
Ten minutes to read the Indian epic Mahabharata

author:Liu Yu 108
Ten minutes to read the Indian epic Mahabharata

If one were to choose a literary work to serve as a representative bibliography of India, the Mahabharata would most likely be voted out. Written in the fourth century BC, this great epic is one of the most well-known legends in India and a good key for foreigners to understand Indian culture.

The epic tells the story of an "apocalyptic battle" that took place on the Indian subcontinent more than two thousand years ago– two cousins of the Borodoi family, the Hundred Sons of the Kingdom and the Five Sons of Bando, who fought for the ancestral throne and the hegemony of the subcontinent, and set off a majestic and fierce decisive battle in the wilderness of The Great Ganges Plain.

Is this war really human in history? In fact, similar to epic stories such as "Troy", the Mahabharata is also a synthesis of historical facts and myths: the story is undoubtedly based on the war years that really appeared in B.C., but through the artistic play of the poet and the author, it has been stained with a very strong mythological color.

The original text of the Mahabharata is about 12 million words, which can be described as a volume of honking and daunting. In modern times, many famous literary figures in India have compiled shorthand versions of this epic, but most of them are 200,000 or 300,000 words long. The author provides a "speed cost" of more than 10,000 words here, which can allow everyone to roughly appreciate the charm of this epic in about ten minutes.

It should be noted that an important feature of the story of Mahabharata is that the plot is interlocked, and each event must have its antecedents and consequences, everyone has a history story, and its fate depends on what has been said and done. In this way, karma intertwines and converges, making the whole story develop in a natural and lamentable direction.

However, due to space limitations, this article retains only the necessary main plot to promote the development of the core story, while the side stories and detailed descriptions are mostly simplified. After reading it, if you feel that you are not happy enough, I recommend a rewritten version of the "Story of Mahabharata" (domestic translation) rewritten by Rajago Paracharya, who was the governor of India.

Well, without further ado, let's enter the epic world!

Ten minutes to read the Indian epic Mahabharata

Main characters

Borodho: In ancient times, the Indian continent was unified, and the capital was Elephant City. The Blessed King is his descendant.

Heavenly Oath: The son of the Blessed King and the Goddess of the Ganges, and the uncle of the Ruler and the Lord.

Holding the country: the blind regent, the father of the hundred sons of the country such as the enemy, and the founder of the Julu tribe.

Bando: The frail king, the father of the five sons of Bando (nominally), the founder of the Bando clan.

Gundy: Wife of Bandu, mother of The Five Sons of Bandu, and illegitimate son Garner.

Garner: The illegitimate son of Gunti and the sun god, he is a strong and heroic warrior who is difficult to meet with opponents.

Jian Zhan: The eldest son of Pandu, whose biological father is actually the god of the Fa-rectification. Leader of the Bando clan and the rightful heir to the Bharata throne.

Arjuna: The third son of Bandhu, whose biological father was actually the god of war. The best samurai of the Bando clan.

Difficult enemy: The head of the hundred sons of the country, the leader of the Julu clan. He was married to Garna as a righteous brother.

Black Sky: The leader of the Yadu clan and a good friend of Arjuna. He is actually the human incarnation of Vishnu, one of the main gods of Hinduism.


I. Heavenly Oath: "I will practice Brahmanical practice, never marry, and always guard the Lord of Elephant City"

2. Garner: "Only one of me and Arjuna can survive"

3. Arjuna: "Mom, we have got a great treasure"

Fourth, difficult to fight: "I will not even give the Bando clan a place the size of a needle tip"

5. Black sky

1. "You choose me or my army"

2. "Please teach me how to kill you"

3. "Sometimes it's better to lie than to tell the truth"

4. "We finally did it, and Garner is not afraid of it"

6. Epilogue


In the wilderness of Kulu in the northern part of the continent of Borneo, two large armies were pitted against each other. The war horses hissed low, the dust was not blowing, and the air was filled with the smell of time stopping. Occasionally, soldiers would whisper to each other, but the generals on both sides were silent. This is not the time to speak.

A dozen of the most exquisite and magnificent chariots, either by four or six high-headed horses, stood some samurai in armor, or priests with braided hair, most of them with solemn expressions. It was they who gathered these hundreds of thousands of troops in this wilderness with spring grass. They understand more than anyone else what this war that is about to begin means.

At the end of the Third Age, the story of the First Age of Truth is already an extremely old legend, and the Fourth Age of Sin has not yet been seen with their own eyes. In this third age, although people have been contaminated with greed, fraud and obsession, the Dhamma — morality, norms, virtues — has not yet been extinguished, and there have been several great heroes of the lighthouse style who have illuminated this continent. Even the head of the cangs vaguely knows that there are things in the world that are more important than interests and desires.

* In the Hindu conception, the development of world history can be divided into four stages: the age of truth, the second age, the third age, and the age of sin, from front to back, when the good of man decreases continuously, while the evil gradually increases.

Almost all of the best of the continent are on the battlefield today. The continent of Borneo split into two camps, the Julu clan led by the Hundred Sons of the Kingdom, and the Pandu clan led by the Five Sons of The Pradu. Other princes and tribal leaders, large and small, have made their position clear with their positions. Neutrals are not allowed and do not exist. Between the two armies, a wandering wild horse would be torn in half.

Quiet atmosphere for memories.

I don't know the date, but probably a dozen centuries ago, the great general Borodok once unified the crowd and planted the western red flag on the top of the Himalayas, and the continent was named after him. Its descendants, the Borodos, have been the hegemons of India, and after many generations of inheritance, the throne fell into the hands of the blessed king.

In order to save the cursed eight gods who must fall to the mortal world, the goddess of the Ganges descended into the mortal world, and she was united with the king of the Borneo tribe, the Blessed King. But every time she gave birth to a child reincarnated by the gods, she mercilessly threw them into the river and let them return to heaven; the blessed king forcibly saved the last child and named it the Heavenly Oath. The goddess of the Ganges left the Blessed King with the Oath of Heaven. Since childhood, Tianzhu has studied the scriptures with the Jiyu Immortals and learned martial arts with the axe-wielding Rama, which can be described as both literary and martial arts.

Since his wife's departure, the Blessed King has been depressed. Once, when he was out to relax, he suddenly saw a beautiful and strong-looking teenager shooting arrows at the Ganges With a bow and arrow, and the game-like action actually cut off the entire river. The blessed king was so surprised that the goddess of the Ganges appeared at this moment and said to him, "This child is your son Heavenly Oath." I've raised him as an adult, you accept him. After saying that, he went back to the heavenly court.

