
Superfire Engine Tip: These ads are "banned words" and cannot appear in short video platforms

author:Superfire engine

How to understand the "disabled words" of advertising?

According to the relevant laws and regulations of the state, advertisements must not contain false or misleading content, that is, they must not make false or misleading commercial publicity on the performance, function, quality, sales status, user evaluation, and honors of the goods, so as to deceive or mislead consumers.

Therefore, in the process of product promotion, e-commerce authors use words that are inconsistent with the actual situation and cause deception or misleading to consumers, which are all acts of using "prohibited words" in advertisements. If you use extreme words such as "national level", "best on the whole network", "unique", "top", "first brand", etc., you can't oh ~

Superfire Engine Tip: These ads are "banned words" and cannot appear in short video platforms

What behaviors are judged to be the use of advertising "stopwords"?

According to relevant laws and regulations and typical cases of advertising violations, common advertising "prohibited words" include, but are not limited to, the following types of words:

Abuse of extreme language and exaggerated contrasts

Abuse of authoritative and qualification-based statements

Absolutized terms


False promises and high-risk inducing classes

Case: Believe me, this treasure can earn two hundred when you buy it back and change hands, which is absolutely appreciated.

Involved in superstitious propaganda

Case: This gossip mirror is placed at home, ensuring that you will run every time you are murdered.

How can I avoid using advertising "stop words" for false advertising?

There is a high risk of false publicity in the use of advertising prohibited words in the process of commodity sharing, and it is recommended that e-commerce authors fully learn to master the knowledge related to advertising prohibited words and platform control rules before publicity, and pay attention to verify whether the promotional content is consistent with the actual situation of the product.

note!!! Whether it is in the oral broadcast, background board, video subtitles, shopping cart/video title, or product detail page and other promotional scenes, you can not use advertising ban words.

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