
2022 Six New Consumer Trends Scenarios Released – Are You Ready for Product and Service Innovation?

2022 Six New Consumer Trends Scenarios Released – Are You Ready for Product and Service Innovation?

Author: Yunchao UED team

Source: Cloud Nest Innovation Consulting (ID: yunchao-design)

From the scene, insight into the needs of user segmentation, and launch product and service innovation in the sinking market

Big data is becoming the infrastructure of business operations, in the second half of the Internet, the population and traffic dividends are gradually disappearing, and the innovation and incremental breakthrough of the stock have become the focus of enterprise development. In 2022, the segmentation of user demand and the product and service innovation of the sinking market are bound to remain an important way for small and medium-sized brands to divide the market share of head brands.

With its original "Lifestyle Full Scenario" research, Yunchao Design (hereinafter referred to as Designest) predicts the six major trends in 2022 and helps enterprises grasp the innovation trend in the new year.

2022 Six New Consumer Trends Scenarios Released – Are You Ready for Product and Service Innovation?


Micro vacation, deep camping.

2022 Six New Consumer Trends Scenarios Released – Are You Ready for Product and Service Innovation?

Micro-vacation, a new form of tourism in the post-epidemic context, has the characteristics of small radius, short time, and high frequency. The mountain culture travel mode from Europe, America and Japan, camping, has slowly become popular in China.

The camping equipment brands that are prevalent in foreign countries are limited by the influence of their own strategic layout, and their response to the drastic changes in domestic market demand is slow, giving domestic cross-border brands huge operating space.

User portrait

The mainstream traditional camping group is mainly concentrated in the post-80s, but with the lowering of the camping threshold and the compromise of the concept of wind and food camping, more young people who like to taste the early adopters have begun to join the queue. Some of them can't even be called enthusiasts, but are willing to pay a high price for this niche hobby. From hard-core campers who advocate wind and food camping, to urban elites who pursue pressure release, to travel social enthusiasts who try fancy early, the camping industry is being fashioned, socialized and young.

Hardcore campers

They embrace the "on the road" lifestyle, promote the original outdoor environment, and pay attention to the environmental adaptability of the equipment.

Elegant style

They are keen on camping methods that highlight their personal aesthetic tastes, prefer high-value camping equipment, pursue a sense of atmosphere and take pictures to look good.

Family reunion party

They see camping as a leisure social activity for all ages, pursuing the friendliness of the destination environment and facilities. In the purchase of camping equipment, the pursuit of cost-effective, interesting and practical.


Immersive movie watching.

2022 Six New Consumer Trends Scenarios Released – Are You Ready for Product and Service Innovation?

An immersive movie-watching experience consists of a good screen, a good sound, and a good body feeling. The current Winter Games, the earth-shattering release of Microsoft's classic game series " Age of Empires 4 " , and the upcoming World Cup will drive a wave of hardware consumption.

The new generation of post-90s and post-00s prefers mobile phones and intelligent mobile screens, which has brought a huge impact to the audio-visual hardware industry. Yunchao believes that for audio and video hardware companies that want to go to the high end, if they want to find the leading force to convert consumers, they need insight into consumers who have key enthusiasm points for a certain feature of the product. For example, people engaged in film and television production, their pursuit of picture quality is high; people who have invested deep feelings in a game will be willing to upgrade the corresponding equipment for the game they most recognize; people who pursue a sense of life atmosphere will have a greater pursuit of screen size. All in all, it is to meet a group of people with a desire to taste, to build a different experience in a targeted manner.

Audio-visual experience connoisseur

Engaged in the filming, film and television and visual creation industries, or keen on the appreciation of film and television and music, has a high sensitivity to picture quality, color, sound quality, and sound effects.

Game Sentiment Party

Gamers for many years have the breadth and depth of the game experience, and have a deep understanding of "good games" and "big productions".

Slow life movie fans

People who pay attention to the sense of home atmosphere, life interest and spiritual healing. Enjoy the self-congratulatory lifestyle of sitting on the floor after tea and watching movies comfortably.