The Fusheng King was very happy and returned to the capital City with the Heavenly Oath and made the Heavenly Oath the Crown Prince. Four years later, King Fukumi met a beautiful fisherwoman named Zhenxin and fell in love with her at first sight. But Zhenxin's father insisted that he would not hand over his daughter to king Fushiki unless the children he gave birth to in the future could inherit the throne. The Fusheng King was unwilling to deprive him of the inheritance right of the Heavenly Oath for this reason, but he could not forget the fisherwoman, and sighed day and night.

Tianwu was a filial child, and when he heard about this, in order to promote the happiness of the blessed king, he found the father of the fisherwoman and said, "I don't want the throne, please marry your daughter to my father!" ”

The fisherman said, "Although you do not want the throne, in the future your children will grow up and force the descendants of my daughter to hand over the throne. ”

The Heavenly Oath said loudly, "Then, I will practice Brahmanical practice, never marry, and always guard the Lord of elephant city!" Even though I will not have a son, the immortal world in heaven will belong to me! ”

Ten minutes to read the Indian epic Mahabharata

Since then, The Heavenly Oath has been to keep the festival all his life and faithfully guard the Borneo for a lifetime.

Although the Blessed King embraced the beauty, he always felt that he owed his son, and soon died of guilt. Zhenxin gave birth to two sons, Hua Jun and Qiwu, for king Fusheng, and Tianzhuo did his best to assist these two younger brothers. The brave Hua Jun took the throne after the death of King Fusheng, but soon died at the hands of a god on the battlefield. Qiwu succeeded to the throne. Soon after, Qiwu reached the age of marriage and vowed to look around for a suitable wife for his brother.

He heard that king Kagu had three beautiful daughters, so he went to courtship, defeated all the kings in a manner of chadi, and brought the three girls back to his chariot to be his brother's daughter-in-law. At this time, the grand princess Anba suddenly opened her mouth, and she told Tianwu that she had fallen in love with King Sharuwa, and the two had made a private lifelong decision, asking Tianzhu to put herself back and reunite with King Sharuwa.

Heavenly Oath agreed sensibly. Unexpectedly, after Amba returned to King Charois, Shaluwa, who had been defeated by the Oath of Heaven in the Battle of the Princesses, thought that accepting a woman who had been snatched away was humiliating to himself, and ruthlessly turned Amba away. Amber returned to the city of The Corpse, and her father also hated her and would not let her go home. Anba had no way, and went to find Tianwu again, wanting him to marry himself, but Tianwu had made a vow not to marry for life, and could only reject Anba.

The unfortunate Amba was homeless, weeping and wandering in the forest, and she thought to herself, "The source of all my misfortune is the oath of heaven." If he hadn't taken me of this, I wouldn't be in this situation now. But I am a weak woman, but he is like the first samurai today, how can I take revenge on him? ”

Amba came to the forest to practice asceticism alone, and after many years finally won the favor of Shiva. Shiva promised her to be reborn as a man in her next life and to kill the Oath of Heaven. When the vengeful Amba heard about it, she immediately lit a big fire and jumped into the fire herself, ending her tragic life.

Later, she was indeed reincarnated as the son of the Muzhu King, who was transformed from a woman to a man, and met the Heavenly Oath again on the battlefield of Julu Nono.

After Tianwu's younger brother Qiwu ascended the throne, he married two wives, but he had not yet given birth and died of lung disease. Zhenxin originally wanted Tianzhu to inherit the throne and marry and have children, but Tianwu resolutely refused in order to keep his promise.

There was no other way, so Zhenxin had to summon his son Guangbo Xianren, who had been born before marrying the Fusheng King, and let him unite with the two queens and have children by seed. The eldest son born to him is physically strong, but he is blind and disabled, and the younger son, although his limbs are sound, is weak and sick since childhood.

When he grew up, he married the princess of Gandhara. In order to share the happiness and suffering with the blind country, the princess blindfolded herself. When she and the child of the country were born, they were a freak, faceless and limbless, like a large ball of flesh.

When the Guangbo Immortals found out, they said that he could cure this freak. Only to see him divide the meat balls into a hundred parts and put them into a hundred jars, and after a hundred days, a hundred baby boys broke out of the altars. Zhiguo was overjoyed, and the name of the eldest son was difficult to be an enemy, and later the enemy became the leader of the hundred sons of the country and even the Julu clan.

Due to the disability of the holder of the country, he could not take the throne according to the regulations, so Herandu inherited the throne of the Borodoi. Bando married Princess Gunti. As a teenager, Gundy learned a "Son-Seeking Curse" from the Immortals, and if she wanted, she could let any god descend and give birth to a child with her. Out of curiosity, she secretly used it once before marriage, and as a result, she summoned the sun god and gave birth to Garner, who was as heroic as the sun god and wore golden armor at birth. Gunti was frightened and put Garna in a basket and into the Ganges. The wandering Garner is rescued by a lowly coachman and raised to adulthood.

King Bando was very anxious that he had no heirs, so Gundy told Him the Curse of Seeking Sons. With The consent of Pandu, Gunti gave birth to the Elder Jianzhan with the God of The Fa- and the God of Wind, and the God of War, respectively. With the God of Dawn gave birth to twin brothers Seedless and Kaitian. These five children are called the five sons of Pandu. They all inherited divinity and different personalities from their fathers. Among them, the old third Azhou was the son of the god of war, and in all respects he was a model of Theradira, resolute and courageous, heroic, and a samurai among the samurai.

The frail Bandu died before reaching middle age. The five sons were young and had to be held by their great uncle as regents. As the uncle of the Hundred Sons of the Kingdom and the Fifth Son of Prajnaparamita, The Heavenly Oath is the most respected figure in the Borodau tribe. He invited Master Derona, a disciple of the axe-wielding Rama, to teach the five sons of Pratunam and the hundred sons of the kingdom to teach them the martial arts.

After a period of cultivation, the strength and weakness of the princes gradually appeared. Among them, The third son of Bandu, Arjuna, and Ma Yong, the son of Drona, were The most proud disciples of Drona, while the eldest son of the state, Nan enemy, and the second son of Bandu, were good at using iron pestles, and they were also heroic. The Raiders inherited the divine powers of their father, the Wind God, and often bullied them with their strength when playing games with the Hundred Sons of the Kingdom. Although the enemy was still a child at the time, there was no malice in these actions, but since childhood, the enemy and his brothers had hated the five sons of Pandu; before they had grown up, the narrow-minded enemy tried to murder the army several times, but was evaded again and again by the strong and terrible army.

As the years passed, the five sons of Pandao and the hundred sons of the ruler had reached adulthood. In the annual contest between princes, Arjuna performed superb archery and weapon skills, which was unanimously appreciated by everyone. The enemy and his brothers were jealous.

At this moment, a handsome young strange samurai entered the venue and challenged Arjuna. He had done all the things that Arjuna had done, and he had done it better than Arjuna, the son of the sun god, and this man was Garner, who was wrapped in the armor of the gods. Seeing that someone had embarrassed Acharna, he rushed up to embrace Garna and praised his strength and skill.

