
How should acute gout attacks be relieved? These 3 methods can effectively relieve pain, so try it!

Gout, gout, it hurts you crazy! In just a few words, it may be difficult for everyone to understand the power of gout.

The so-called gout, in fact, is one of the types of arthritis, it is different from other joint injuries, this is a crystalline arthritis disease, which is related to the deposition of monosodium urate crystals caused by hyperuricemia, which can cause severe pain in the joints!

How should acute gout attacks be relieved? These 3 methods can effectively relieve pain, so try it!

Relevant data surveys show that the number of gout patients in the mainland has exceeded 80 million, and its incidence rate is increasing rapidly at an average annual rate of 9.7%.

In the onset of acute gout, the patient's joints will produce severe and unbearable pain, accompanied by symptoms of joint redness and fever. Even a strong young, middle-aged man often has difficulty resisting the pain caused by acute gout, so in ancient times, the disease was also called the "White Tiger Calendar Festival".

How should acute gout attacks be relieved? These 3 methods can effectively relieve pain, so try it!

What makes patients even more sad is that if acute gout occurs during the day, it is more convenient to seek medical treatment in time. However, the disease of gout is easy to occur in the middle of the night, and sometimes even if you want to seek medical examination, you often have weakness of heart, and the pain is unbearable.

So the question is, acute gout sudden onset, what should be done to stop the pain?

How should acute gout attacks be relieved? These 3 methods can effectively relieve pain, so try it!

1. Ice packing

Many people fall into the misconception that hot compresses can relieve pain. However, gout is not suitable for applying hot water to the affected area, because the pain shown by gout is redness, swelling, hot pain, if directly hot compress, the surrounding blood circulation is accelerated, but it will lead to local congestion and pain aggravation.

Therefore, the best way to alleviate gout is actually cold compresses and ice compresses, which can not only reduce local blood circulation, let the urate crystals precipitate, but also paralyze the surrounding tissues and reduce pain.

It should be noted that in the process of ice packing, the patient should wrap the ice cube with an ice pack and a towel, and the ice application should not exceed 30 minutes, and the interval between each ice application should be more than 10 minutes to avoid skin frostbite;

How should acute gout attacks be relieved? These 3 methods can effectively relieve pain, so try it!

2. Medication

The clinical focus of the treatment of acute gout is mainly two, the first is to relieve pain, and the second is to relieve inflammation. As far as current medical technology is concerned, colchicine is the most common basic drug for the treatment of acute gout, especially within 12 hours of the onset of gout.

It should be emphasized here that there are clear requirements for the dosage of colchicine, and patients cannot increase or decrease the amount of medicine at will, so as not to affect the therapeutic effect of the drug;

How should acute gout attacks be relieved? These 3 methods can effectively relieve pain, so try it!

3. Replenish water

During an acute gout attack, the patient needs to pay attention to the replenishment of water. Because during the onset of gout, patients tend to sweat heavily, which depletes the body of water and leads to an increase in blood uric acid levels.

Proper drinking water can not only replenish the water required in the body tissues, but also accelerate blood circulation, promote the kidneys to produce urine, and help the body better metabolize uric acid. It is scientifically recommended that patients with gout should be supplemented with about 2000-3000ml of water per day.

How should acute gout attacks be relieved? These 3 methods can effectively relieve pain, so try it!

If acute gout suddenly occurs, you can try the above three methods to alleviate it. However, patients should also be reminded here that there are many ways to relieve pain from acute gout, but none of them can fundamentally solve the problem.

Therefore, in the first acute gout attack, the patient should seek medical attention in time for examination, and then choose the correct treatment method according to the doctor's recommendations, so as to completely stop the pain and reduce the possibility of repeated attacks of gout in the future.

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