
The choice of the poor


"Poor" is first of all a relatively hierarchical word, I am richer than whom, I am poorer than whom, and there is no such thing as I am poor.

Therefore, the "poor" in this article can be understood as the people who make up the largest group in this society, that is, ordinary ordinary people.

Limited by the environment in which we grew up, we may have a wide range of differences in what kind of people are "ordinary people" but at the same time we are deeply convinced.

It is obviously inappropriate to divide cities. There are also ordinary people in Beijing, inheriting the house of their ancestors, one square meter of 100,000 yuan, but the monthly income is only a few thousand yuan of Beijing natives.

It is also inappropriate to divide it by monthly income. The monthly income is tens of thousands of yuan, but with tens of thousands of monthly mortgages and car loans for thirty years, plus various expenditures on water, electricity and fuel costs, there are also people who dare not consume.

The monthly income is a few thousand yuan, but the caravan is complete, living in a small city, can often get off the restaurant every month, and can often travel once a year.

So, what is the poor? We can't define it. Some people may say that people with a monthly income of tens of thousands of dollars look "poor" because of large demand, and Beijing natives sell their houses and immediately realize tens of millions, how can this be called poor?

However, if a person's family has lived in Beijing for generations, all his social relations are in Beijing, and he has no special skills, how likely is it that he will sell his house and start over in another place?

Indeed, people with a monthly income of tens of thousands of people can say: Don't you buy such a big house and it will be over? Don't you spend less and you're done? There are indeed such people, but there are also people who earn more but have to spend more.

So, what is the poor?

So let's go down with this vague definition of "poor." If the natives of Beijing can sell their houses and start over, if the monthly income of tens of thousands can throw away the unnecessary need to start over, then the two can immediately become "rich". So if we were born in a village, or a county town, or a small city, and such a talent is the majority of people, what are our choices in this life?

Now we can see many mainstream media or various bloggers basking in their lives, saying that life is not only in front of us, saying that young people are going to live some interesting days. Ordinary people who have studied conscientiously all their lives or worked honestly will be put on the hat of "not wanting to live a mediocre or boring life like them", and they are often code farmers and nerds who do not understand the style. But perhaps, such a choice may be the only way for an ordinary person to live a "stable" life.

When a person is young and strong, it seems that there are always a lot of choices, after all, young, good health, parents and family have no worries about old-age care, and there is no burden of children, at this time it seems that we have a choice, we can live a drifting, free-wheeled life. However, these things will gradually disappear with age, the body will no longer be healthy, which is no way to avoid, the family's pension, the treatment of family diseases, this is also no way to avoid. Children and their own families seem to be able to choose, can not marry, can have no children, but when they are old, after the death of their families, friends also return to the family, at this time loneliness, their own pension Problems will inevitably arise. One might say that I can live with people who also don't have families, makes sense, but what about after 60? What about after having limited mobility? Do you live with friends and live together? Some people said at this time, I can live in a nursing home. I don't know much about the nursing home system in the mainland, and I hope this can be a solution. I think this is indeed the spiritual pillar of many dink or celibacy people.

Then again, if an ordinary person chooses to travel to the world of flowers and flowers when he is young, eat and drink the cleanliness of the moon and moonlight, then it is conceivable that people will live in difficulty when they reach middle age or old age. Whenever you think of this, you can understand why the family always likes to let their children go to the army, go to career preparation, take the civil service examination, or finish their doctorate and become a university teacher. These choices may not seem so wise at a young age compared to the colorful life outside, but they are also the choices that an ordinary person can live a secure and stable life.

The colorful life promoted in the media is a kind of advanced consumerism, which is more like a capitalist trap, which is of course for ordinary people. For the "rich", when they are young, they have many choices, they can try and make mistakes, they can travel the world, they can have gap years, they can learn a lot of fancy but not profitable skills, they can do some interesting but unpaid or accumulated things, these are normal lives, but for ordinary people, these are like poisons, attracting us to accept, but the consequences of old age have to bear by ourselves. But just like many people will only wait until the wisdom teeth are inflamed to extract their teeth, we often don't see the consequences and will indulge in the immediate situation.

Ordinary people can only choose the major they choose after the college entrance examination, of course, if it is the natural best if they like it in the second half of their lives, work diligently, and become irreplaceable people in a certain field, only in this way can they have the probability of becoming "rich people". It is also the almost only option for the poor to become rich in this day and age. As for those self-made, zero-starting stories, listening to them is superb, doing it yourself, survivor bias, as if anyone can, is actually an illusion.

Looking around, only to see the normal life of the "rich" when they were young, and mistakenly thought that it was something they could pursue, there was a high probability that they would have a miserable life in the future. Poetry and far away, beautiful beaches every day, and opening your eyes to see the world have always been the preserve of the rich.

Some people may say that to be young is to have no limits, no boundary, I enjoyed it when I was young, and it didn't matter when I was old. But if you open your eyes and look closely, almost all the people who say this are young people, right? We don't know what kind of words these young people will say when they are old, but what I know is that we are actually an animal living in the present, and we will feel that the feelings of the moment are the most important, so if we push it to old age, it may become regret.

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