
There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it


With the improvement of living standards, people are eating better and better.

With that comes all kinds of chronic problems, endangering the health of the body.

Among them, high blood lipids are a very common one, that is, there is too much fat in the blood vessels.

So, how do you know how much vascular fat you have? Let's take a look!

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it
There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it!

Sign 1: Yellow warts on the eyelids

Once the surface of the skin grows a papular yellow nodule, oval flat yellow bulge, it is necessary to be vigilant that it is bleral verrucous warthus, common in the face, neck, trunk and limbs, at this time, indicating that blood lipids have been high.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

Sign 2: Easy to get dizzy and sleepy

After getting up early, dizziness, chest tightness, after lunch, sleepiness, listlessness, at night, but energetic, we must pay attention to whether blood lipids are high.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

Sign 3: Pain, numbness in the extremities

Once the fat and cholesterol content in the blood vessels is too high, it will lead to the accumulation of too many plaques in the blood, blocking the blood vessels, which will lead to insufficient blood supply at the distal ends of the limbs such as hands and feet, and then pain and numbness.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

People with the following three habits should be wary of high blood lipids

Habit 1: Like to drink

Studies have found that drinking sugary drinks every day can easily lead to dyslipidemia and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

People who drank at least one cup a day had a 53 percent increase in the incidence of hypertriglyceridemia compared to those who rarely drank sugary drinks.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

Habit 2: Love to eat fried food

When food is fried, more fat is ingested, leading to elevated blood lipids.

Moreover, eating more fried food can also cause obesity, which in turn leads to dyslipidemia.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

Habit 3: Enjoy desserts

Sugars convert into triglycerides, causing an increase in blood lipids and aggravating hyperlipidemia.

In addition, the high intake of sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which converts the remaining sugar in the body into fat.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

Control blood lipids, supplement "two nutrients", remember "two ones", change "two vices", and do a good job of "two controls"

Supplementing "Two Nutrients"

1. Supplement "magnesium"

To regulate blood lipids, you can eat more foods rich in "magnesium".

Magnesium can reduce the increase in triglycerides in the serum and lower the harmful cholesterol.

Foods that contain more magnesium include beans, nuts, amaranth, mustard greens, mushrooms and so on.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

2. Supplement "dietary fiber"

Proper supplementation of dietary fiber can stimulate the peristalsis of the large intestine, excrete cholesterol from the body, and reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood.

The daily intake for adults is 25 to 35 grams, about 3 plates of vegetables, 2 servings of fruits, and the use of multigrain rice instead of white rice, which can easily meet the needs of the day.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it
Remember the "Two Ones"

1. A cup of fat-reducing tea

People with high blood lipids are suitable for drinking more tea, which is beneficial for regulating blood lipids.

Between meals, drink some plant-based cellulite tea to help improve blood lipid health.

Dandelion holly tea, soaking water, cellulite detoxification, unclogging blood vessels, reducing blockages, and maintaining blood vessels.

Use dandelions, lotus leaves, holly, the three together, hot water to brew tea can be.

Dandelion, which lowers serum triacylglycerol, increases HDL, improves blood lipids, and promotes detoxification.

Lotus leaf, help to improve the blood thick viscosity, lower lipids, anti-thrombosis, beneficial to blood vessel health.

Holly, lowers total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, improves blood vessel blockage.

These are combined to soak in water to promote detoxification of the body, lower lipids, improve blood viscosity, and prevent thrombosis.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

2: A spoonful of blended oil

Blood lipids are high, be sure to control cooking oil.

Don't eat a single oil, eat it with a mixture.

Olive oil, soybean oil, perilla cooking oil, 2:2:1 ratio blended.

In this way, you can eat all three kinds of fatty acids needed by the human body, which helps to regulate blood lipids.

Among them, perilla edible oil, containing α-linolenic acid, is currently the most deficient fatty acid in the human body.

Chinese Nutrition Society 2013 edition, recommended α-linolenic acid, daily intake, 1600-1800 mg.

Appropriate supplementation of α-linolenic acid can lower lipids, promote blood detoxification, improve blood viscosity, soften blood vessels, protect vascular endothelial cells, reduce lipid deposition and improve fibrinolytic function, and prevent cardiovascular disease.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it
Break the "two vices"

1. Quit smoking and alcohol

Smoking not only causes dyslipidemia, but also damages the vascular endothelium.

Over time, it is easy to cause blood lipids to be deposited in the blood vessel wall, forming blood clots and endangering health.

Drinking a lot of alcohol can also lead to dyslipidemia, especially drinking a lot of beer, and will also increase the risk of obesity.

Therefore, if you want to regulate blood lipids, you must insist on quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol, the sooner the better, and it is not too late at any time.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

2. Quit staying up late

Ensuring quality sleep is especially important for improving blood lipids and good health.

Once you stay up for a long time and sleep at night, it will not only aggravate high blood lipids, but also accelerate the formation of blood clots.

1 hour before going to bed, avoid playing games, watching movies and television works, etc., you can use hot water to soak your feet and listen to light music.

It is also important to go to sleep before eleven o'clock in the evening and not to get out of bed in the morning.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it
Do a good job of "two controls"

1. Weight control

Once overweight and obesity, it will further affect the aggravation of hyperlipidemia.

To regulate weight, remember to control the mouth, diet, pay attention to meat and vegetarian collocation, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Three meals a day, regular rations, do not overeat, do not eat supper, do not eat after 8 pm.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it

2. Control the mood

Studies have proved that emotional stress is one of the reasons for promoting high blood lipid production.

Therefore, in life, it is necessary to control emotions, relax more, reduce nervous emotions, and maintain an optimistic attitude.

Be tolerant of yourself, be kind to others, and get along well with colleagues, relatives and friends, family members, and leaders, which helps to maintain the stability of blood lipids.

There are 3 signs in the body, indicating that there is too much "fat" in the blood vessels, so quickly control it
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