Ajana felt insulted and angrily demanded to go head-to-head with Garner. Garner proudly accepted Arjuna's dueling challenge. The two men stood neatly on the school grounds, and just as Garner and Arjuna were about to raise their longbows, Arjuna said, "I will not kill the nameless." Report your parents and family first! ”

Hearing this, Garner bowed his face in shame, because he did not know who his biological parents were. Seeing that Garner was in trouble, in order to give him the qualification to challenge Arjuna, he immediately went to the school grounds, gave Himrna an empowerment, made him a nobleman, and made him sit on the throne.

Just then, The adoptive father of the coachman in Garner, dressed in tattered clothes, trembled into the school yard to find his son. As soon as Garner saw him, he ran down from his throne and bowed down in front of his father. The adoptive father hugged Garner, and tears rolled down on his son's head, which had just been wet from the empowerment.

When the soldier saw this, he laughed and said, "Son of the coachman! You don't deserve to die at the hands of Ajana, you better go and catch the car! You don't deserve to be a nobleman, a slut! Garner heard the taunt, and his lips trembled involuntarily.

The enemy stood up angrily and said, "The origin of the warrior, the source of the river, is not clear. What could be more important than strength for a Chadili? Garner was so skilled in martial arts, why didn't he deserve to be a nobleman? Such a man should rule the earth, not just a small fiefdom! Garner, I am willing to be a brother of life and death with you! The audience applauded the words of the enemy, and Garner looked at the enemy with gratitude, and from then on, his life and friendship were entrusted to him.

When Garna saw that Ajana did not care to duel with him, he had to leave the scene in anger, and before leaving he swore to the princes and nobles present: "I Garner will prove my nobility with my ability." Arjuna, I will duel you on the battlefield in the future, and at that time, only one of us will survive! ”

Ten minutes to read the Indian epic Mahabharata

Arjuna's father, the God of War, knew that in the whole land, in terms of martial arts, Garner was the only one who could threaten his son Arjuna, and Garner's innate god armor made him invincible. So he became a fleeing Brahmin who came to Garna, falsely claiming that he had been hunted down and asked Him to give alms to the armor he was born with.

In order to practice the morality of the samurai, Garner generously used a sword to cut off the armor that grew on his body and gave it to the god of war. Seeing Garner's bloodied appearance, the God of War could not help but be moved, he showed his true body, and gave a magical javelin called "Libao" to Garner. He told Garner that the javelin had a hundred shots, and the one in the middle would undoubtedly die, but it could only be used once, and then it would be taken back.

The god of war silently prayed that this javelin would not be used on Arjuna.

Soon after, the enemy wanted to murder bandu wuzi, so in the name of participating in the tournament, he tricked bandu wuzi and Gunti into going to the elephant city and let them live in a flammable lac palace. In the middle of the night, the enemy's traitors set fire to the palace, fortunately, Jianzhan detected the conspiracy of the enemy in advance, found someone to dig a tunnel, and escaped from the Lac Palace in the fire.

The five sons of Bandu wandered all the way to the kingdom of Banjara. Just at this time, the monarch of the country, King Muzhu, hoped to choose a husband for his daughter The Black Princess through a contest and held a grand ceremony. It is said that the Black Princess was born in flames and was famous for her beauty, so princes and great warriors from all over the world came to watch the ceremony, and the five sons of Pando also disguised themselves as Brahmins to participate.

The game consists of pulling open a hard bow and hitting the bullseye with an arrow. The position of the bullseye is very peculiar: a long pole is erected on the ground, and at the top of it is a circular wooden plate. The disc is constantly rotating, and the bullseye is on a small wooden fish carved on this rotating disc. At the bottom of the pole is a pool of water, allowing only the shooter to judge the position by looking at the reflection in this pool while aiming, and then use the bow and arrow to shoot through the moving fish on the wooden pole. Obviously, only a top scorer can pass the test.

Many famous heroes can't pull the big bow and wind it up. Garner stepped forward and pulled the bow with ease, but when he was halfway through, the Black Princess stood up proudly and said, "I will not marry the son of a coachman." Garner heard this, sighed, and threw away the half-pulled bow.

One by one, many kings and princes tried to shoot the small fish, but all failed. At this moment, Arjuna, who appeared in the form of a Brahmin, stood up, he calmly pulled open the bow, twisted the bow string on the ground, and then without hesitation, he took the bow and took the arrow, hit the bullseye, and shot through the fish's eye. His neat and beautiful performance successfully wins the Black Princess and her heart, bringing the Black Princess home.

As soon as he reached the shelter, Ajanta excitedly said to Gundy, "Mom, we have got a great treasure." ”

Gundy didn't know that he was bringing back the Black Princess, and said casually, "Then share it with the five brothers and brothers." The mother's fate could not be violated, so the Black Princess became the common wife of the five sons of Bando.

The Black Princess made a pact with the five sons of Bando for a one-year period in which she would take turns as the wives of her five brothers. During that year, the other brothers could never be alone in the same room as her. In the year that the Black Princess lived with Jianzhan, Azhouna once wanted to go to Jianzhan's room to get a weapon, and on a moment's notice, he happened to bump into the Black Princess sitting alone in the room. Arjuna knew that he had broken the agreement, so he bid farewell to his brothers and exiled himself for a year as punishment.

Arjuna left alone for the Himalayas to practice. One day, Arjuna shot a wild boar in the woods, and at the same time an arrow from a mountain hunter also hit the wild boar. The hunter and Ajana quarreled over the ownership of the wild boar, and finally fought. Strangely, the brave and invincible Azhouna was not the hunter's opponent at all, he finished shooting the arrow, broke the sword, the hunter was still unscathed, and laughed and took Azhouna's bow and strangled him tightly. Just when Ah Zhou Na thought that he was bound to die, the hunter actually smiled and retreated.

It turned out that the hunter was Shiva, and he was now playing in the Himalayas with his wife, the Goddess of the Snow Mountain. Shiva was touched by Acharna's indomitable spirit and lent his weapon, the Beast Master Magic Weapon, to Arjuna. After receiving Shiva's weapon, the God of War himself came down to meet his beloved son, and Ajana came to heaven on the chariot of the God of War to help his father fight asura and learn powerful fighting methods, only to return to his brother and wife a year later.

Ten minutes to read the Indian epic Mahabharata

Unfortunately, the marriage of the five sons of Bando and the Black Princess revealed their identities. The enemy was greatly annoyed to know that the five brothers were not dead. But the old regent insisted on the right way, and was not lost in jealousy and greed like his son. After some disputes, Zhiguo decided to welcome back the Bando clan and gave half of the land to the five sons of Bando.

