
When Love Meets Hepatitis B · One in ten happiness

author:Gusheng Tang Traditional Chinese Medicine
When Love Meets Hepatitis B · One in ten happiness

When is a healthy boy in love with a hepatitis B girl, valentine's day?

The girl was timid, and she could not bear to let her body, which she thought was hopeless, drag the boy down. The man she loved, so good, deserved to have a healthy, beautiful bride.

The boy was sad and struggled, he didn't understand why the girl repeatedly rejected him, he obviously had each other in his heart.....

Even if you are in love, you can't be together

February 13, 11:55 p.m.; rainy; 15°C

It's Valentine's Day again—a holiday that's destined to have nothing to do with me.

Gradually began to forget, this is the first time he gave me a confession, but also the first time I rejected him - this from middle school, to college, to now... He was clearly in love.

When Love Meets Hepatitis B · One in ten happiness

Since that day, I've learned:

I am different from normal people, no matter where I go, I will only drag others down.

I, living in pain, am also waiting for the day when the end comes."

'A hundred years of cultivation to cross the same boat, a thousand years to sleep together' - or, my encounter with him, is the legendary 999th, even if they love each other, they cannot be together in this life and this life...

May he be his bride in the next life, and have children for him healthily - and may there be no more hepatitis B in the next life...

A stack of A4 paper?

February 14, 00:05a.m.; rain; 14 °C

"Boy, what's wrong?" Haven't slept yet? The mother finally couldn't resist pushing open the boy's door.

"It's all right, Mom, I'm not tired, I'll sleep later." His heavy voice clearly permeated the choked breath.

"Is it (because) her again?" The mother asked knowingly.

"..."He acquiesced.

The mother put a stack of A4 paper quietly on the bedside table and added: "If you still can't sleep, just look at it." Then gently covered the door and left the room.

February 14, 02:30a.m.; rain; 13°C

He, tossing and turning, had difficulty sleeping, and always had the figure of a girl in his mind, thinking of her, or thinking of her.

Turning on the bedside lamp, I picked up my mother's stack of A4 paper, and on page 1 it reads:

"HBV (hepatitis B virus) is mainly transmitted by menstrual blood (such as unsafe injections), mother-to-child and sexual contact. ...... Others such as pedicures, tattoos, pierced earrings, accidental exposures at the work of medical staff, and sharing of razors and toothbrushes can also be transmitted.

...... Unprotected sexual contact with HBV-positive people, especially those with multiple sexual partners, has an increased risk of HBV infection.

HBV is not transmitted through the respiratory and digestive tracts, so daily study, work, or life contact, such as office work (including sharing office supplies such as computers), shaking hands, hugging, living in the same dormitory, eating in the same restaurant, and sharing toilets, is not transmitted to HBV. Epidemiological and experimental studies have not found that HBV can be transmitted by blood-sucking insects (mosquitoes, bed bugs, etc.). ”

The boy wondered why his mother had passed on such a message to himself.

There are antibodies, I am not afraid

The boy still opened [page 2]:

"Hepatitis B vaccination is the most effective way to prevent HBV infection. Hepatitis B vaccine is mainly for newborns, followed by infants and young children, unimmunized people under 15 years of age and high-risk groups (e.g. medical staff, family members of HBsAg-positive people...).

Hepatitis B vaccine requires 3 doses throughout the whole process, according to the 0, 1, 6 months procedure, that is, after the first dose of vaccine, the second and third doses of vaccine are injected at intervals of 1 month and 6 months...

The protective effects of antibody responses to hepatitis B vaccine generally last at least 12 years, so the general population does not need hepatitis B surface antibody (anti--HBs) monitoring or boost immunization. However, anti-HBs monitoring may be performed in high-risk populations, such as anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL, which can be given booster immunization. ”......

"2 years ago, she was hospitalized in our department and received treatment. You've shown me pictures of her before, so I know her well. She's been a classmate of you since middle school. ”

Unconsciously, my mother's voice sounded in my ears. My mother was the head nurse in the hospital's hepatology department.

At this moment, he seemed to have a feeling of waking up from a big dream, and shed two lines of hot tears.

"Mom, you already knew, why didn't you tell me early in the morning?" Why, why she... She was so stupid! Actually don't say anything, obviously I have antibodies! We can obviously be "unscrupulous" together! ”

What about hepatitis B, you can also have children

His mother handed him a tissue and opened the stack [page 3 of A4 paper]:

"Mother-to-child transmission occurs mainly during the perinatal period, mostly through blood and body fluid transmission from HBV-positive mothers during childbirth, and has been greatly reduced with the use of hepatitis B vaccine in combination with hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG). HBV-DNA levels are the most critical factor influencing mother-to-child transmission of HBV. Newborns of mothers with high HBV-DNA levels (>106 IU/ml) are more susceptible to mother-to-child transmission.

