
What should I do if I find that my uric acid is exceeded? Doctor: Do these 3 things well, you can effectively prevent gout!

Nowadays, affected by the high incidence of various chronic diseases and the atypical or asymptomatic early symptoms of some chronic diseases, more and more people have begun to pay attention to physical examination.

Therefore, there are many diseases that are found in physical examinations, such as hyperuricemia. It is essentially a metabolic disease, and its incidence is related to genetic genes, age, unhealthy life and eating habits!

What should I do if I find that my uric acid is exceeded? Doctor: Do these 3 things well, you can effectively prevent gout!

However, the real terrible thing about hyperuricemia is not that the blood uric acid level exceeds the standard, but the various diseases that appear on the basis of the blood uric acid level, such as gout.

Relevant studies have shown that the more the blood uric acid level exceeds the standard, the greater the possibility of developing gout within 5 years, so controlling the blood uric acid level is the key to reducing the incidence of gout.

So the question is, if you find that the uric acid level exceeds the standard during the medical examination, what should be done to prevent gout?

What should I do if I find that my uric acid is exceeded? Doctor: Do these 3 things well, you can effectively prevent gout!

1. Healthy eating

Although the appearance of hyperuricemia is closely related to genetics, age, sex and other factors, diet is also one of the important reasons.

Because uric acid is the end-stage product of human purine metabolism, its sources are mainly two, the first is the purine produced inside the body, the second is the food containing various purines, such as red meat, animal offal, seafood, various soups, etc., are high purine food, long-term intake of such food, not only will increase the burden of uric acid metabolism, but also cause obesity, and obesity, it is also an independent risk factor for inducing gout.

Therefore, to stay away from gout, the first thing patients should do is to control their diet and maintain a light, healthy, and balanced food type intake;

What should I do if I find that my uric acid is exceeded? Doctor: Do these 3 things well, you can effectively prevent gout!

2, drink water can not be less

Under normal circumstances, there are about 1200 mg of uric acid inside the human body, which produces 600 mg per day and metabolizes 600 mg. That is to say, the blood uric acid level continues to be in a state of dynamic equilibrium, and the organ responsible for metabolizing uric acid is actually the kidney.

The kidneys will continuously filter the blood and intercept excess water, uric acid and other substances in the blood, and excrete uric acid out of the body through urine production.

What should I do if I find that my uric acid is exceeded? Doctor: Do these 3 things well, you can effectively prevent gout!

Because the uric acid in the body of patients with hyperuricemia has been imbalanced, so if the level of blood uric acid is stabilized, what patients have to do is a scientific diet, to ensure a daily water intake of at least 1500-3000ml, and require patients to stay away from alcohol, fructose drinks, etc., because such drinks will affect uric acid levels through a variety of mechanisms.

Therefore, the most suitable drink for patients with hyperuricemia is actually boiled water;

What should I do if I find that my uric acid is exceeded? Doctor: Do these 3 things well, you can effectively prevent gout!

3. Exercise

As mentioned above, obesity is an independent risk factor for hyperuricemia and gout. The higher the BMI index, the greater the risk of future disease.

Therefore, patients should adhere to exercise in their daily lives, at least 3-5 times a week aerobic exercise, each exercise time is at least 30 minutes or more.

In this way, it can not only reduce the accumulation of excess fat in the body, control the weight within the normal range, but also improve metabolism and promote the excretion of uric acid from the body.

What should I do if I find that my uric acid is exceeded? Doctor: Do these 3 things well, you can effectively prevent gout!

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that hyperuricemia seems to have no symptoms at present, but it does not mean that it is harmless.

In fact, it will not only promote gout, but also cause and damage to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system, kidneys, metabolic system and other aspects. Therefore, as long as the blood uric acid level is found to exceed the standard, it is necessary to actively cooperate with the doctor for related treatment.

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