyze why it is not appropriate and convince itself

The emotionally optimistic side will enlighten yourself to become happy

Once Gemini really started convincing enlightening themselves

You're certainly not his opponent

After all, he said there was a discussion

You can only shed tears alone

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