
#A Journey of a Thousand Miles Meiwen # Can you think of you, like the wind blew my thoughts, and then drifted like a cloud, floating for 108,000 miles, but no longer asked the return date. Can I understand you because

author:Journey of a Thousand Miles 111

#A Thousand Miles of Beauty#

Can you think of you, like the wind blew my thoughts, and then drifted like a cloud, floating for a hundred and eighteen thousand miles, but no longer asked about the return date.

Can you understand you, because it has never entered your heart; can you fall in love, because of you, but can no longer get out of obsession.

Thousands of lifetimes, vast beings, this life can meet you, let me rejoice, this life can walk with you, boring things will become meaningful.

Meet you, spring breeze ten miles, you are in my heart, picturesque scenery, poetic footsteps, no one can replace.

Meet you, the spring breeze, Willow Yiyi, do not dare to have, because they are afraid of losing.

I am waiting for you on the road ahead, feeling the message of spring, and I am waiting for you in my heart, tasting the taste of thought.

May the feelings be gathered, love be relied upon, do not say to remember, no longer forget; may the heart be warm, affectionate, accompanied for a lifetime, and loved for a lifetime!

#A Journey of a Thousand Miles Meiwen # Can you think of you, like the wind blew my thoughts, and then drifted like a cloud, floating for 108,000 miles, but no longer asked the return date. Can I understand you because

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