
Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT

How hard is the ice pier to grab? Beijing white-collar Cheng Yuanyuan braved the minus 6 ° C weather, rushed to the Beijing Winter Olympics franchise sales point in the early morning to queue, only to wait for three hours to enter the store and found that all the ice pier dolls had been sold out.

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT

Online channels are also not easy to grab. Some young people calculate the alarm clock time, squat in advance on various APP that can buy ice pier dolls, ready to grab, netizens quipped "take out the posture of grabbing train tickets." Even with such efforts, most young people are still hard to find in the face of the grand situation of almost a second on the ice pier.

On second-hand platforms such as idle fish, the ice pier piers have been speculated to a sky-high price: the ice piers with the original price of 88 yuan are sold on the platform for 2000-3000 yuan. Ice pier commemorative coins, keychains and other series of peripherals have also been sold for nearly 100 yuan at a high price.

In response to the shortage of ice piers, Zhao Weidong, spokesman for the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, explained at a regular press conference on February 6 that because of the Spring Festival holiday, some factory workers went home for vacation, resulting in insufficient supply, and it was difficult to cope with the sudden outbreak of heat of "ice piers", and the relevant departments are currently increasing coordination to increase supply.

Unable to grab the ice piers, some young people began to look at other products related to the Winter Olympics, such as the Winter Olympic Snowflake NFT.

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT

On January 5, the Cultural Activities Department of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee launched the Winter Olympic Snowflake Project, and all users can get their own exclusive Winter Olympic Snowflakes as long as they enter their name + mobile phone tail number. With the heat of the Winter Olympics, on Weibo, netizens have posted their own exclusive Pictures of Winter Olympic snowflakes. Topics such as #Winter Olympic Snowflake Collection Tutorial#, #My Winter Olympics Digital Snowflake# have nearly one million views on Weibo, and topics such as #Digital Snowflake#, #Winter Olympics Exclusive Snowflake # have been played millions of times.

Some people are satisfied with their snowflakes, and some people hate the strange shape of snowflakes, "Why is it that others are pink, and I am green and green." Everyone's sorrows and joys are different, but in the end they will still comfort themselves: "I can't grab the ice pier, and the snowflakes can always make one." ”

Therefore, in order to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics as much as possible, people chose to temporarily forget the frustration of not being able to grab the ice piers, and scrambled to bake digital snowflakes.

On the short video platform, the surrounding video about snowflakes began to be derived, some carvers taught netizens how to make their favorite snowflake patterns, and netizens tirelessly shared how to grab the digital snowflake NFT raiders.

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT

Some Internet companies have also begun to participate in it, such as the Launch of a Limited Digital Snowflake Campaign by Little Red Book, and the collection rule is to do the task to collar the fragments and exchange them for snowflake NFTs. As of now, the Little Red Book #Winter Olympics Limited Digital Snowflakes topic has 2.186 million views.

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT

Netizens posted the snowflake NFT of the Little Red Book, and some people excitedly said that this was the first digital collection in their lives, "Limited! Anyway, it's a good thing", in the R-SPACE of the personal homepage of Little Red Book user "Karen", it is shown that the NFT has sold a total of 5,000 copies, and she is the 4742nd owner. There are also people who posted that they drew the collection of snowflakes, the probability of obtaining 4.3%, the comment area netizens have said that they seek the same model, good luck.

Earlier, CCTV also launched the "Digital Snowflake" interactive project, around the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics "Digital Snowflake" issued a total of 15 million flowers, users upload avatars, you can generate a unique "Digital Snowflake" image, with snowflake ID serial number, deposit time, timing certificate number, data hash value and other uniqueness and uniqueness of the information.

From stars such as Lu Yu, Huang Shengyi, Zhang Kaili to ordinary people who have sunbathed snowflake NFTs, it has become a ritual for many people to spend the Winter Olympics.

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT


Netizens whose front feet are still drying the ice piers, the back feet are sunburned with celebrity winter Olympic snowflakes.

Some bloggers have drawn the most difficult designer snowflakes, excitedly posting "a limited number of snowflakes in one draw." Some southerners smoked snowflakes and said, "Fulfilled the dream of seeing snow." ”

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT

Under a post about digital snowflakes published by designer "Ouyang Ru", the netizens who drew came to the comment area to report, and those who did not draw cheered themselves up, saying that they would continue to work hard tomorrow.

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT

After some people get the digital snowflakes, they can't wait to take a group photo as a souvenir, and seamlessly connect to the home photo frame, "feeling that they can sell for money later."

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT

However, although it is not necessary to rush to buy like an ice pier, snowflake NFTs still have some thresholds for entry, such as only adults can receive, and the requirements of real list videos, etc., have been screened back by many people.

Young people who can't grab the ice piers have their eyes on the Winter Olympic snowflake NFT


Why are digital snowflakes sought after by young people? This is inseparable from the help of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games.

Before the opening ceremony, director Zhang Yimou revealed that the biggest foreshadowing of the opening ceremony was "the story of a snowflake". The opening ceremony of this Winter Olympics is by a "snowflake" throughout the venue, the entrance ceremony of the guide holding a "snowflake guide card", and finally the "small snowflakes" of all the delegations gathered together to form a "big snowflake", thus the snowflakes also followed the ice pier and became the key element of the Winter Olympics.

In addition, digital snowflakes hitched a ride on the NFT ferry ticket. The biggest feature of NFT tokens is its uniqueness, non-homogeneous characteristics mean that each piece of NFT is unique, to meet the needs of young people to pursue differentiated collection, coupled with the low threshold of acquisition, such as the Winter Olympic Snowflake Project, all users as long as they enter the name + mobile phone tail number after four digits can be obtained for free, unlike the traditional NFT need to buy, so a large number of Amway posts have been derived for a while.

The risk of uncertainty comparable to that of blind boxes also makes young people addicted to snowflake NFTs. After all, among the dozens or hundreds of snowflake patterns, not everyone is necessarily what they like.

Some users who have received digital snowflake NFTs said, "It would be happier if you could draw scarce funds." "Weibo search for digital snowflakes, can find that some young people complain that their snowflake patterns are not good-looking, and want to smoke again but there is no chance."

This psychology is also pinched by many companies, such as the march of various companies to the meta-universe. The recent one-word "ice pier concept stock" Yuanlong Yatu said that it will enter the meta-universe and launch digital gifts, and is applying for the registration of multiple trademarks related to the meta-universe.

Alibaba also released a digital collection of four Olympic cloud badges, each with a limited edition of 8,888 copies. Milk brand Yili also came to join in the fun, launching a series of digital collections, including 7 special models and 1 hidden model, the special edition of the global limited edition of 2022 copies, the hidden edition of the global limited edition of only 17 copies, which is an extremely scarce collection.

However, even if you get a digital snowflake, it doesn't mean that you can get much business value. Some netizens asked bloggers what the use of digital snowflakes is, and the reply was "Happy HeheHehe".

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