Therefore, the eldest son of Bandu decided to set the capital of God of War City. The City of the God of War was an ancient and barren capital city, and when the five sons of Bando arrived, the city had become dilapidated, but they led the people to build this originally deserted ancient capital into a magnificent new city with wonderful and wide roads. The land that was given to the Bandu was originally a relatively barren half, but Jianzhan and his five brothers ruled the country by righteousness, and after a few years, the general land was built into a royal paradise, the richest place in all of India.

After twelve years of rule over the country, the prestige of the God of War City has become stronger and stronger, the treasury is sufficient, the people are happy, and the near and far are happy. The four brothers of the Jianzhan faction led an army to conquer the surrounding countries, and many countries took the initiative to submit to the King of Jianzhan. Finally, Jianzhan gathered the princes and nobles of all countries on the mainland and held a grand royal sacrifice in the Great Hall of the God of War City.

The enemy also came to participate in the king's sacrifice. Seeing the land ruled by the Bando clan so prosperous in God of War City, jealousy devoured his heart like a bug. The floor of the Great Hall is made of crystal. When the enemy passed by and thought it was a pond, he pulled up his clothes and planned to flow over; after realizing that he was wrong, he sullenly wandered around, and when he came to a clear pond, he thought it was another crystal land, so he went straight to the surface of the water, and as a result, he fell into the water and made a mess. Seeing this scene, all the People of The Pandu clan outside of Jianzhan couldn't help but laugh.

The enemy returned to the elephant city, and was disturbed by jealousy and hatred, and was in pain. It is said that Jianzhan is fond of playing dice, but he is not very good at it; and Shagunni is just proficient in this way, knows all kinds of gambling methods and tricks, and can completely use gambling methods to seize everything in Jianzhan. Therefore, the two grind the country and ask the country to let Jianzhan participate in the gambling game. Zhiguo knew that his son was not at ease, but he could not withstand the entanglement of the enemy, and finally he was shaken in the face of power and wealth, so he sent a messenger to the City of the God of War to invite Jianzhan to fight.

Jian Zhan failed to resist the temptation to gamble and went to Elephant City. In the game, Sagaonni represents the difficult enemy, and he easily plays the battle on the palm of his hand. Jian zhan first lost money and treasure, servants and army, and then lost the whole land and people, and after losing again, the red-eyed jian zhan bet several brothers on the table one by one, and lost to Shagunni with himself, and finally bit his teeth, even taking the beloved black princess as a bet. As a result, both the five sons of Bando and the Black Princess became slaves to the enemy.

The fifth son of Bandu now had nothing, and even the clothes on his body had been lost to the enemy. The enemy rudely dragged the unknown black princess by her hair to the synagogue, trying to insult her in public. The Black Princess cried and cursed, and Jian Zhan could only stand in the same place in pain. Garner said something cool on the side, saying that the fifth son of Pandu was an incompetent person, and asked the black princess to remarry as soon as possible. The terrified army trembled with anger, and he roared at the enemy, "Damn the enemy, you dare to treat the Black Princess like this, if I don't use the iron pestle to break your thigh in the future, I won't be able to enter the ancestral paradise after death." He vowed to kill a hundred sons of the ruler on the battlefield in the future.

As soon as these words were uttered, all kinds of ominous signs appeared around the synagogue, shocking everyone present. The country that had been silent could not bear it, and he finally began to calm the situation, comfort his nephew and daughter-in-law, Princess Black, and return everything they had lost in the battle to the Panda clan and let them return to the God of War City.

The enemy was very dissatisfied, and made a big fuss in front of the country, believing that his father had completely let the tiger return to the mountain. The weak king was shaken again in front of his son, and he had to send someone to call them back and set up a gamble again. Jian Zhan knew that this was a trap, but the temptation of gambling made it difficult for him to sustain himself. This time, if either side loses, it must be exiled in the forest for twelve years, and the thirteenth year must be spent in anonymity in the vast sea of people, and if it is recognized, it must be exiled for another twelve years, in anonymity for a year, and so on.

Shaguni once again used tricks in gambling and won the battle without suspense. The fifth son of Bando and the Black Princess had to give up the throne and entrust their mother Gonti to the care of The Oath of Heaven, while she herself was dressed in antelope skin and embarked on a difficult and bumpy road of exile. When they left, Jian Zhan, feeling extremely ashamed, covered his face with clothes. Ajana was also dejected, and the Son of the Wind God, the Terror Army, waved his arms in retaliation with force.

When he heard that the five sons of Bandu now lived in the forest, slept on the mud and made a living by hunting, they were overjoyed to see for themselves how they were suffering. With his army, he went to the place where the Bandu clan lived, but he did not expect to overdo it halfway and offend the Qianmin Po King, who was on vacation. King Qianmin's army defeated the enemy's army, and the enemy was captured. This matter reached the ears of the Bandu brothers, who insisted on letting the reluctant brothers rescue the difficult enemy regardless of the previous suspicions. King Qianmin knew that Jianzhan was a man of high moral character, and did not want to make an enemy of him, so he let the enemy go.

The enemy thought that he was actually saved by the enemy, and he was ashamed and embarrassed, and almost committed suicide by hunger strike. Garner rushed to comfort him, vowing that he would defeat the five sons of Bandu on the battlefield. However, instead of reflecting on his own actions and being grateful for Jianzhan, he thought that this was a great humiliation to himself, and his hatred for the five sons of Pandu became more and more profound.

In the thirteenth year, after deliberation, the five sons of Bando decided to spend the last year in the palace of the Kingdom of Macha. Jian Zhan played with the king's dice, Ajana disguised herself as a eunuch who taught singing and dancing, the terrified army as a cook, Wu Seed and Kaitian took care of the livestock, and the Black Princess became the queen's maid. The queen's brother Kutake, the country's army marshal, was a rough, greedy and lustful man who took a fancy to the Black Princess and frequently harassed her.

The Black Princess had no choice but to cry to the Terrorist Army. The soldier said, "You can rest assured, you tricked that guy into going to a place where no one was, and I'll fix the rest." So, the Black Princess pretended to agree to a date with Kutake and let him wait for him in the middle of the night in the dark in the dance hall. Kutake happily went there, but encountered an angry army dressed as the Black Princess. The two Hercules fought for a while in the night, and finally the empty bamboo was killed alive by the terrorist army, and all the limbs were stuffed into the body, like a ball of meat.

At this moment, the enemy was sitting in the elephant city, and was distressed that the spies sent out could not find the fifth son of Bandu, and when he heard about this matter, he shouted: "I know the empty bamboo, and there is no one else in this land who can kill him like this except the terror army." So he led an army to attack the capital of the Mocha kingdom, ShuiwuCheng. On the last day of the thirteen-year covenant, the enemy met the five sons of Pandu. At this time, the Bandu believed that thirteen years had passed, and they had completed their exile according to the requirements of the gambling contract, so they should return the land to them. The enemy declared that since thirteen years had not yet been completely over, Ajanta met and recognized them on the battlefield, so the Bandu should be exiled for another twelve years.

