
No less than 10,000 households! Henan will carry out age-appropriate transformation for families of the elderly in difficulty

author:Look at the news

On February 10, the 2022 provincial civil affairs work conference was held in Zhengzhou, which summarized the province's civil affairs work in 2021, analyzed the situation and problems, and clarified the key tasks in 2022. The reporter learned from the meeting that in 2022, our province will continue to accelerate the construction of a pension service system coordinated by home community institutions and combined with medical and health care, and create a "Yujia pension" service brand, so that the level of pension services in our province will reach or exceed the national average during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

Promoting the construction of home-based community old-age service facilities is one of the 10 people's livelihood facts in Henan Province in 2022. In order to further improve the supply level of old-age services, this year our province should realize that each street has 1 comprehensive old-age service facility, with no less than 50 embedded old-age beds; each community has 1 old-age service place; no less than 10,000 economically difficult disabled and semi-disabled elderly families are transformed into suitable for aging; and the number of elderly people on the smart old-age service platform is more than 10 million.

At the same time, our province will also carry out the creation of home community pension demonstration, actively recommend the national home and community pension improvement action pilot cities, and create about 20 provincial home community pension demonstration counties (cities, districts). Explore and innovate online and offline service models for home care, expand the functions of community (street) old-age service facilities such as day care, centralized care, and service home-based old-age care, and improve the quality of old-age services.

Improve the old-age service network connecting the three levels of counties and villages, guide 200 qualified township homes for the elderly to transform into regional old-age service centers, explore the rural home-based old-age care model, and develop inclusive and mutual-aid old-age care.

Carry out the rating of pension institutions, encourage the comprehensive implementation of the rating of pension institutions, select no less than 10 four-star pension institutions, and cultivate 10 provincial pension service brands. Strengthen the construction of the team of old-age service talents, focus on the construction of "everyone holds a certificate and skills in Henan", strive to train 50,000 old-age service personnel throughout the year, and add 34,000 new old-age technical talents, management talents, professional and technical personnel and social workers.

In addition, this year, our province will continue to improve the basic living security level of special groups such as urban and rural minimum guarantees, extremely poor people, orphans, and de facto unsupported children. The meeting demanded that civil affairs departments in all parts of the province should complete the investigation and information collection of low-income targets, extremely poor people, low-income marginal populations and expenditure-type difficult populations by the end of June, and implement dynamic management. Do a good job of dynamic monitoring of low-income populations and the implementation plan for normalized assistance and assistance, strengthen interdepartmental data sharing and comparison, improve the mechanism for checking the economic status of social assistance families, improve the active discovery mechanism, provide corresponding assistance and assistance, focus on improving the level of precision and convenience, and weave a tight basic living security network. (Zhengguan News Reporter Xiao Yawen)

Editor: Hu Kun

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