
Take stock of the tips you need to know about parking

author:Shandong Yinchu Automobile

Now there are more and more vehicles on the road, in addition to causing traffic is not smooth, there is no rule of random parking and random placement to make traffic more chaotic, but also let the car be damaged. Here are a few tips you need to know when parking, hoping to help you better protect your car.

1, stop in the security line of sight: parking in the community, especially in a strange community, try to stop within the line of sight of the security guard, in order to reduce the risk of malicious scratching, especially in the property management is not very strict in the community.  

2, open-air parking away from the balcony: individual residents will throw objects in the air, such as spitting and cigarette butts, etc., not only unhygienic, hard objects will also smash out of the pit on the roof.

  3, parking does not occupy other people's parking spaces: parking occupies other people's parking spaces or blocks other people's passages, which not only brings inconvenience to others, but also may cause the other party's anger and maliciously destroy your vehicle.

  4, the left car door is close to the column: the underground parking space is generally two columns in the middle of several parking positions, in the case of a choice, the bad position is centered, so that there are cars left and right, others open the door and accidentally touch the probability of breaking the door is very large; The space on the left is good because there is no car on the left.

  5, horizontal interval within 60 cm: when the two cars are parked side by side, it is of course very good to try to stay away, generally if the interval between the two cars is more than one meter and two, then even if the door is open to a large, it cannot be contacted. If there is no way to stay away, simply keep it within 60 cm.

  6, do not stop under the tree: park the car under the tree, in fact, it is very unwise. Because some trees will drip mucus, and it is easier to leave bird droppings under the trees, these things are corrosive, and if they are not treated in time, a mark will be left on the paint.

  7, during the festival can be stopped underground: every New Year's Festival, every household will use fireworks to show the festive atmosphere, but the fireworks and firecrackers and then the fragments still have a strong influence. Therefore, conditional can park in the underground garage, at least to find a relatively safe location.

  8, do not blindly believe in the anti-collision bar: some car owners look at the reversing anti-collision blocker lever and rest assured that the car is in place, but before the tire touches the anti-collision lever, the bumper has already hit the wall. Again, don't rely too much on reversing radar, which also has malfunctions and blind spots.

  9, rainy days do not stop in low-lying places: do not park your car in low-lying places on rainy days, such as under overpasses. Because of some sections of the road with poor drainage systems, the water may accumulate deeply.

  10, temporary parking at night to find open land: when going out at night, if you temporarily stop the car in order to find items or check the map, stop in the open field, and turn on the flash warning lights and other small lights at the same time to prevent the rear car from rear-end accidents when the line of sight is not good. If you want to park for a long time, you can park your car near the street lights, which can avoid crashes and prevent car theft.

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