Jian Zhan made the biggest concession, hoping that even if the enemy side only gave himself five villages. The enemy rudely vetoed it completely, and declared, "I will not even give the Bandu clan a place the size of a needle tip!" ”

Ten minutes to read the Indian epic Mahabharata

The dispute between the two sides could not be resolved, and for a time, the political atmosphere on the continent of Borneo suddenly became tense. Jian Zhan informs all allies to actively prepare for battle. The enemy also began to launch a war machine. So all the kings gathered their armies, either to the Bundu or to the insurmountable Khulu tribes, and the princes and famous warriors of all the countries in the land of India were involved in the war.

1. "You want me to be my army"

The Yadu people live in the middle of the continent of Borneo, and their national strength is strong and fierce. Its leader, Black Sky, is known for his resourcefulness. The Great War was about to begin, and both the Bandu and the Julu wanted to win the Black Sky and the Yadu as their allies.

Ten minutes to read the Indian epic Mahabharata

Black Sky is full of friendship for the Bando Clan, especially admiring the martial courage of Azhouna. Years ago, the two formed an unbreakable and extraordinary friendship. Once, Black Sky invited Azhouna to a festival in the city of Domon, where he ruled, and during the festival, Azhouna fell in love with Black Sky's sister Myo Hyun. Instigated by the Black Sky, Ajana married Myo Hyun back to the God of War City. After marriage, Myo Hyun gave birth to the best young warrior of the five sons of Bando for Ajuna.

During the preparations, Ajana went to Duomen City to visit the black sky. At about the same time, the enemy also came to Dadomen City. When they arrived at the Black Sky Residence, the Black Sky was sleeping on the bed, and the enemy stood impatiently at the head of the Black Sky Bed, and Ajana stood at the end of the bed, respectfully waiting for the Black Sky to wake up.

When he woke up in the dark, he first saw Acharna standing at his feet, and greeted him with a smile. The enemy protested loudly, saying that he and the Bando clan were relatives of the Black Sky and should therefore receive equal support. Black Sky then divided his power into two parts, one for the Yadu army and the other for Black Sky himself, but he vowed not to take up arms on the battlefield. Since Black Sky saw Arjuna first, he was the first to choose. Ajana did not hesitate to choose the black sky not to participate in the war, while the difficult enemy secretly rejoiced, because he had obtained a powerful Yadu army.

Black Sky's biggest concern was that Garner was now serving in a difficult army, and he was the only warrior who could match Ajana. So Black Sky secretly found Gunti, the fifth son of Bandu and Garner's common mother, and asked her to persuade Garner to leave the enemy and return to his true brother.

The two find Garner and tell him his true origins. Gundy said to Garner with tears in her eyes: "Garner, you are not a pariah who drives the car, your father is the sun god, and I am your biological mother." You should be on the side of your brother. "The Black Sky also assured Garna that as soon as he returned to the side of the Bandu, all his brothers would recognize him as the eldest son, that Jianzhan would cede the throne and land to him, and that Arjuna and the Jurchen army would greet him warmly and sincerely with open arms."

Garner was shocked at first, but thinking that his natural endowment was different from ordinary people, he knew that what the two said was not false. He couldn't help but shed tears when he thought of his tortuous and tragic life. When Garner calmed down, he said to Gundy, "You abandoned me in your infancy, and since then my reputation and honor have been ruined." Although you are my mother, you have done me more harm than any enemy. You are now coming to show me the truth for the sake of profit. If I join the Bando clan now, who doesn't think I'm out of fear? My parents will always be drivers, and I will always be the son of a coachman. ”

Then he thanked Black Sky for his kindness and said, "Gonti abandoned me, and the coachman raised me." The Son of the Nation always respects me, how can I not repay him? I have enjoyed an unbeatable wealth and cannot betray my faith. ”

Garner saw Gundy's tearful eyes and felt very painful. He comforted his biological mother and said, "However, since I already know the truth, then I will not kill other brothers on the battlefield, but Arjuna must die." In any case, in the end, you will still have five sons. ”

When Black Sky heard Garner's resolute answer, he felt very helpless and had to return to the Jianzhan Army with regret.

The battle was about to begin, and the armies were facing each other in the field of Julu, and all indications were that it would be an unusually bloody and cruel war. The Bando Army was divided into seven armies. Black Sky swore not to fight, so he served as the emperor for Arjuna and drove the chariot for him. On the other side, the enemy also led eleven large armies into the field of Julu. The enemy army is also full of talents, and the common Pazouf heavenly oath of both sides is to serve as a grand marshal. He had vowed to always guard the Lord of Elephant City and would never renege on his promise under any circumstances.

At this time, there was a commotion in the Bandu army, and JianZhan actually took off his armor, laid down his weapons, jumped off the chariot, and crossed the open space between the two armies with his hands folded. Four brothers followed. The army was terrified, thinking that the peace-loving battle wanted to surrender. But Black Sky smiled and said, "The King of Jianzhan only followed the ancient etiquette and went to ask for the blessings of the elders and teachers before going to war." ”

The masters who had raised the five sons of Pradu and taught them Vedic knowledge and fighting skills, including The Oath of Heaven, Drona and others, were now fighting for the Hundred Sons of the Julu clan. Although they opposed the war, and their hearts and morals were on the side of the Pandao clan, they had to take up arms to fight the former students.

Jian Zhan walked over to Tianwu and performed the most solemn ritual to Tianwu, the touch ceremony, and then said, "Uncle Grandfather, I am going to go to war with you, please agree, I want to receive blessings from you." ”

Tenjo said sadly, "I bless you, son of Bandu!" What a pity, man is a slave to wealth, and the Julu people have bound me with wealth. I must keep my promise and fight for the lord of the elephant city. ”

At the beginning of the war, the sound of war drums and horns was joined with the roar of horses, elephants, and the cries of soldiers. Faced with the numerically superior army of the Julu clan, the Bandu clan lined up the thunder pestle lineup. Seeing that the opposing army was full of his relatives and friends, Ajana suddenly felt extremely frustrated, and he doubted the legitimacy of the war.

With tears in his eyes, he said to the black sky: "When I was a child, I crawled in the dirt and played, and because I didn't understand things, I grabbed the leg of the pants of the oath and shouted: 'Daddy, Daddy.' He picked me up and said, 'I'm not your dad, it's your dad's dad.' 'How can I do this to him?' All my bow and arrow skills came from Master Drona, who loved me more than his own child, and his son Ma Yong treated me like a brother. Now I'm going to kill these people, and it's terrible.

