
iResearch Consulting: Build a mother and baby family service ecology, and baby trees become star mother and baby Apps

author:Maternal and infant reference

With the strategic attention of the population problem, the introduction of the national three-child policy, and the implementation of "spawning" measures in various places, the maternal and infant Internet industry will achieve steady development in 2021. Recently, iResearch released the "2021 China Mobile Internet Maternal and Infant Industry Traffic Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"), which shows that the rise of maternal and infant traffic will accelerate in 2021, the demand for content + tools + community maternal and infant vertical platforms is strong, and the user scale will remain almost positive throughout the year.

iResearch Consulting: Build a mother and baby family service ecology, and baby trees become star mother and baby Apps

(Source iResearch Report)

According to the survey of the "Report", the scale of users in China's mobile Internet parenting industry reached 38.9 million in November 2021, and the single-day effective time of single-player reached 16.3 minutes. At the same time, the track head player BabyTree performed brilliantly: the BabyTree Pregnancy App reached 254.5 minutes of effective use time in November 2021, far exceeding the industry average of 110.9%.

iResearch Consulting: Build a mother and baby family service ecology, and baby trees become star mother and baby Apps

Behind the industry's remarkable achievements is BabyTree's continuous efforts to dig deep into the huge potential value of the maternal and infant vertical community and build a maternal and infant family service ecology. The "Report" pointed out that the authority and rejuvenation of BabyTree are recognized, and it continues to absorb the new generation of maternal and infant users, innovates the experience of product content, and becomes the industry-leading parenting star App.

Care for young mothers and occupy the entrance to traffic

Building a fertility-friendly society is an important measure to effectively improve fertility rate and the driving force for the high-quality development of the maternal and infant industry. In recent years, post-90s and post-95 women have gradually entered the stage of marriage and childbearing, they generally grow up in a materially sufficient environment, have a higher level of education, and pay more and more attention to the quality of pregnancy and childcare, self-worth realization, and the quality of family life. The baby and child development and education system, the family health parenting encyclopedia system and the female self-growth system built by the baby tree not only provide the necessary knowledge of parenting, but also care for the psychological emotions and value realization of mothers, create a fertility friendly atmosphere, and become an effective grasp of brand breakthrough growth.

iResearch Consulting: Build a mother and baby family service ecology, and baby trees become star mother and baby Apps

(BabyTree and Chief Childcare Officer Wu Minxia Care for Women)

Since the establishment of the vertical community in 2007 for 15 years, BabyTree's maternal and infant family content library is scientific and comprehensive, the resource advantages of fertility experts are outstanding, and it has in-depth exploration in short videos, live broadcasts, intelligent tools, etc., from pregnancy preparation, pregnancy, postpartum to the whole life cycle of childcare, providing users with professional and authoritative knowledge content and highly targeted service programs, greatly alleviating the parenting anxiety of young mothers, and effectively improving the health level of young families in the post-epidemic era. In addition to paying attention to the pregnant family, BabyTree has repeatedly released women's workplace reports, white papers on mother psychology, and worked with Chief Childcare Officer Wu Minxia to create activities such as "Love Yourself Month" and Creator Competition, from women's workplace dilemmas, pregnancy mental health to personal value realization, they all actively resonate with young women, capturing the "heart" of the backbone of the maternal and infant group, and accurately cutting into the traffic entrance of young Chinese families.

Babytree's 2021 interim results report discloses: As of the first half of 2021, Babytree's core realization MAU reached 21.8 million, an increase of 7% year-on-year; according to Nielsen's "2021 Maternal and Infant Industry Insight Report": Babytree's brand recognition, usage rate, user satisfaction and brand recommendation are ahead of the industry, and among the post-95 groups, Babytree has a higher brand recognition.

