
Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

Li Xinggang is the chief architect of China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. From the towering "Bird's Nest", the main venue of the Beijing Olympic Games, to the alpine skiing and bobsleigh venues of the Beijing Winter Olympics between the lofty mountains and mountains, he has personally experienced the birth and growth of The Olympic venues of Beijing, the "City of Two Olympics". Whether it is a national-level construction project or the daily residence of ordinary citizens, Li Xinggang is committed to the ancient wisdom of "mutual integration" between man-made and nature, which is continued in contemporary architectural design. His two Olympic works are engraved with different marks of the times.

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

"My book is called The Walker's Tale, and the Walker is my own name, and I am a constant traveler, a man who is constantly looking for his own map. The picture language is that there is a text next to each sketch I draw to record my feelings. "Architecture is a complex science and technology, can also be a beautiful art, Li Xinggang said that he is a rational person, "construction projects need a rigorous attitude, if not rigorous enough, the work of problems will have a great impact, so our work is very much in need of rationality." But he is also a very emotional person, full of artist temperament, love literature, drawing, writing, his art list is also full of breadth and depth, far from the history, civilization, close to see their own heart.

"A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" and the architecture of the Forbidden City - scenic geometry

Li Xinggang's art list includes these two works that are very "popular" from ancient times to the present. "The Forbidden City is the result of our unique camp city method in China, so it has Chinese unique design wisdom in it."

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

Li Xinggang said that the first time he saw the Forbidden City, he had a feeling of "tears in his eyes", and his heart was hit. Li Xinggang, who was studying at the university at that time, saw the Forbidden City, different from the general tourists, but also different from the current "net red" punch card, Li Xinggang was deeply attracted by the greatness and mystery of the building, if there was a circle of friends at that time, he might send: "Sketch a page of the Forbidden City in the cold wind and the noise of people." Many years have passed since I first climbed Jingshan mountain in the summer of 1990 to see this scene, and my inner feelings and sighs are still as fresh as yesterday. Starting from this starting point, I seemed to have gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, 'returning is still like a teenager', and all the vicissitudes and all the thoughts are in it and in front of me. Beijing and the Forbidden City are my starting point and my constant point of return. Thirty years later, this realization finally evolved into the words in his book, becoming a memorial. We can still see the passion of a futuristic architect.

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

And now he has a different feeling about the "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" hidden in the Forbidden City. The rivers and mountains are picturesque, becoming the rivers and mountains in the painting, "until today, the Chinese gardens have still inspired us contemporary architects a lot", the gardens and landscapes in the paintings, the kind of "walking, looking, living, and traveling" interest, all of which are the codes left by the legendary painter Wang Ximeng of the Northern Song Dynasty, and how many artists are immersed in it to read it.

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

"'A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains' is different from other landscape paintings, it is a depiction of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. Each part of it can constitute a space, constitute a complete picture, and different pictures are dotted together to form a large world. "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" in my imagination, it is the integration of landscape painting space, we talk about appreciating the landscape painting of the kind of 'flat, far-reaching, high and far-reaching' three-far realm, it has inside, in this painting can feel a lot of things. ”

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

Li Xinggang once applied the local elements in "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" to the architectural design of the Chinese Embassy in Spain, so that the Eastern and Western perceptions of beauty were perfectly integrated.

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

In the program, Li Xinggang shared his "scenic geometry" design concept. "Scenic geometry" is to create a poetic situation in which man and nature coexist, emphasizing that "technology guides the craftsman, and artificial interaction with nature", which makes us feel the architect's different cognition of the world.

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

(Sketch of Jingshan Wanshou Pavilion)

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

(Sketch of the Yanqing Competition area of the Beijing Winter Olympics)

"The Three-Body Problem" and "Will Enter the Wine" are observations of the heart and self

Li Xinggang was born in 1969 and is a post-70s graduate. Beneath the exterior, which does not correspond to his actual age, there must be a passionate soul.

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

In Li Xinggang's art list, Liu Cixin's "Three-Body Problem" is impressively listed, which enhances the designer's "mysterious temperament" - the Beijing Winter Olympic venues are highly intelligent, innovative technologies and facilities are everywhere, looking like the future world of science fiction. I don't know if it was influenced by "The Three-Body Problem" when designing. "'Three-Body Problem' is a kind of hard science fiction, it is not the kind of magic story, not the kind that flies to the sky on a broomstick, but the future scene imagined by the author, which is based on very strict scientific principles and physical principles, including the imagination of the macroscopic universe and the imagination of the microscopic world."

"Three-Body Problem" is a series of long science fiction novels created by Liu Cixin, which tells the information exchange between human civilization and the three-body civilization on earth, life and death and the rise and fall of the two civilizations in the universe. Its first film was translated by Liu Yukun and won the Best Novel Award at the 73rd Hugo Awards. In 2019, it was included in the "New China 70 Years and 70 Novels Collection". In April 2020, it was included in the "Catalogue of Reading Guidance for Primary and Secondary School Students (2020 Edition)" of the "Textbook Development Center for Basic Education Curriculum of the Ministry of Education".

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

(Yang Yawen sang the theme song of the "Three-Body" radio drama "Sea of Dust")

From its first publication in 2006 to today, "The Three-Body Problem" has not only not been forgotten for more than a decade, but has become a masterpiece of science fiction works, which not only has the description of the world by literary imagination, but also the prediction of unknown human reason. Li Xinggang was one of the first readers to read "The Three-Body Problem", and the experience of reading "Three-Body" ran through the design of the two Olympic venues, and the impact of this work on the world was coupled with Li Xinggang's annotations, perhaps one of its words has been turned into reinforced concrete, above our heads or feet, becoming a part of the world.

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

(Chen Ming plays "Croatian Rhapsody")

In the list of arts, Li Xinggang also mentioned "Will Enter the Wine", not Li Bai's "Life must be full of joy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon", but a song written by singer Luo Dayou. Li Bai once expressed his grief and open-mindedness about the country and his career through the poem "Will Enter the Wine", as well as his confidence in his own talents, and Luo Dayou's song "Will Enter the Wine" also has an exclamation of the country and the times, and more of a sigh of life and time. "The tides come and go, the sunsets and sunrises. The Yellow River has also become a strange stream of water. The country is picturesque, the time passes... Don't mention the right and wrong of the world again. Tonight there is wine tonight drunk this evening...". When singing it, there will be a lot of passionate stories and feelings about life, which is the song that Li Xinggang sang to himself in his heart.

Li Xinggang, designer of "Double Olympics", is the list of art in the three realms of "pingyuan, far-reaching and lofty"

The architect is blissful, his work stands there, it becomes part of the world, whether you pay attention to it or not, it has already been integrated into your world. This episode will air on February 10, 2022 at 20:58.

(Text/Ma Ning Photo/Shi Haojun)

Source: CCTV Variety

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