And what is the purpose of our killing each other like this? Just for the property. With so many dead people coming, and we or they have triumphed, what happiness is there to speak of? ...... I continued to fight only because I was afraid that people would laugh at me for being cowardly and laughing at my submissive tolerance of others' evil deeds. As soon as I saw the fallen soldiers lying on the battlefield, I felt tremendous pain in my heart. Alas, how evil it is for us to carry out such a cruel criminal act! Black sky, please tell me how to be good? ”

Therefore, the black sky enlightened Arjuna, teaching him not to fall into confusion because of the sorrow of the body, to know that the soul is not born and does not die; do not act for the result, abandon the attachment to success or failure, obey the vocation of Thera, and enter the battle with peace of mind. "But rest on its deeds, and rest on its consequences." Just to be in violation of the Tao, not to have success or failure in mind. Ajana heeded the persuasion of the black sky and took up the weapon again.

However, on the first day of the battle, the Julu Army was unfavorable and suffered heavy losses. The enemy accused The Heavenly Oath of being on the side of the Pandao Clan and fighting ineffectively. The Heavenly Oath said to the enemy, "The Bandu clan is on the side of justice, and whether I try my best or not, they will be victorious." However, I will prove to you my strength. He showed great might, and killed many brave generals of the Bandu clan in succession, and the Bandu army could not resist him and fell behind.

The next day, The Heavenly Oath once again assured the enemy that he would throw himself into battle with all his might. Indeed, he was possessed by the gods, killing fourteen thousand warriors of the Bando Clan in the Great War. The Bando Army was defeated by the veteran warriors alone. Just when the Generals of the Panda Clan were helpless, Black Sky said, "I know how to do it." ”

In the night, The Dark Sky quietly visited the Oath of Heaven and asked for advice on how to kill him. Heaven swore, "As long as I let Ah Zhou Na hide behind the bundle of hair and shoot arrows at me, there is nothing I can do." Because the hair tie was princess Amba in her previous life, I had owed her, and I would not take a shot at her. ”

On the third day, the Bandu did indeed send the bundle in front of the battle, and asked Ajana and the Terrorist Army to cooperate with him. Black Sky ordered all armies to rush to heaven. The Heavenly Oath killed countless soldiers of the Pandu Army, armed with bows and arrows, and no king dared to force him to look at him. With the help of Ajana and the Terrifying Army, Shu Fa finally rushed to the front of the Heavenly Oath Formation. For the attack of the bundle of hair, the Heavenly Oath did not even dodge nor dodge, nor did he fire an arrow at the bundle. He felt that the time of his death had finally arrived.

The heroic veteran decided to accept the fateful arrangement. He stopped attacking Ajana, who shot off The Oath's javelin and all his bows, and the Oath took up his sword and shield and tried to fight on foot, but Ajana destroyed his shield. Numerous Bando warriors besieged the Heavenly Oath and drew their bows and drew strings to shoot at him. Tianwu's body was full of sharp arrows, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, his head was facing east, and he fell from the chariot.

The clamor of the battle suddenly stopped, the sun dimmed, and the earth kept wailing. Everyone's hearts fell along with the Heavenly Oath, and the soldiers of the Julu and Bando clans all turned their faces back in grief. When Drona heard the news, he fainted from the chariot in grief and fell. The generals on both sides laid down their arms, removed their armor, and respectfully came to him to salute. Because his whole body was full of sharp arrows, The Heavenly Oath body did not touch the ground. He lay on a bed of arrows, the highest honor a halter samurai could enjoy when he was dying.

3. Sometimes it's better to lie than to tell the truth"

After the fall of the Oath of Heaven, Garner elected Drona as Grand Marshal, and the war resumed.

On the fourth day, Drona led the Julu army, which was lined up in a lotus line, to the battle. The warriors such as the Terrible Army, the Bundled Hair, and the Wooden Pillar King could not resist Drona's onslaught. Garner also pounced on the Terror like the God of Death, killing the Terror's royal hands and horses, and flying the Spear and Sword of the Terror. But he didn't kill the Horde, because he had promised Gonti that he would never kill his brothers except Ajana.

Three-quarters of the night passed, the dawn gradually emerged, and the fierce battle was still going on. Drona was brave and killed the veteran Wooden Pillar King in battle. Seeing that Drona was killing wildly, and the Bando army was invincible, Black Sky said to Jianzhan: "Drona is so brave, even the God of War cannot defeat him." Whatever fa-rectification he has, use the trick to win! Drona's only concern is his son Ma Yong, and if Ma Yong dies, he will definitely be dead. Let's lie to him and tell him that Ma Yong is dead! ”

The Battle of Kinkito did not agree at first, but Drona's valor made the Pando army begin to retreat. The sons of Bandu, who were already mad, all agreed with the Black Sky's plan, and Jian Zhan reluctantly agreed. The terrorist army killed an elephant named Ma Yong with an iron pestle, and then shouted at Drona, who was fighting at the front line: "I killed Ma Yong!" When Drona heard this, his heart was shocked, as if he heard a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and he cried out in a sad voice: "Jianzhan, my good boy, is this true?" Because Jian Zhan never lied in his life, Drona believed that he would not tell a lie even for the sake of the Three Realms.

Black Sky saw Jian zhan hesitate and whispered to him anxiously, "Sometimes lies are better than truth, and I tell you the truth, if Drona fights like this for half a day, the Pandu army will be completely destroyed." ”

Jian Zhan knew that Black Sky was telling the truth, so he plucked up enough courage to answer Drona loudly: "It's true." But out of self-blame, he said in a voice so small that only he could hear: "It is the elephant Ma Yong." ”

As soon as the words fell, the wheels of the battle vehicle crashed to the ground. In the past, his chariots were always suspended from the ground, four fingers away from the earthly world, and not stained with the dust of the world, but now, the monarch, known as the king of the Fa-rectification, has also fallen into the dust of the deceivers.

The terrified army came to the dumbfounded Drona, pointed at him and scolded, "Not killing is the supreme law of the Brahmins, but you shamelessly assist in this meaningless massacre." "Drona had already lost his desire to survive when he heard his son die, and when he heard the condemnation of the terrible army, he immediately felt that everything was gray, laid down his weapon, stepped off the chariot, and meditated on the battlefield. The son of king Muzhu took the opportunity to step forward, and despite the persuasion of the generals on both sides, he cut off Drona's head with a sword.

Ma Yong, knowing that his father had been killed by the Bando clan using improper means, became furious and vowed to take revenge on Xue. Like his father, he had always liked the fifth son. Even though his father loved his proud student Ajana more than himself, he was never jealous. Since the Great War, although he fought for the Julu Army, he was on the side of the Pandao Clan in his heart, and for this reason, he had been accused of being ineffective in battle by the enemy many times. But now, the hatred of killing his father had washed away all goodwill and fraternity, and Ma Yong had killed the Army of the Like Du Clan like a red eye, and the army had escaped under the protection of the black sky.