Product technology innovation to meet diversified needs

Intergenerational change often means a huge change in user behavior characteristics, and the update iteration of brand technology products and service models is particularly important. The new generation of maternal and infant groups generally favor the scientific concept of parenting and refined feeding, hoping to improve the quality of pregnancy through professional and convenient content and tools, while paying increasing attention to the pregnancy stage, the participation of the Bao Dad group is improved, and the user needs are both professional and rich and diverse. As an entry-level platform for young families in China, Babytree can take the lead in insight and respond quickly by virtue of its advantages in terms of scale users, data accumulation, user research and other aspects.

iResearch Consulting: Build a mother and baby family service ecology, and baby trees become star mother and baby Apps

(Various versions of BabyTree Pregnancy App)

The fact that it has led the way from the PC era to the mobile era reminds us that Babytree is a veteran mother and baby enterprise, and it is also a technology enterprise with a strong scientific and technological background, and has rich experience in technology precipitation and application practice in cutting-edge fields such as AI and big data. Looking back at BabyTree's product route, there are two obvious features: one is the original intelligent tool to promote the efficient solution of specific problems, such as "live knowledge point pendant", "algorithm automatically push the question of the question 3.0" and "cry translator"; the second is to launch a multi-version pregnancy App to improve the user experience of subdivision scenarios, such as providing a one-stop solution for pregnant people, such as the pregnancy version that provides a one-stop solution for the pregnant population, and the father version that strengthens the quality of dad user participation, and the rich and powerful product matrix undoubtedly brings user satisfaction and stickiness improvement.

The 2021 annual interim performance report shows that the next-day retention rate of Babytree Pregnancy App reached 51.5%; the iResearch "Report" pointed out that the use of Babytree Pregnancy App has exceeded the industry level for a long time, which fully reflects the user's high satisfaction with Babytree products and services. Considering the general trend of "online is life", the dependence of maternal and infant groups on mobile Internet is deepening, and the further growth of baby tree user time is worthy of optimism.

Online and offline linkage, efficient aggregation of users

After the slow growth rate, traffic anxiety is everywhere, even if it is still in the stage of rapid growth, maternal and infant Internet brands also need to think about how to pull new circle fans. In the face of the rich and developed Internet ecology, users' multi-link and fragmented access to information has become irreversible, and the competition for brand attention to users occurs within the industry, more outside the industry; at the same time, the offline scene that the mother and baby population naturally relies on, although it sets up a strong opponent online, but also points out an effective growth path for it. Obviously, the two ideas of baby tree are moving forward together, creating a network-wide communication matrix online, and the offline #sapling plan # blossoms everywhere, gathering multiple traffic entrances.

iResearch Consulting: Build a mother and baby family service ecology, and baby trees become star mother and baby Apps

(Baby Tree WeChat Community)

With professional content as the core, Babytree has extended its content and services to platforms such as WeChat, Douyin, Kuaishou and Taobao early on, attracting target users in scenarios such as social networking, short videos, and e-commerce shopping. In terms of community play, BabyTree builds a WeChat community in multiple scenarios such as the same age/same city/welfare, and builds a core private domain traffic circle layer. As of the first half of 2021, the number of users covered by the Babytree WeChat community has reached 757,000, and it is in a state of rapid growth, and 20% of the community activity is far higher than the industry level.

The attempt under the baby tree line also has an important breakthrough in 2021. In 2021, BabyTree launched a series of theme activities of #Sapling Project, going deep into major cities and communities to hold offline salons for parents to communicate with obstetrics and gynecology experts and fertility masters to help new parents grow rapidly. According to statistics, since September 2021, BabyTree #Saplings Project has held a total of 7 theme salons, covering six core cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and reaching 55 cities, 6234 communities and nearly one million mother and baby users online.

The top-level policy has been continuously promoted, the market demand has continued to upgrade, and the maternal and infant Internet industry has stood at a historic juncture where challenges and opportunities coexist. Adhere to long-termism, do a good job in user insight and demand satisfaction; actively expand ideas, create an innovative paradigm in the maternal and infant industry, BabyTree has carefully built a happy ecology for mothers and babies in the past 15 years, showing valuable development resilience at the time of strong storms and rains, and also making people look forward to its achievements in the next 15 years.

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