
Tesla CEO Musk was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering

February 10 news, according to foreign media reports, on February 9, local time, the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING 2021 national academy of engineering additional academician list was released, this time a total of 111 academicians and 22 foreign academicians were selected, Tesla CEO Elon Musk is also on the list.

Also included in the selection were Gray Denise, President of LG Energy Solutions Michigan, General Electric (GE. N) McDonald John, head of smart grid business, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Fang Daining of Beijing Institute of Technology were also selected as foreign academicians. At present, the total number of academicians of the American Academy of Engineering has reached 2388, and the number of international academicians has reached 310.

The National Engineering Institute is one of the highest professional honors awarded to engineers, awarded to those who have "made outstanding contributions to engineering research, practice or education".

The list describes Musk as Musk, the founder, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX. Major breakthroughs in the design, engineering, manufacturing and operation of reusable launch vehicles and sustainable transport and energy systems.

In response, Musk retweeted on Twitter and said "Thank you very much! According to the National Academy of Engineering, the newly elected team will be formally inaugurated at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Engineering on October 2, 2022.

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