At this critical juncture, Jianzhan summoned Azhouna's son to his side: "You are the best warrior of the new generation of the Pandao family, and now only you can break through this formation and stop Ma Yong's attack." "My father taught me how to break the line, but I don't know how to rush out of the line after I go in." Jian Zhan said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you break through the formation, we will follow behind you to cover you." So the young agitation took up arms and threw himself into battle heroically.

He led his army to break through the front line of the Julu people, defeated the difficult enemy and The Garna successively, and bravely broke into the enemy position all the way, causing chaos. The Battle and the Terrorists tried to follow suit, but Garner quickly ordered the army to rejoin, isolating the Generals. Excited to be under siege, but without any fear, rushing back and forth in the formation, many famous generals on the Julu side, none of them had a way to take him. The son of the invincible, Roach, came to fight fiercely, and was picked off the chariot by The fierce in only one round.

The enemy died Aiko, and the anger was abnormal. He ordered the two generals, Garner and Ma Yong, to besiege Qi'ang together. The enemy saw an opportunity and shot the fierce coachman with an arrow. Ma Yong shot the furious horse. The chariot was damaged, and excitedly jumped to the ground, holding a knife and shield to continue the battle. Ma Yong shot off the fierce knife, and Garner shot the fierce shield, so the fierce lifted the wheel on the ground and rushed towards Ma Yong angrily, and the blood flowed made his battle robes colored, as beautiful as the night. He killed Ma Yong's coachman and destroyed the chariots of the enemy. The enemy and the excitement stood on the ground and fought. They hit each other with iron pestles and fell to the ground together. Agitated to get up a little slower, the enemy stood up first, smashed the iron pestle on Qiang's head, and killed him.

Although it defeated The Excitement, the Julu Army did not have any sense of joy in victory. Three elders besieging a child who was not yet an adult was the most despicable act at that time.

At this moment, the two sides gathered their troops and fought for a day when Azhou returned to the camp exhausted. When he heard the exciting news of his death, Acharna burst into tears of grief and fainted to the ground. When he woke up, he vowed to pay the price for the Julu siege and killing of Agon. Azhouna angrily blew his own Heavenly Conch, and the Black Sky also blew the Five-Life Conch, and the vengeful divine sound shook the entire universe.

4. We finally did it, and Garner is not afraid of it."

The time had reached the sixteenth day, and after Drona's death, Garner became the marshal of the Julu Army, commanding the insurmountable army into battle. The battle on this day was brutal. Usually, people would collect their troops after the sun had set, but the battle on this day was so fanatical that the two sides lit a fire and continued to fight in the night. Faced with the fierce battle of Garner, the Bandu army fled.

Arjuna decides to fight Garner to the death, but is stopped by the black sky. Black Sky said: "Many years ago, during the exile of the anonymous name, the second son of Pandu was a man who killed the man-eating King Of Luosha and married the Luocha woman, and later the Luocha woman gave birth to a mixed-race son of the Luocha and the people, the bottle head. Luocha was originally a demon who operated at night, and now was the time for him to play his best, let him fight Garna! ”

Facing julu jun, the bottle head gave full play to his advantages, sometimes hiding in the darkness, sometimes flying into the sky, sometimes performing magic. Under his blows, a large part of the Julu Army was wiped out, and it seemed that it was about to collapse completely. Hearing the roar of his own army, Garner was furious, and for a moment he forgot that the "Libao" javelin given to him by the God of War could only be used once, and he picked it up and threw it into the air. The invisible bottle head was hit and fell to the ground to die.

Hearing the news of the death of the bottle head, the Bandu army was very sad, the terrible army almost went mad, and the hard battle could not help but shed tears. Only Black Sky suddenly shouted and laughed, hugged Arjuna violently, and said, "We have finally done it, and Garner is not afraid of it!" ”。 Originally, he had long known that Garner's javelin was specially used against Arjuna, and now that he had used it, it would be impossible for Garna to be hit by Garna again. Garner, who possessed innate armor and a "Force" javelin, was invincible, and now he had lost all this as a mortal.

The most cherished person in the world is Ajana. Without Arjuna, even if there is something more precious than the dominion of the Three Realms, the black sky is not willing to enjoy it. In order to protect Arjuna, the Black Sky can use any means. Because of this, he successively used tactics to destroy the Heavenly Oath, Drona and other people who would pose a threat to Ajana, and even risked his own life to exchange the life of Ajana for the chance of survival on the battlefield of Ajana.

On the seventeenth day, the fierce fighting began, and both sides suffered heavy casualties, and Garner severely wounded the battle, and in order to keep his oath to his mother, he did not hurt his life. Ajana once again vowed to fight Garna to the death and then returned to the battlefield.

At this time, the terrible army knocked down the brother of the indigestible, and he threw out an iron pestle and threw the indignation ten feet away from the chariot, and the armor and limbs of the indignable were broken, lying on the ground and writhing in pain. The terrified army had just lost the head of the beloved bottle, and with the fire of revenge burning in his heart, he jumped from the chariot to the ground, raised his sword and broke through his chest, drinking his blood. Seeing him drinking hot blood and laughing, both sides trembled.

When Garner saw this, he was shocked and angry, and his whole body trembled. He saw Acharna marching toward him, and he did not hesitate to greet him. The two old enemies were like the sun and the moon colliding with each other, glaring at each other, and erupting with amazing momentum, and even the gods, demigods and goblins gathered together to watch on the clouds, guessing who would win or lose. The great battle between them makes the cowards shudder and the brave tremble. It is fierce and terrible, but also cruel and beautiful.

At this moment, the staff member Mercy grabbed the hand of the insurmountable and advised him for the last time: "O son of the country, stop the war, many people have been sacrificed, and if any one of them dies between Garna and Arjuna, this great war will be irreparable." The enemy said bitterly: "You are right, but you have also seen what the terrible army did after killing the invincible, and the matter has come to an end, where is there any peace to speak of?" ”

Garna and Ajana continued to fight, they were like two thick clouds rushing toward each other, Arjuna sacrificed the Brahma Dharma, and Garna also shot the Naga treasure arrow that never fell short at Ajana. Seeing that the momentum was not good, the black sky slammed the chariot, pressing the wheel into the dirt, and the horses could not help but kneel, so the sharp arrow that was originally aimed at Azhouna's head grazed Azhouna's head, only shooting off Azhouna's crown.

Arjuna escaped death, firing dozens of arrows in a row, shattering Garner's armor. Just as the two were fighting fiercely, Garner's chariot suddenly fell into the dirt and could not move. Garner hurriedly jumped out of the car and pulled the wheel hard, but he couldn't pull it anyway. Seeing this, Garner burst into tears, and he said to Arjuna, who was taking a bow and arrow at himself, "Wait a minute! According to the samurai's fa, as long as I am still pulling the wheel, you can't attack me without the ability to fight back! ......”