In recent years, studies have shown that the use of antiviral drugs in the middle and third trimester of pregnancy for these mothers can reduce the level of HBV-DNA in the prenatal serum of pregnant women and improve the success rate of maternal and infant blockade of newborns. For HBsAg-positive pregnant women, amniocentesis should be avoided and delivery shortened, the integrity of the placenta should be guaranteed, and the chance of exposure of the newborn to maternal blood should be minimized.

The blocking rate of mother-to-child transmission with hepatitis B vaccine alone was 87.8%. Newborns of HBsAg-positive mothers should be injected with HBIG as early as 24 h after birth (preferably at 12 h postnatal) at doses ≥ 100 IU, while 10 μg of recombinant yeast hepatitis B vaccine is given at different sites, and the 2nd and 3rd doses of hepatitis B vaccine at 1 and 6 months, respectively, can significantly improve the effectiveness of blocking mother-to-child transmission.

Newborns who receive HBsAg-positive mothers after being vaccinated against HBIG and hepatitis B within 12 hours of life can receive breastfeeding from HBsAg-positive mothers..."

Sighing, his mother said to him, "Or she doesn't know, but she can also give birth to healthy children." ”

Listening to his mother's words, his cheeks were hot and his face was red, and then two lines of hot tears followed.

I couldn't help but think, "Or she worries a lot more than I do." Can a happy family, for her, be out of reach? ”

This time, she wouldn't have another reason to reject me

Turn to page 4 of [A4 paper]:

"For those who are chronically infected with HBV and those who are inactive of HBsAg, in addition to not being able to donate blood, tissues and organs and engage in occupations or types of work specified by the State, they may work and study as usual, but should be regularly followed up medically."

Promote safe injections (including acupuncture needles) and strictly follow the standard precaution principles in hospital infection management. Appliances such as haircuts, face shavings, pedicures, punctures and tattoos used in the service industry should also be strictly disinfected. Pay attention to personal hygiene and do not share supplies such as razors and dental appliances with anyone.

If the sexual partner is HBsAg-positive, hepatitis B vaccination or condom should be used, and if the sexual partner's health status is unknown, be sure to use a condom to prevent hepatitis B and other bloodborne or sexually transmitted diseases. ”


"I'm going to tell her tomorrow, but she can be like us."

The mother smiled and nodded, "Are you sure you're going tomorrow?"

He wiped his eyes, smiled and said, "No, it should be now, I'll go now!" ”

"Thank you Mom!" He put on his coat and ran to her residence, thinking, "This time, I will not let her have any more reason to reject me!" ”


February 14, 04:00a.m.; rain turned cloudy; 12 °C

In this southern town at four o'clock in the morning, the cold wind is miserable, and the rain is at the beginning of the break. In the haze of the street lamp, it was he and she who held hands and looked at each other with tears in their eyes, and they were speechless.

Now, each other finally understands, everything is in words.


When Love Meets Hepatitis B · One in ten happiness

The mother lay down in front of the window and thought silently:

When I first knew it was her, I hesitated. But clinical for so many years, oh, who has no pain in this life?

People always have to be a little sick to know how to cherish their physical health!

She, with such an old friend (HBV) on her, will definitely not drink heavily, do not stay up late, do not let go of the skeleton... With cherished people, they began to yearn for a long life.

A breeze came out of the window and opened the last page:

"The 2006 national hepatitis B seroepidemiological survey showed that the HBsAg carrying rate in the general population aged 1 to 59 in China was 7.18%. According to this calculation, there are about 93 million people with chronic HBV infection in China, of which about 20 million cases of chronic hepatitis B are patients. According to the 2014 national seroagogical survey results of hepatitis B in people aged 1-29 years, the prevalence of HBsAg among people aged 1-4 years, 5-14 years and 15-29 years was 0.32%, 0.94% and 4.38% respectively (CDC of China)"

——TA, one-tenth of happiness, finally waited for TA. Love, hard-won, love, cherish.

When Love Meets Hepatitis B · One in ten happiness

Expert introduction

Ou Haoquan is an attending TCM physician

Zhongshan West Branch Hospital Pediatrics/Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine

Introduction: Graduated from Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2010 with a bachelor's degree in traditional Chinese medicine, he is currently the chief physician and practicing chinese medicine teacher. From the student era to the clinical diagnosis and treatment, it is influenced by the "Jingfang" diagnosis and treatment system (especially Professor Huang Huang's "Fang, Zhengren" thought), so it is often used to treat miscellaneous diseases with Zhongjingfang. Gradually formed a prescription style of "mainly based on the jingfang, supplemented by the prescription test". Favored by peers, it has survived in the "Jingfang Medical Forum • China Regional Jingfang Outpatient Information Special Post". Since practicing medicine, he has been exposed to many internal medicine and pediatric diseases.

Specialty: Treatment of respiratory and digestive system diseases, conditioning phlegm stasis constitution. It can treat various diseases with the combination of traditional Chinese medicine internal treatment (Traditional Chinese medicine decoction, powder, paste, etc.) and external treatment (lotion, patch therapy, acupuncture, etc.).

(The article comes from Gushengtang TCM subscription number)

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