
Quanzhou psychology: Children are also stressed and prone to depression.

Quanzhou Anshen Psychological Hospital: The world of adults is always full of troubles, and as our adults, we always think that the world of children is simple, simple, and carefree. Are children really as carefree as we think they are? This is not the case. Your child's emotions are also affected by a variety of emotions. Children can also feel anxious, fearful, sad, helpless, and so on. These emotions put invisible stress on the child.

Is your baby as carefree as we think? In fact, even those seemingly happy babies often suffer from psychological stress from all sides, affected by anxiety, fear, sadness and helplessness...

Quanzhou psychology: Children are also stressed and prone to depression.

How to judge that your baby is under psychological stress?

Love is crying and hard to soothe.

As long as you carefully observe the baby's words and deeds, you can know whether the baby is stressed and how much pressure there is.

When the baby's psychological pressure is relatively small, he will become more difficult to get along with, or when he makes some requests, no matter how you respond, he will be irritable, difficult to soothe, cry more than usual, and become more clingy, especially to the mother.

Quanzhou psychology: Children are also stressed and prone to depression.

Sensitive personality and abnormal behavior

Once your baby's stress is not relieved, it may become more pronounced as stress increases. If you sleep well, it suddenly becomes difficult to fall asleep, even if you fall asleep, you sleep very restlessly, often waking up crying in the middle of the night or being unusually sleepy; poor appetite, even digestive problems such as refusal to eat, anorexia and inability to find the stomach; suddenly, the personality becomes extremely sensitive and difficult to communicate. When the need is not met, there are often some overreactions, such as biting, hitting, pushing, shouting and so on. Suddenly become timid, react strongly when entering an unfamiliar environment or meeting a stranger, or react strongly to certain specific situations; you can't control your bowel movements very well. You often pee your pants or pull in your pants. When the baby has the above behaviors, it often indicates that he is under some kind of psychological pressure.

Quanzhou psychology: Children are also stressed and prone to depression.

The feeling of helplessness is particularly pronounced.

When the baby is stressed, due to the limited language expression ability, it is often impossible to say clearly, and it is likely that he will not get the help of adults in time. Coupled with their lack of knowledge and experience, they are unable to adjust themselves. As a result, feelings of helplessness become particularly prominent. When stress is too high or lasts too long, your baby will have physical or psychological problems such as depression and sleep disturbances.

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