Ajana hesitated. At this moment, Black Sky sneered and said, "Well, Garner, you now think of the Fa-rectification." When you instigated the five sons of the five sons of the enemy to be tortured, where was your Fa-rectification? When you condone insulting the Black Princess, where is your Fa-rectification? When you and a bunch of people besieged the excitement of the unborn, where was your Fa-rectification? ......”

These words ignited the anger in Ah Zhou's heart, and he did not care what fa-rectification was not right, he raised his bow and shot it. Arjuna fired an arrow of infinite power, and Garner's head fell in response, like a sunset with a blood-colored aura falling on the horizon. The Son of the Sun God was full of misfortune and tribulations in his life, and finally died tragically at the hands of his own brother.

Garner was killed in battle, and the Panda army finally began to attack on all fronts. At this time, the Julu clan had lost almost all the generals, and the hundred sons who held the country were also killed by the terrible army. The staff kindly persuaded the difficult enemy not to seek peace at this moment, but the difficult enemy believed that asking for peace now was tantamount to asking for forgiveness, even if Jian Zhan gave the difficult enemy a place to live out of pity, he who was once the lord of the earth could not accept the fate of survival. At this moment, the only way is to pursue the Dharma of Braking and fighting to the end. The enemy appointed himself as a grand marshal and personally went into battle.

The last day of battle on the field of Julu began. Even the always gentle and tough battles were put on armor and fought personally. By this time, however, the balance of power between the two sides had shifted, and the Julu could no longer resist The Army of Pandu. After a fierce battle, the Julu army lost all its generals and collapsed, and the eleven large armies possessed by the enemy were finally completely destroyed after eighteen days of brutal fighting.

The enemy escaped from the battlefield alone, jumped into a pond, and hid. Pandu Wuzi looked around, found his tracks by the pond, and used language to ridicule the enemy. Unable to bear it, the enemy jumped out of the pond with an iron pestle in hand and demanded a one-on-one duel. The battle promised the enemy that as long as the enemy won, he would hand over the kingdom to him. As a result, the enemy and the terrible army fought with a pestle, and both of them were skilled in martial arts, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat.

Seeing that the two were not divided, Black Sky said to Azhouna, "The enemy is a very good hand at making pestles, and he is invincible unless he is hit in the thigh." Ajana then made eye contact with the terrified army in the duel and slapped his thigh with his hand. The terrified army will understand, and the iron pestle will be raised to hit the thigh of the enemy. The enemy did not pay attention and fell to the ground with a scream.

The fifth son of Bando left the dying enemy and left. Before leaving, the enemy shouted, "Black sky! You, the vile little man, repeatedly instigated the five sons of Pandu to use despicable means to kill the old grandfather Tianzu, Drona's teacher, and Garner one after another. How ridiculous it is that you have acted in such a vain way as justice. You say I am a sinister villain, but when I was alive, I ruled the earth, and I died to defend my reputation and fight to the death, what better ending? "At this moment, a rain of flowers fell from heaven, and although he had been guilty of a lifetime, and suffered from jealousy and desire, his performance at the time of his death was indeed worthy of the king.

Among the generals of the Julu clan, only Ma Yong survived at this time, and he found a dying enemy after the Bandu clan left. Ma Yong vowed that he would avenge the enemy and Drona, and the enemy blessed Ma Yong when he swallowed his last breath.

That night, Ma Yong offered himself as a sacrifice to Shiva, and from him a sword of destruction, he attacked the camp alone. The sleeping Bando Army lost the ability to resist, and Ma Yong killed the Bandu Marshal Mengguang, Shu Fa, the five sons of the Black Princess, and all the Generals of the Bandu Army who were still dreaming.

The fifth son of Bando happened not to return to the camp that night. Hearing the news that the whole army had been killed, they pursued Ma Yong with grief and anger and found Ma Yong by the Ganges River. The black sky cursed Ma Yong for falling into the torment of eternal life for his crimes, and he would roam the earth covered in smoke and dust, enduring the ravages of illness and not being able to die until the end of the disaster.

After paying an incomparably heavy price, the hard battle to lose all his relatives, friends and sons finally gained a devastated, desolate and silent land. Jian Zhan is the most righteous of all people, but he cannot use the fa-rectification as a means to obtain royal power. In order to win the war, he was constantly forced to make concessions on moral principles.

He clearly knew that although it was a sin to be trapped by jealousy and turn a back on morality, the five sons of The Five Sons, who claimed to be righteous, were also blinded by anger and lust in this war, and fell into cruelty and deception. Although he finally gained the kingdom, he lost his spiritual satisfaction and happiness forever.

At this time, the fierce widow, the Supreme Princess, gave birth to a widowed child, who became the only one to inherit the Bharata royal family.

The fifth son of Bando decided to end his earthly life and passed the throne to his son who was excited to succeed him. Make a pilgrimage to the Himalayas. The pilgrimage was very difficult, they died of exhaustion one by one, and the youngest died first, first the beautiful and strong Black Princess, then Kai tian and wu seed, then the brave Azhouna, and finally the terrifying army of amazing physical strength also fell.

Love and hate are gone, and only Jianzhan is left. No longer feeling sad, no longer feeling confused, he continued to walk without looking back, staggering forward. He has understood what is real and what is fantasy. At the top of the mountains, JianZhan stopped his last breath.

Thirty-six years after the end of the Great War, the Yadus ruled by the Black Sky became increasingly extravagant and absurd. There is an immortal who comes to visit the Yadu capital Duomen City, and the idle Yadu people dress up as a pregnant woman, the son of the Black Sky, and tease the immortals. The immortals predicted that Sampa would give birth to something that would destroy the entire clan, and soon after, Sampa actually gave birth to an iron pestle. The panicked Yadu people grind the iron pestle into powder and throw it into the sea, but the waves push it onto the beach, and a large piece of cordyceps grows.

The Yadus came to the beach to drink and have fun, and during the feast, several Yadu generals clashed with each other and began to accuse each other of their faults in the great war. Verbal disputes turned into fights, and the Yadu people pulled up the cordyceps with their hands, and the grass turned into an iron pestle, and the whole clan killed each other with an iron pestle on the beach, falling into a scuffle and destroying it all.

Black Sky saw this and realized that the time had come for his return to heaven. He went alone to meditate under a banyan tree, was mistaken for a deer by an unknown hunter, and shot to death under the tree.

In this way, the last time the dying carnival of the previous era was over. The bloody mouth of the war eventually devoured the souls of all those involved, and in this carnival of iron and blood, the noble personality was lost.

The fourth age, the age of moral annihilation, the age of sin, our age, has begun.

Ten minutes to read the Indian epic Mahabharata

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