
"Weekly American Text" After Mom's cold

"Weekly American Text" After Mom's cold

Sneezing, runny nose, coughing, phlegm, tiredness, headaches, etc., these are all manifestations of a cold, and the cold is uncomfortable.

Colds are common in autumn and winter, and also in summer and spring.

How is a cold caused? More common is a cold. In winter, I wear it thinly, wear it less, and wear it without keeping warm. In summer, sometimes you get a cool breeze, sometimes you get a cool air, sometimes you take a shower with cold water, and you wash your hair with cold water, which can cause a cold.

The general cold will heal naturally in a week or so, because the body itself has natural immunity.

Some colds will drag on for two weeks, and three weeks is not good. With a cold, you can't take medicine without authorization, but you have to go to a regular doctor to diagnose and take medicine. Especially for coughing, it is necessary to take a CT film, and the doctor will judge whether it is inflammation or other things that should be paid attention to according to the film.

Colds cannot be ignored, and colds are not trivial. Especially frequent colds, long-term coughs, which is the embodiment of poor body immunity, poor body immunity will cause more diseases in the body, some will be more serious.

If you have a cold, you should drink more water, if you have a cold, you should lie quietly at home and rest, and if you have a cold, you should go to a regular hospital in time for timely diagnosis and timely treatment.

To prevent colds in winter, it is necessary to eat three meals a day, eat richly, grain and vegetables, hot soup and hot water, indispensable, breakfast indispensable.

In winter, wear warm underwear, warm socks and shoes, and a warm outerwear cover.

When the sun is shining, when the sun is warm, walking is also a way to help improve the body's immunity and prevent colds.

Prevent colds, which is a healthy lifestyle. Timely diagnosis and treatment of colds is also a timely and scientific way to deal with the disease.

Small illness dragging, will drag out a big problem, will spend money to take medicine to suffer guilt, and even big damage, cold can not be underestimated.

Read a short article, "After Mom's Cold", reproduced here:

Have you ever had a cold? When you have a fever and you have a lot of pain, you have to lie in bed. Many people have had this experience and it was relieved within 24 hours. But many of these do not include mothers, who always get better in 12 hours or less.

Mom had just taken her temperature and was over 39 degrees.

It was after lunch that the older children went to school and the babies were asleep. Mom should also take a break, but she has to do these things first: prepare bread for dinner, leave a note for the cleaner, find someone to deliver coffee for her at meetings, put dirty clothes in the washing machine, dump the garbage...

Finally, she lay down. Her sore legs were pressed against the cold sheets, feeling a burst of relief. She fell asleep.

Suddenly, the living room door was slammed open. The kids are out of school. "Mom, Mom, where are you?" They shouted. Mom wanted to answer, but she was so weak that the children couldn't hear her answer. After a while, they found her—lying on the bed.

"Haven't you gotten up yet?" The little daughter cried.

"How do I get to Bill's house?" The boy asked.

"What about dinner?" The eldest daughter said.

Mom understood, she understood that these children were not used to their mothers staying in bed. "I'm sick." She said, "I can't do anything, I have to give you all the work." She said, "Boiled potatoes... Babysitting... Set the table..."

The children rushed out excitedly and threw themselves into battle like warriors. For a moment, my mother was left in a quiet room, and the pain in her body intensified again.

Dad is back. He went into the bedroom and slumped heavily on the edge of the bed to touch her hand, and he looked tired. His mother comforted him: "Nothing, honey, just a cold." She said, "I can get up and cook, and..."

Dad shook his head, "You just stay here, don't worry about anything, me and the kids will take care of everything." ”

Mom's room was quiet again, empty. She lay quietly, listening to the sounds of the house. She had a feeling of being forgotten, but no one else seemed to care, and there was a constant burst of laughter from the children and laughter from her father.

After a while, it was quiet again. Apparently they were eating while Mom lay there alone. They forgot about her, as if without her, they were still doing well...

With a "bang," the door opened and the little daughter rushed in and told her, "They broke the plate and the dog ate all your dinner." ”

It turned out to be so! There was another uproar, and the children all came, proud of what they had brought: a glass of water, a plate with three beans, a cold potato, a small piece of toasted bread. "Can we stay with you while you're eating?" They asked, "Daddy is dizzy, the kitchen is a mess, no one knows where the broom is..."

Mom felt very relieved, and under the eyes of the children, she finished the cold meal. "These things are delicious." She said. The eldest daughter spoke: "Mom, I really hope you get better soon, it is not good for you to be sick at all." ”

"Yes," said the son, "I hope you will be fine tomorrow." We need you. ”

Mom smiled, "I'm all right." She said.

You see, this is the life of a mother, other people can be bedridden 24 hours a day, but the mother can't, she has to get better in 12 hours or less.

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