
Retreat Words and Practical Ideas Cohesion to Open a New Bureau - The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau held a retreat meeting on human resources and social security work

author:Wuwei Rensha

In order to fully implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal "two sessions", the economic work conference and the provincial human resources and social security work conference, on the afternoon of February 10, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau held a retreat meeting on the work of human resources and social security. The meeting carefully sorted out and summarized the highlights and shortcomings of the city's human resources and social security work in 2021, discussed and exchanged typical experiences and advanced practices in other regions, studied and put forward the work and measures of this year's human resources and social security work, clarified the issues of what to grasp and how to grasp, reached a consensus, and established the direction.

Retreat Words and Practical Ideas Cohesion to Open a New Bureau - The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau held a retreat meeting on human resources and social security work

The meeting pointed out that in 2021, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, under the careful guidance of the provincial human resources and social security department, the city's human resources and social security work will strengthen its responsibility, take the initiative, overcome difficulties, pioneer and innovate, firmly adhere to the task of stabilizing the bottom line of employment, focus on enhancing the social insurance support capacity, further promote the reform of the personnel talent management service system, build a harmonious and stable labor relationship according to law, effectively improve the work style and improve the level of service for the people, and promote various key tasks with the spirit of innovation and hard work and a steady and pragmatic style. It has completed the annual target task beyond expectations and achieved a good start to the "14th Five-Year Plan".

Retreat Words and Practical Ideas Cohesion to Open a New Bureau - The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau held a retreat meeting on human resources and social security work

The meeting demanded that we should earnestly unify our thinking and actions with the deployment requirements of the central, provincial, and municipal governments, continuously consolidate the foundation of work, make up for shortcomings and weaknesses, accurately grasp the positioning of responsibilities, soberly understand risks and challenges, strengthen confidence and determination, take the initiative to take action, take the stability of employment and employment protection as the main line of work, make overall plans to promote the reform of the social security system, the innovation of the talent and personnel system and mechanism, and the construction of harmonious labor relations, deepen the construction of system style, strengthen information support, and effectively prevent and resolve major risks and challenges. In the new journey, we should seize the opportunity, work hard, and strive to promote the cause of human resources and social security

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