
Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

author:Long Chen said

The Zodiac is one of the traditional Sinology knowledge that we deal with the most on a daily basis. For example, this year is 2022, which is called "The Year of Nongyin" in the calendar year of the dry branch, also known as the Year of the Tiger, why is it the Year of the Tiger? Because in the twelve branches, "Yin" represents "Tiger", and "壬" represents water, and it is Yang Shui, so the year of Nong Yin can also be called the Year of the Water Tiger. If it is the last year of the tiger, that is, 12 years to 2010, it is called the year of "Gengyin", "Geng" represents gold, and gold is also white, so the year of Gengyin can be called the year of the golden tiger or the year of the white tiger.

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly
For example, our personal zodiac signs are usually calculated in terms of the years of birth, and many people do not know what they belong to, or who they are in league with, and they may be confused for a lifetime. Our zodiac signs correspond to the twelve branches, for example, it was born in 2000, that year is the year of Gengchen, Chen represents the dragon in the twelve branches, so people born in 2000 belong to the dragon, and at the same time, The Chenyu Liuhe, Shen Zichen Sanhe, Chen shu Liuchong, Tatsumi are harmful, so that you know that the chicken (unitary) is a liuhe, and the monkey (Shen), the rat (son) is a triad, if you are in love with marriage, career partners, etc., it is better to find such people.
Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

How do you remember these in the easiest way and never forget them for the rest of your life? Today, I teach you to "support the palms of the twelve places", as long as you take a little time and use your palms to remember this knowledge, you will soon remember and are not easy to forget, these are the crystallization of the extraordinary wisdom of our ancestors for thousands of years, I hope more people can learn it, carry forward the essence of our sinology culture.

Just memorize in three steps:

  1. Remember the names and order of the twelve branches in the palm of your hand
  2. Correspond the zodiac signs to the twelve branches one by one
  3. Remember the six, six, and three of the twelve branches

Learn it, and from now on, no one will be able to overwhelm you anymore.


Stretch out your left hand, except for the thumb, the remaining four fingers, each with three knuckles, at the site of the addition of the finger roots, so as to form a twelve-square grid, and fill the twelve branches into the twelve-house grid in turn: Zi Ugly Yin 卯辰巳 Noon Unshined Unitary 戌海. As shown in the following figure:

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

It is also possible to remember with the Twelve Branches of the House grid:

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly


Remember the one-to-one correspondence between the twelve branches and the zodiac. The table below is as follows

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

The position of the zodiac sign on the palm of the hand is as follows:

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

The correspondence between the zodiac sign and the twelve branches of the earth is as follows:

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

Remember the correspondence between the zodiac signs and the twelve branches of the earth, which also contain information such as directions, seasons, five elements, colors, and so on. as:

Haizi ugly for the north, winter, belongs to the water, color black

Yin 卯辰 is oriental, spring, woody, color blue

The afternoon is not southern, and in summer, it is fire and red

Shen Youjiao is Western, autumn, gold, white color

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly


Now start to memorize the application relationship between the zodiac and the twelve branches.

The Six-In-One Relationship in the Zodiac:

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

Sub-ugly, sub-rat, ugly not cow, so, rat-cow six-in-one;

寅海合, 寅為虎,海為猪, so, Tiger Pig Liuhe;

And so on

卯戌合, i.e. rabbit-dog hexagon

Tatsumi, i.e. Dragon Rooster Hex

巳申合, i.e. snake and monkey hexagon

Noon is not combined, that is, the horse and sheep are six

Everyone found that no, Liuhe is regular. The two fingers on the left correspond to the two fingers on the right, one by one for each house, as long as you remember one, the others are remembered.

Looking at the color of these six groups of ground branches, it means that the two ground branches "merge" and produce chemical effects, which become another five-element property, such as:

Sub-ugliness merges into earth

Yin Hai merged into wood

It merges into fire

Tatsumi is combined into gold

It merges into water

The sun and the moon are not at noon

These are used in later I Ching numerology, as long as you understand the general idea, you don't have to memorize it.


Now to remember the six punches in the zodiac, it is also a good memory, as shown in the following figure:

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

Quite simply, the two ground branches facing each other are liu chong, and there are 6 palace positions between them, so it is called "liu chong", and we can use our fingers to demonstrate it:

Meridian rush, sub is rat, noon is horse, so, rat horse six chong;

Ugly is not rushed, ugly is cattle, not sheep, so cattle and sheep six punches;

And so on

Yin Shen Chong, also known as Tiger Monkey Six Chong

卯酉冲, i.e. rabbit chicken six punches;

Tatsumi Chong ,i.e. Dragon Dog Liu Chong;

Wei Hai Chong, that is, the snake pig six chong.


Looking at the triad in the zodiac, it is also regular, and it is easy to remember with a palm. Focus on remembering the four branches of the Twelve Branches of the "Meridian Unitary", with them as the center, composed of: Shen Zichen, Hai Weiwei, Yin Wujiao, and 巳酉uu. These four groups are four triplets. thereinto

The sub is the water for the due north, so the Shen Zichen Triad Water Bureau;

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

卯 is the wood for the east, so the 卯未三合木 bureau;

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

Noon is the fire for the south, so yin noon three fire bureau;

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

Unitary is gold for the west, so the unitary ugly three alloy bureau.

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

Just remember the position of the "meridian unitary", and the position of the triad is remembered. The ground branch corresponds to the zodiac, so:

Shen Zichen is the monkey rat dragon triad,

Hai Wei is not a pig rabbit sheep triad,

Yin Wu Shu is the tiger horse dog triad,

The ugly is the snake, chicken and cow triad.

Put all the triads into the twelve branches of the palace grid, as shown in the following figure:

Silly zodiac signs? The simple and easy-to-remember "ground support palm" has benefited you endlessly

brief summary

When we master the twelve lands, the relationship between the zodiac signs and their use can be easily grasped and not easy to forget. Of course, the content of the Twelve Lands Branch is far more than this, and interested friends can further understand more knowledge such as various kinds of Shengwang Help, Punishment and Punishment, Tibetan Cadres, Elephants, And Divine Fire in the Twelve Lands Branch.

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