
Is it true that bodily functions decline and are warned ten years before death? What's the performance?


As you get older, the body gradually begins to age, which is a normal physiological process, and a series of changes in the body should also be accepted calmly. The accelerating speed of aging also means that death is not far away, indicating that their life expectancy is shortening. Aging and death are no way to avoid, but it is not that there is no way to delay aging, as well as prolong life, as long as you can do a good job of prevention in advance before aging accelerates, you can help delay aging and prolong life.

In terms of delaying aging, scientists have not missed any opportunity, have been immersed in research, in August last year, the British Medical Journal, there was a study on aging, especially pointed out that when the body function declines, in the first ten years of death to give early warning, but most people have not been able to perceive, it can not successfully delay aging, prolong life.

Is it true that bodily functions decline and are warned ten years before death? What's the performance?

This study is from the analysis of motor function, but also after many years of long-term tracking, the conclusion was drawn, the study is from 2007 to 2016, during which all the study subjects, respectively, 3 times of motor function analysis, and finally from the walking speed, sitting time and grip force measurements, as well as some daily activity behavior, a comprehensive analysis of these aspects of the performance of people who are relatively poor, the risk of death will increase, and these study subjects, in the ten years before the death of the performance, The ability to sit and stand is manifested first, and over time, the deterioration of motor function is revealed, and then developed, and the clues can be found from daily behavior.

Therefore, the final summary is that after the decline of human body function, a hint has been given since the first ten years of death, depending on whether you can find it. To sum up, this study is aimed at several abilities, not comprehensive enough, but still trustworthy, aging and these manifestations will be related, as for the big big need more research proof.

Is it true that bodily functions decline and are warned ten years before death? What's the performance?

So, when the body function declines, what will the body behave?

It becomes difficult to sit down and stand up

Sitting up and standing up can help determine the aging of bones and muscles, and the above study also conducted this tracking analysis of the study subjects, which can show that when human body functions begin to age, the sitting and standing up movements will be performed. Normally, it is very easy for a young person to sit down and stand up, indicating that the bones and muscles are relatively healthy and maintain a youthful state.

If you are older, it is obvious that you feel that it is a little difficult to stand up after sitting down, and even some people are difficult to stand up without supporting things. And the sitting and standing up mentioned here is not from a high chair, bench, but from a floor mat, to sit down and stand up, if someone even sits down from the chair, bench to stand up, it has become very difficult, it is more important to pay attention to, indicating that the body degradation is more serious.

Is it true that bodily functions decline and are warned ten years before death? What's the performance?

There is discomfort in the legs and feet

Did not walk any road, did not do any exercise, just simple daily activities, will feel the legs and feet have a sense of pain, sometimes, sleep at night will also feel the legs and feet numb, cramps, may also appear pain, this situation in the old age, often appear, it is necessary to cause attention, it is very likely that the body is issuing a warning to you, telling you that the body function is deteriorating, to do a good job of conditioning in time.

It is said that people's old legs first decline, there is still a certain reason, one is the aging of bones, on the other hand is the aging of blood vessels, affecting the blood supply and oxygen supply of the legs, which will lead to a series of problems in the legs and feet, of course, it may also be caused by diseases, and it is necessary to find the cause in time.

Is it true that bodily functions decline and are warned ten years before death? What's the performance?

Abnormal walking

Just walking simply, but always feel the pain in the legs and feet, and the walking is still a little crooked, and the speed of walking is obviously reduced. In the process of climbing stairs or going up the ramp, it is obvious that you can feel the knee pain, but also feel very tired, the legs and feet have a feeling of weakness, the heartbeat will also appear abnormal, if you are old, these performances, do not ignore, is the realization of aging, should start maintenance, do a good job, in order to delay aging, but also to help prolong life.

When the body functions begin to age, there will be signals to give, as long as you pay more attention to your body, you can maintain it in time, and the aging rate will also slow down a little, and some special manifestations may also be a signal of the disease, pay attention to it early and check it in time, you can treat it early to avoid serious disease development. It is recommended that after the age of 40, you will start to prevent aging, learn to maintain the body, less bad habits, more good habits, will help slow down the pace of aging, but also more beneficial to health, I hope you do not lazy.


1. "Sit up and stand up to measure aging", Health Times, 2012.12.31

2. "Aging Begins with Waist and Leg Pain", Health Times, January 8, 2015

3. "Blood vessel aging feet know one or two, there are feet cold, numb, lame, it is time to check the blood vessels" · Health World · 2021.5.18

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