Party masters

On weekends, with family, or with three or five confidants in their own homes, carry out a new style of salon-style meetings. The "venue" is carefully arranged to create a romantic, comfortable and inspiring atmosphere.


Pan-Winter Games theme season.

2022 Six New Consumer Trends Scenarios Released – Are You Ready for Product and Service Innovation?

Although the Spring Festival holiday has the haze of epidemics and natural disasters, the Winter Olympics have brought us some light. Because of the inconvenience of traveling abroad, ice and snow sports have become an outlet for people to pursue a different travel experience.

The 22nd World Cup will be held in Qatar on 21 November 2022. The quadrennial World Cup is not only a sports event, but also a gold-sucking "feast" for brands. According to statistics, 75% of users will pay attention to the World Cup peripheral products, such as The World Cup mascot, jersey, pendants, etc., and 14.9% of users will pay attention to their favorite teams and star surroundings. Among them, the 00 and post-95 generations have higher demand for World Cup peripheral products.

On weekdays, there may not be many sports fans around us, but once we encounter a global sports event, almost everyone will become a sports fan. The unique charm of a global sporting event is that people feel that it is related to themselves, and that it can act as a hub for people to feel their connection to the world.

"Sports fans" are diverse, and in addition to contributing online traffic, their desire to "interact" with events is to be further satisfied. They may challenge a certain event with both beauty and power because they have watched it; they will genuinely admire the last athlete and be happy to join the support group...


Touched by the wonderful performances of the athletes on the screen, it stimulated the enthusiasm to participate in sports competitions. They will even venture out into a sport they have not been involved in and add sports equipment for it.

Sports peripheral fans

A member of the sports interest circle, who is familiar with the league, players and clubs, may be a fan of an athlete, and will collect commemorative medals, signed jerseys, player hand-made and other events around.

Tide play game game hunter

On weekdays, I pay attention to all kinds of tide play, dabble in a wide range of IP, and pursue limited editions warmly. Naturally, you will not miss all kinds of World Cup and Winter Olympic games.


Immersive, personalized content consumption.

2022 Six New Consumer Trends Scenarios Released – Are You Ready for Product and Service Innovation?

Novel cultural and artistic activities are the secret weapon of attracting tourists in first-tier cities recently. The forms of activities are rich and diverse, including exhibitions, offline markets, and even restaurants; themes are endless, involving music, design, science and education, feelings and so on.

Nowadays, with the continuous enrichment and upgrading of virtual audiovisual media, the scene experience has become the protagonist of the exhibition hall. With Meta's metaverse and the hot Matrix movie widely discussed, the geek-themed experiential space could be the next bait to spark a lookout.

The consumption of immersive experiences is closely related to the tourism industry of the city. Therefore, its target audience is to pursue a certain breadth. But which of traditional consumption of goods and services, or innovative experiential consumption, attracts consumers? It is not difficult to find out from social media that these types of tourists who are keen on immersive experiences are the most prominent: First, as a carrier of various circle cultures, it is very suitable for experiencing with like-minded friends. Moreover, for workers who usually have a fast pace of life but have a literary heart, immersive space can also be a decompression experience. And, for parents who live in the city and are always worried about where to go on weekends to broaden their children's horizons, this choice may be the least nerve-wracking answer.

Steamwave fan base

Post-90s and post-00s young people are distributed in electronic music, CG special effects, digital analog and other subdivision interest circles. They can always meet their friends to travel together, and on holidays, they will escape from the school dormitory, take the subway, take the high-speed train to the city to see exhibitions, listen to concerts, and inject new inspiration into their interests.

Slow life Wenqing

People who pursue a slow life and are interested in photography, art and literature like to carry a camera on their back on the weekend and find a suitable place to take pictures.

Urban new generation

Born and raised in the city, still in elementary school and junior high school, always looking forward to where to play on weekends.


Home ice washing differentiation.

2022 Six New Consumer Trends Scenarios Released – Are You Ready for Product and Service Innovation?

With the improvement of people's quality of life, the expectations for refrigerated and laundry appliances have risen from basic to flagship. Specialized ice washing appliances, as well as supplementary ice washing appliances, have attracted attention.

