
Nugget ice pier industry chain: factories, secondary dealers, micro-merchants and cottage goods

Nugget ice pier industry chain: factories, secondary dealers, micro-merchants and cottage goods

Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618)

Wen | Qiao Xue, Xi Rui, Zhai Yuanyuan

Cover source | Visual China

The mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the "Ice Pier", instantly became the top stream.

On the opening day of the Winter Olympics on February 4, more than one million people poured into the official flagship store of Olympic Tmall to buy the peripheral products of the ice pier, key chains and commemorative badges, etc. In order to avoid hoarding, the official regulations limit the purchase of 2 per ID, but this has not alleviated the situation that the ice pier has been out of stock.

More people will pour their hopes into the almighty circle of friends, with some asking for ice piers and another group selling them.

The ice piers that have become the top stream are "difficult to find", the purchase enthusiasm is superimposed on the scarcity, and the relationship between supply and demand is unbalanced, which has become a game and business opportunity between the production factory, the second-channel vendor, and the cottage product.

Although, the Olympic franchise has a perfect franchise system, that is, from the establishment and ownership of intellectual property rights, to the licensing of IP, commercial product development and sales, there is a mature set of processes. However, in the face of attractive interests, production factories, supply chains, middlemen, second-hand markets, cottages and other forces are also sneaking in, and even form an invisible underground market.

Factory production capacity can not keep up, channel providers increase prices, micro-businesses take advantage of marketing

The ice piers became the code of wealth, and the upstream source production factories were like new printing machines.

"Expedited, expedited, expedited!"

This is a factory head of authorized production Chen Sheng recently heard the most two words, Chen Sheng told Tech Planet, now is not a separate docking of individual sellers, basically the retail store channels can be booked in advance to a batch of goods, if you really want to buy, more than 500 to consider into the process, but also to close the big sellers first.

Chen Sheng's factory, which urgently recalled workers on the fifth day of the first year, has worked three shifts to produce ice piers and other Winter Olympic peripheral products. "In fact, the output of such products is very small, before the production of hundreds of a day, now more popular, has opened two sets of molds, but a day production capacity is also thousands, or in short supply," Chen Sheng said.

Chen Sheng said that since the release of his own resources with ice piers, WeChat has been exploded, and now there are more than 200 customers, due to too many friends in a short period of time, when new customers are added, WeChat is prompted to "beware of fraud".

At present, the best-selling styles on the market are the ice pier 20 cm plush toy and the 8 cm handmade model, with the official price of 192 yuan and 88 yuan respectively. And wait for the resources to transfer to the hands of channel providers, the price easily doubled several times, 25cm ice pier plush toys for 432 yuan / one, snow melting for 224 yuan / one, is expected to be shipped in March-April; and hand-made, the factory's direct sales channel price of 129 yuan, higher than about 50 yuan. The page shows that the model has sold more than 40,000 pieces, and it is estimated that it will make a profit of more than 2 million yuan, and it is "no refund and no exchange".

Another relevant person who can contact the authorized factory revealed to Tech Planet that many sellers who do cross-border trade are very powerful, and will dock the resources at the factory end in advance, and then a large number of hoarded goods will be sold on the extranet e-commerce, in addition to the domestic keychains and hand offices, commemorative badges, cultural shirts, etc. are better sold abroad.

Another plant, which mainly produces gold and diamonds, also claimed to have been authorized this year. When Tech Planet first inquired, the factory said that there was no schedule, and after a few days of repeated inquiries, the manufacturer said that it would wait, and suddenly said to Tech Planet one night that there was a batch of goods, the same gold ice pier for the award-winning athletes, "the olympic organizing committee designated supplier, 80 grams of silver, 500 grams of copper, each product can play the Olympic organizing committee LOGO", the price of 2699 yuan.

Not long after, the relevant staff of the manufacturer said that this batch of goods has been ordered by a customer in Zhejiang, a total of 500, before and after the time is not more than 3 minutes, the degree of ice pier popularity can be seen.

It is reported that there are 29 licensed manufacturers and 58 licensed retailers in the Beijing Winter Olympics. The Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee has opened more than 190 licensed retail stores nationwide and has developed more than 5,000 licensed products of 16 categories.

