
(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

author:Watch the sea and walk on the mountain to see the world

What you didn't know about is fun sports on the snow – the Slush Cup – ice floating, most likely to be the next official Winter Olympics event #Ice & Snow 2022

Slush Cup (Slush Cup) can also be called ice floating, which is a pool dug out at the bottom of the ski slope - slush pool, visually about 1.5 meters deep, about 5 meters wide, and about 10 meters long. Participants slide off the slide quickly and then float across the pool, where the loser will fall into the icy water. This is a fun sport on the snow and ice, as long as the age of 12 years old or older can participate, the awards are not divided into men and women, the competition will require participants to wear strange costumes, skis (snowboard or double board) to try to slide through this pool - slush pool, participants can slide into the pond many times, the jury will be based on the participants' expressiveness and creativity, the best costume, the best skill, the best collision and the most popular award.

这是在加拿大温哥华松鸡山上滑雪场,每年在春季举行的雪上趣味运动-雪泥杯 Slush Cup/冰上水上漂           
(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

A girl in red with wings

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

Unfortunately, before he could go on the expedition, he broke his wings

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

After the first drop of water by the Teenage Mutant Ninja

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

The Teenage Mutant Ninja finally completed the water rafting for the third time

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

The Hawaiian hula struggled to glide across the water

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

The Hawaiian hula brother failed, and finally the venue management helped it

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

The little diver successfully landed

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating
(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

The little divers successfully landed and drifted on the water

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

Looks like a powerful little brother

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating
(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

It felt so cold

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

Leopard print pants sister obviously has technology, but why do you have to fall into the water twice? After looking at this ambulance worker, I understood

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

Leopard-print pants sister obviously has the technology to slide across the water

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

Of course, the fishing brother is the most water-aware

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating
(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

Tigers descend the mountain

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating
(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

The white crane spreads its wings

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

The Frog Prince Quack

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

Plough the waves

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

I'm a big cat

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

The masked sister barely slid over

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

Rainbow Brother succeeded

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

I'm a handsome guy and I have to dress up everywhere

(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating
(Photo) You don't know about ice and snow sports - slush cup - ice and snow floating

Whether the tiger descended the mountain or the white crane spread its wings, it was still inferior to the red-robed sect leader

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