On the one hand, it stems from people's demands for the health and speed of "clothes" and "living", and on the other hand, it comes from the promotion of marketing platforms such as Xiaohongshu. More and more people will focus on the layout of laundry rooms and food storage spaces when renovating new homes.

According to Chinese consumer newspapers, by 2020, the penetration rate of refrigerators and washing machines in the mainland will be close to 100%. With the improvement of people's quality of life, the expectations for refrigerated and laundry appliances have risen from basic to flagship. Specialized ice washing appliances, as well as supplementary ice washing appliances, have attracted attention.

With the popularization of the concept of exquisite parenting, the use of baby washing machines and special ice milk boxes has basically become the consensus of novice mothers. With the optimization and upgrading of the performance and experience of related products, the other use value of supplementary home appliances is being concerned by a wider range of people. The diversification and refinement of people's pursuit of ingredients and clothing has led to the consumption of high-end ice and washing appliances, and many product function selling points that have not been paid attention to in the past have a new audience.

Delicate Brood Party

Parents of newborns are more eager for the demand for supplementary ice washing appliances, paying attention to the cost performance and wind evaluation of products.

Total exquisite home

As an elite family, it has the concept of exquisite life. We have a passion for precious ingredients and exquisite textiles, and actively seek the most reasonable storage and care solutions for this purpose.

Tidal electric experience home

Pay attention to the good things of life, willing to try new home appliances, easy to be attracted by creative products and their personalized appearance.


Bookseller blurs the space.

2022 Six New Consumer Trends Scenarios Released – Are You Ready for Product and Service Innovation?

The idea of telecommuting is not new. But it wasn't until 2020 that businesses around the world were forced to truly practice working from home. The Chinese people, after the in-depth experience, have a richer thinking about it, and detonated the discussion on social media about the home office space.

In the discussion, there is a voice that stands out - it is the best arrangement to create more communication and exchange scenes between the family. Therefore, many innovative layout methods have been derived, such as an open living room study, a bedroom office corner shared with the whole family, and so on. The emergence of this new way of life has brought opportunities for innovation in the given finished furniture, custom furniture and office supplies industry.

In a home environment, people's preference for office space is influenced by factors such as life stages, family members and work characteristics. The traditional study is conducive to concentrating on work without interference, but it is not conducive to interaction between family members, and it is easy to cause disputes over the right to use. Through user research, it is not difficult to find that some people in the crowd are significantly more resistant to traditional immersive study rooms.

For example, social newcomers, they are more accustomed to the atmosphere of the classroom when they are reading, and when they have partners on their side, their work is more efficient, so they will go to the library to work overtime. For example, online fiction writers, who need fluid inspiration, are found in crowded cafes.

Side by side with the partner pie

Young partner couples, both in the rising stage of their careers, enjoy the romance of working together, fighting side by side, and passionately opening OT. They have recently purchased a wedding house and are looking for office space that can accommodate at least two people.

Brown Random Party

People engaged in creative work need to activate brain cells by switching environments, the office space has a certain randomness, although there may not be the conditions for setting up an independent study, but different corners of the home can be a comfortable office space.

Flower cultivator

Parents of preschoolers or elementary school children. At this stage, children's self-discipline is still being cultivated, and learning at home requires certain supervision. For the sake of their children's growth, parents will consider the improvement of living conditions. Compared with their own office space, parents are more worried about the learning space that is suitable for their children and convenient for parents to supervise.

Continuously drive product innovation with scenario insights

How to grasp the direction of innovation in the rapidly changing trend torrent; how to sort out the core key breakthrough opportunities and hit the sore spots from the huge and fragmented data; how to unite and promote multi-team cooperation in a short period of time to ensure that the project goals are achieved, Designest explores the "life scenario and user behavior" through the "data + scene" dual drive, accurately grasps market opportunities, continues to promote product innovation, and strives to create a more diversified lifestyle for young people.

From the new consumption trend scenarios, gain insight into user segmentation needs, and start product and service innovation in the sinking market. Have you found your own business opportunities and opportunities?

The full report can be read in the "Cloud Nest Exclusive | 2022 Six New Consumer Trend Scenarios Release".

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