
"Punch card" Jilin theme day丨 Full of science and technology! FAW Hongqi "one machine with five screens" sucks countless powders

"Punch card" Jilin theme day丨 Full of science and technology! FAW Hongqi "one machine with five screens" sucks countless powders

As an independent brand in mainland China, Hongqi's many models have attracted a large number of loyal fans with their solemn and elegant appearance, stable and reliable mechanical quality and long-standing red gene. At the FAW Hongqi booth in the "Colorful Shenzhou" theme exhibition area of the Beijing News Center in 2022, a reporter from Inner Mongolia expressed his love for the Hongqi snowmobile to the narrator Yu Shiqi: "I saw the model of the Hongqi snowmobile in the exhibition area, and I was particularly excited. It has achieved a 'breakthrough of zero' in domestic snowmobiles, announcing that the long history of China's snowmobile equipment monopoly by foreign brands has come to an end, which is too proud! Kudos to it! ”

"Punch card" Jilin theme day丨 Full of science and technology! FAW Hongqi "one machine with five screens" sucks countless powders

According to Yu Shiqi, the FAW Banner Smile interactive experience platform exhibited this time is the industry's leading product to achieve "one machine with five screens". "This product focuses on presenting Hongqi brand's understanding of the future development trend of automotive intelligent cockpits. There are several important aspects of the future development of the smart cockpit, immersive entertainment experience, powerful computing platform and efficient interactive experience, and these features have been realized on this product. ”

"Punch card" Jilin theme day丨 Full of science and technology! FAW Hongqi "one machine with five screens" sucks countless powders

Are you curious about what "one machine with five screens" means? Yu Shiqi told reporters that the Qikai Smile interactive experience platform is driven by a powerful host computer to drive five screens for linkage display. In addition, it also supports massive information transmission and processing, supporting gigabit network, 6-channel microphone, 8-channel camera, 10-channel speaker, etc., with low cost, light weight, less wiring harness, and small space.

"Punch card" Jilin theme day丨 Full of science and technology! FAW Hongqi "one machine with five screens" sucks countless powders

"The front two screens display the dashboard and the center console, and the information such as speed and driving scene road conditions can be projected onto the front windshield through the HUD head-up display function, which is simple and efficient, and the red flag is really powerful!" The Hainan reporter who came to experience said.

"Punch card" Jilin theme day丨 Full of science and technology! FAW Hongqi "one machine with five screens" sucks countless powders

For media people who often run long distances, after hearing the audio-visual entertainment system introduced by Yu Shiqi, the interest is even stronger. "This screen is for the front passengers and the other two for the rear passengers. For example, after you are connected to the Internet, you can choose your favorite movies, TV series, and variety shows on the video software to play, or you can also play exciting games on the screen to make your trip more interesting. Yu Shiqi said.

During the exhibition, many experiencers praised the full sense of science and technology brought by FAW Hongqi and said that they had been "planted". "One machine with five screens, so cool! The rear seats can also play games and chase variety shows, full of science and technology, I was 'planted'! I'm going to buy a Red Flag sedan too! A reporter from Jiangsu said.

According to the narrator Yu Shiqi, this platform has been perfectly installed on the Hongqi E-HS9 model, and in the future, it will be installed on the hongqi full range of vehicles.

Source: Jilin Daily Cailian News

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