29 factories, almost all working overtime day and night, because no one knows, how long this boom will last, the aforementioned person also told Tech Planet, on November 2, 2019, the ice pier and snow Rongrong officially debuted, many factories have obtained authorization qualifications at that time, the factory to obtain authorization qualification is about 4 years 20 million license fees, so the factory should also step up production to expand sales.

In addition to the real and false authorized factories, some people aim at the ice pier to make a profit, and some people take advantage of the ice pier marketing.

A micro-business team teacher teachers use the ice pier as a drainage product, Yili, Anta and other brands have launched the purchase of live room products to participate in the ice pier lottery and other activities in the live broadcast room, the micro-business using the attention to the public number can obtain the ice pier limited time seconds qualification, within a few days has been filled with 4 500 people WeChat group.

No one seems to want to let go of this good time for nuggets.

Secondary agents, shoe-fried cattle poured into the fried ice piers

Since the opening of the Winter Olympics, the ice pier has only been out of the circle for four or five days. But soon, the ice pier has not only become the new favorite of the second-hand market, compared with the large channel providers of the docking factory, there have been many specialized secondary agents and fried shoe scalpers who want to rub the heat in WeChat.

Zhou Li is selling ice piers in the circle of friends, and recruits second-level agents at the same time. Like other micro-merchants, being his agent does not need to hoard goods, a piece of distribution, pricing power is also in their own. "Keychain, I sold 158 yuan a in the circle of friends, the price to the agent is 128 yuan, how much can I sell in himself."

At present, Zhou Li's circle of friends sells ice pier dolls, key chains, pendants and ornaments, in addition to the keychain, the others are spot. In comparison, the price increase of Zhou Li is not exaggerated. The 20cm ice pier doll set in his circle of friends is priced at 500 yuan and the keychain is 158 yuan. Compared with the 288 yuan offer price, the price of the doll has nearly doubled, and the price of the keychain has more than tripled.

But Zhou Li did not disclose his price of the goods. He told Tech Planet that there are relatives working in the factory, so they can get a lot of goods. For the specific authorized factory name, Zhou Li did not disclose, but emphasized that the relatives in the enterprise have factories in Henan and Shenzhen, "My goods are the original factory orders, with anti-counterfeiting codes, support inspection." ”

In order to avoid risks, Zhou Li does not recommend that his agents take orders on third-party platforms, but take WeChat or QQ. At present, zhouli's two agents are selling goods through WeChat.

Compared with hoarding, Zhou Li also recommends that agents go to a single volume. "If you hoard, you can be generous and excellent, but we can't pick up more than a hundred orders at present, and we can't take out so many things at one time."

Zhou Li is actually not an "old micro-business", he is a post-95 who has just graduated from college for less than two years. This is also the first time that Zhou Li has really done micro-business and recruited agents. He can sell nearly 30 keychains a day, "the doll asks the most people, but few people place orders." ”

Not only the micro-businessmen who are "large and excellent", but also professional shoe speculators and even beauty purchasing, have also poured in. Unable to do the full supply, they chose to focus on the hottest dolls.

Lin Yang, whose circle of friends has been serving sneakers, the circle of friends on February 7 is all ice piers: "a lot of recycling, everything must be" and "a set of spot".

Unlike those so-called "channeled" micro-businesses, some of the goods of shoe speculators come from C-end retail investors, first recycle in large quantities, and then sell at high prices to earn the difference. Therefore, compared with other channels, shoe speculators have a relatively higher price for products around the ice pier. The hottest 20cm ice pier doll set, Lin Yang has shouted out a high price of 1200 yuan, and the keychain with a price of 58 yuan will sell for 299 yuan.

"I'm just crazy about receiving goods, collecting everything." Some people bought it last year and prepared to give it away, but they didn't expect it to catch fire, so they all sold it to me," Lin Yang said. As for the question of true and false, Lin Yang did not even consider it, "This will not be false, right?" I can't tell the difference between true and false, but there are anti-counterfeiting codes anyway. ”

Not only Lin Yang, another shoe flipper also began to fry the surrounding products of the ice pier, he told Tech Planet that the peers in the circle of friends and even the beauty purchasing agent are recycling the goods around the ice pier. Experience tells them that only 20cm dolls have a certain collectible value and can have explosive potential. Although the circle of friends publicity is all required, in fact, Lin Yang only has multiple sets of 20cm ice pier suit dolls in his hand.

