
Samsung Tab S8 series forerunner plan is out! The price of the early adopter is from 5499 yuan

【Mobile China News】On the evening of February 9, at the Samsung new machine conference, Samsung brought a total of three new products of the TabS8 series flagship tablet, and announced the domestic early taste price of its forerunner.

Among them, the domestic early tasting price of the WLAN version of the Samsung Tab S8 is from 5499 yuan, and the domestic taste price of the 5G version is 6499 yuan; the domestic tasting price of the WLAN version of tab S8+ is 6899 yuan and the 5G version is 7899 yuan; the domestic taste price of the WLAN version of the Tab S8 Ultra keyboard set is 11499 yuan, and the 5G version is 12499 yuan.

Samsung Tab S8 series forerunner plan is out! The price of the early adopter is from 5499 yuan

Samsung Tab S8 series tasting price announced

According to the requirements of the event, the domestic forerunner's order for the Samsung Tab S8 series is the same as the Samsung S22 series forerunner plan, and it is also shipped with priority from February 25.

Details are as follows:

Samsung Tab S8 series forerunner plan is out! The price of the early adopter is from 5499 yuan

Samsung Tab S8 Series Forerunner Program

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