
Zhang Guiguang, the people's | of literature and art: Absorbing the strengths of the masses, and making further progress

Editor's note: The people are the mother of literature and art. Originating from the people, serving the people, and belonging to the people is the fundamental stand of socialist literature and art, and it is also the driving force for the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art. Literary and art workers shoulder the great mission of educating people with culture, educating people with culture, and cultivating yuan with culture, and are the backbone of promoting the great development and prosperity of socialist culture. All along, Guangdong has firmly promoted the construction of a culturally strong province, and the Southern Network Culture Channel has launched a series of reports on "People's Literature and Art", inviting literary and artistic workers in various fields in Guangdong Province to be interviewed to talk about their feelings about the construction of a culturally strong province, cultural self-confidence, and cultural inheritance and innovation.

Lingnan's unique climatic conditions nourish the people who grow up on this land, and lingnan books also give back to this land with its tradition of "emphasizing character and learning" and the style characteristics of "dashing and flexible, beautiful and elegant", and many well-known calligraphers and their works have emerged in Lingnan. The reporter of the Southern Network interviewed Zhang Guiguang, chairman of the Guangdong Calligraphers Association.

Build a platform to promote calligraphy enthusiasts to learn and communicate

In recent years, the Guangdong Calligraphers Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Provincial Calligraphy Association") has regularly held "Guangdong Province 'Nanya Award' Calligraphy seal engraving exhibition", "'Dali Cup' Guangdong Province young and middle-aged calligraphy seal engraving works exhibition", "Guangdong Calligraphers Association newcomer new calligraphy exhibition" and other inherent brand exhibitions.

Zhang Guiguang, the people's | of literature and art: Absorbing the strengths of the masses, and making further progress

"Striving for a Hundred Years of Road, Starting a New Journey - Guangdong Calligraphy Exhibition" opened in Guangzhou.

In addition, the Provincial Book Association closely followed the theme of the times, and undertook and co-organized exhibitions such as "Striving for a Hundred Years and Embarking on a New Journey - Guangdong Calligraphy Exhibition", "Guangdong Calligraphy Exhibition Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up", "National Eleventh Calligraphy Seal Engraving Works Exhibition", "National Calligraphy Temporary Poster Exhibition", etc.; excavated grass-roots calligraphy talents and held the "First Guangdong Provincial Peasant Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Works Exhibition", which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of peasant artists and enhanced the sense of honor, happiness and gain of peasant friends.

Zhang Guiguang, the people's | of literature and art: Absorbing the strengths of the masses, and making further progress

The "First Guangdong Province Peasant Calligraphy seal engraving works exhibition" opened in Shantou.

Through these exhibitions, we will build a communication platform for old, middle-aged and young calligraphers and calligraphy enthusiasts, continuously cultivate new talents in the book world, expand the influence of the platform, and promote the prosperity and development of calligraphy in Guangdong Province.

Advocating Virtue and Virtue cultivates a correct aesthetic orientation

In his early years, Zhang Guiguang studied poetry and calligraphy under The famous Lingnan residents Zhu Yongzhai and Li Quzhai, and was later admitted to the ancient script major of Sun Yat-sen University, where he studied oracle bone gold with Mr. Rong Geng and Mr. Shang Chengzuo.

Zhang Guiguang, the people's | of literature and art: Absorbing the strengths of the masses, and making further progress

Zhang Guiguang's calligraphy works.

"The inheritance of Guangdong's book world has a relatively big advantage, in terms of calligraphy, my teachers Rong Geng and Shang Chengzuo are all people with international influence. We are very happy to see our next generation, such as Chen Sipeng, the post-70s doctoral supervisor of CUHK, and Tian Wei, the post-80s doctoral supervisor, who are all members of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, not only doing a good job in ancient writing, very influential, but also their calligraphy seal engraving is also very good, they are all friends of Xiling Printing Society, so the vein of this calligraphy inheritance is very clear. Zhang Guiguang introduced.

Zhang Guiguang, the people's | of literature and art: Absorbing the strengths of the masses, and making further progress

Zhang Guiguang mentioned in his important speech at the opening ceremony of the Eleventh National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association that Chinese calligraphy is the essence of the country, the treasure of China's excellent traditional culture, and the most emblematic of the spirit and wind of the Chinese nation, and it is necessary to lead the young generation of calligraphy enthusiasts to take the promotion of virtue and art as the goal of life, cultivate the correct aesthetic orientation, abide by the integrity and innovation, respect the classics, do not follow the trend of the times, and consciously resist the "strange books" and "ugly books".

Expo 100 100 feet further

In terms of calligraphy innovation, Zhang Guiguang said that most people practice calligraphy in order to improve literacy, and the so-called "new" is actually in the process of learning, first specializing in the integration, then exposing hundreds of schools, and finally becoming self-contained.

Zhang Guiguang, the people's | of literature and art: Absorbing the strengths of the masses, and making further progress

Ten thousand calligraphers in Guangdong sent "blessings" into the public welfare activities of ten thousand families. Photo by Li Xihua, a reporter from Nanfang Daily

"The process of exposing hundreds of homes is to constantly absorb new things, improve their original deficiencies, and finally become one." Therefore, innovation is to take the traditional road, on the basis of the predecessors to go further, do not start a new stove, innovation is a matter of course. Zhang Guiguang said.

Next, the Provincial Book Association will base itself on local characteristics, inherit the art of Lingnan calligraphy, strengthen the self-confidence of local culture, deeply cultivate the rich mines of Lingnan culture, create a new highland of Lingnan calligraphy with high-quality works, and make contributions to the calligraphy circle for Guangdong to continue to walk in the forefront of the country and re-innovate the glory.

Planner: Wang Ping

Reporter: Guo Haoqi

Filmed by: Zhang Qida

Poster: Wu Junli

Some of the pictures are from the WeChat public account of the Provincial Book Association

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