Shoe speculators who have been in the shoe circle for many years can also judge the "life cycle" of the ice pier. On February 8, Lin Yang's circle of friends advertisement has returned to the advertising campaign of sneakers and bubble Mart tide play.

They knew that the popularity of the ice pier would not last, but in the face of the sudden top stream and business opportunities, they chose to join and wanted to get a piece of it.

"No goods to find Yiwu", cottage goods 2 yuan a piece

According to Shanxi Securities, the income from licensed commodities will exceed 2.5 billion yuan throughout the Winter Olympics cycle.

After an IP is hot, there will be forces from all sides pouring in to dig for gold. In addition to scalpers, second-level agents who fried shoes and fried tides, and micro-business purchasing agents, Yiwu small factories also ran into the market.

"Now the pressure has been given to Yiwu", "the goods are sold short, the goods are not found in Yiwu...", netizens are "difficult to find a pier" so ridiculed. Unexpectedly, Yiwu Small Factory really launched the ice pier cottage version overnight in three days.

A Yiwu ice pier keychain wholesaler told Tech Planet that he has two types of ice pier keychain commodities with different processes, one is a three-dimensional silicone injection molding process, the wholesale price is 5 yuan, 7 days shipping; one is acrylic digital printing process, the wholesale price is 2 yuan, 7 nights to produce samples, 3 days shipping. Both categories of goods are ordered at a minimum of 1,000 units and require cash to pick up the goods.

Nugget ice pier industry chain: factories, secondary dealers, micro-merchants and cottage goods

In addition, they also accept customization, you can specify the specific style of the product, you can also modify the style, but the threshold is relatively high, at least 20,000 or 30,000 orders are needed.

The goods related to the ice pier are licensed goods for the Winter Olympics, and their production and sales must be authorized by the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, but these small factories in Yiwu are obviously not authorized.

The above-mentioned Yiwu wholesaler claims to be a "second-way dealer", but he also emphasizes that he belongs to the second road, second only to the original factory. He took the goods from a friend's factory, 5 yuan a keychain, he took the price of the goods is 4.5 yuan, he has about 10% of the profit. The factory produces this kind of keychain, and the cost is only 1-2 yuan.

In addition to the "two ways" there are "three ways" and "four ways", but after each hand, the price will be added a lot, according to another volunteer merchant, the same keychain compared to the "two businesses", has reached 18 yuan each, and only accept centralized purchase, 100 minimum sale.

Nugget ice pier industry chain: factories, secondary dealers, micro-merchants and cottage goods

Whether it is the producer or the distributor, everyone knows whether the product is legal or not. "There's no authorization, it's copycats, you know. If you want to have authorization, where is the price. ”

In order to expand the source of customers, there are also similar Yiwu goods on a shopping e-commerce platform, the price is 10 yuan lower than the official price, when asked whether it is genuine, the merchant said: "The same goods, packaging and appearance of the same touch." ”

Chen Te, a lawyer at Zhejiang Yimo Law Firm, told Tech Planet that the copyright of the Winter Olympic mascot is generally in the Olympic Organizing Committee, and these acts constitute copyright infringement, and the right holder can protect his rights, can complain to the local market supervision department, investigate and punish, and the right holder can also file a copyright infringement lawsuit.

How long can this nuggets go on? According to the public information, the license sales period of Olympic retail stores is until September 30, 2022, that is to say, as long as you wait patiently, "one household and one pier" and "one family and one integration" are not difficult to achieve. Therefore, once the relationship between supply and demand returns to normal, the various roles around this industrial chain will naturally disappear.

Nugget ice pier industry chain: factories, secondary dealers, micro-merchants and cottage goods
Nugget ice pier industry chain: factories, secondary dealers, micro-merchants and cottage goods

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