
Tesla's Berlin plant is expected to start production as soon as mid-March and is still awaiting final approval

According to the Brandenburg News Network Rbb24 in Berlin, Germany, after several delays, Tesla's Berlin factory will not be put into operation until mid-March at the earliest, because Tesla still needs to wait for the final approval of the local government.

Tesla reportedly repeatedly changed the amount of toxic chemicals that may have leaked in the accident in its filing materials, which may have affected the progress of the government audit. In addition, local government officials have not yet evaluated Tesla's plans to clean up wastewater. Only after the completion of the above procedures can the factory obtain the necessary production permits.

Tesla had planned to start initial production at its Berlin plant last summer, but the start of production at Tesla's Berlin plant has been significantly delayed due to slow audits and lawsuits from local environmental groups.

On last year's third-quarter earnings call, Tesla Chief Financial Officer Zachary Kirkhorn acknowledged that neither the Berlin nor Texas plants could start production by the end of 2021, though both are expected to be operational by early 2022.

On a fourth-quarter 2021 earnings call last month, Musk said both plants are awaiting approval from government agencies to start production, however, the Texas plant appears to be closer to production start-up than the Berlin plant.

The RBB reported that authorities are still reviewing safety precautions at the plant, but did not cite any sources.

A spokesman for Germany's Ministry of the Environment said: "We have specified no specific date", but he also revealed that it is now in the final stages of the approval process.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted last month that he would visit the Berlin factory in mid-February.

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