
The story of a snowflake is the warmest foreshadowing of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics

author:China Youth Network

The torch of the 24th Winter Olympics finally flickered and rose in a huge snowflake.

At the moment when the mystery of the ignition was revealed, many people were surprised. Pure children's voices and white pigeons surround the giant snowflakes connected by small snowflakes marked with the names of 91 countries and regions, and together guard the fire and reach the hearts of the people.

This is a warm footnote written by Zhang Yimou, director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, to the snowflakes. In his opinion, the biggest foreshadowing of the opening ceremony is "the story of a snowflake".

"No two snowflakes in the world are the same", yet "every snowflake is warm", and in the bird's nest, different snowflakes surround the same fire, "together to the future".

The story of snowflakes runs through the opening ceremony.

In the countdown short film, the "heavy snow" and "light snow" in the twenty-four solar terms first play the prelude of spring.

The guide who led the athletes to the team was like a fairy in the snow, holding aloft the shining snowflakes and marching with a perfect posture, full of the friendliness, atmosphere and self-confidence of Chinese youth.

Unlike the 2008 Olympic Games, the snowflake cards they held had to be held by hand to be lifted, placed diagonally above their heads, vertically between heaven and earth, and the movements had to be exactly the same. Walking, holding up cards and smiling, they practiced it countless times.

Zhao Yifan, a student at Beijing Normal University, said that even if the cold wind is cold during training, she feels warm at the thought of the opening ceremony, and she looks forward to showing the most exuberant and lively appearance of young people in the new era at that moment with a straight posture and bright eyes.

To the beatles' "Imagine", 24 young roller skaters slipped out of the snow with Chinese knots, demonstrating the Olympic motto of "faster, taller, stronger – more united".

Six flag bearers carried the Olympic flag, including Shen Xue, China's first Figure Skating Pairs Skaters Champion. More than 5 months ago, on September 28, 2021, Shen Xue told the indissoluble relationship with snowflakes at the launch of the "Snowflake" theme creative collection launched by China Youth Daily and a number of institutions for teenagers.

Shen Xue, a native of Harbin, was born on a day when snowflakes fluttered, and her parents used "snow" as her name, hoping that her life would be as pure as ice and snow. Coincidentally, her career has always been accompanied by ice and snow. When it comes to snowflakes, she always thinks of the warm scenes at home, and her heart floods with love for her career, "it is also warm."

Shen Xue hopes that more young people will join in ice and snow sports. Nowadays, the goal of "300 million people participating in ice and snow sports" has been achieved, ice and snow sports are no longer "not out of shanhaiguan", and people of different regions and ages are witnessing and enjoying the happiness brought by ice and snow.

At the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, people saw that under the background of the earth, snowflakes fell and converged into large snowflakes, flew back to the center of the earth screen after flying across the sky. A snowflake about 15 meters long slowly rises and sparkles, lighting up the entire nest. At that moment, the people of the whole world were like small snowflakes in the center of the stage, closely connected.

Snowflakes, for the first time, carry such a warm and grand meaning. In the view of Wang Zhiou, visual effects director of the opening ceremony, this Winter Olympics will be held in the context of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and this snowflake tells not only the story of "me", but also the common future of "we", which has the important significance of a community with a shared future for mankind. "The world must unite and help each other to overcome difficulties."

Zhang Yi Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

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