
Winter Olympics science post brush screen! The Winter Olympics are the Ice and Snow Lecture Hall

"Gu Ailing won the championship, the action is really beautiful!" "Ren Ziwei is old and handsome!" "Su Yiming is good!" When such cheers and applause emerge on various social media, some netizens will rub a little arrogance in their hearts: laymen look at the hilarity, insiders look at the doorway, watch the Winter Olympic games, participate in ice and snow sports, winter Olympics various project knowledge, we have passed the "preview" and "review", the door is clear!

Is alpine skiing "snow" or "ice"? Why are curling shoes different on the left and right feet? Why do skateboards need to be waxed? Why did the short track speed skating group finish at the bottom? Figure skating as a big move as why put more in the early stage? Why do curlers always brush the floor in front of curling? Why do you have to "freeze" the ball before the ice hockey game? What is the difference between short track speed skating and speed skating? These Winter Olympics "cold" knowledge is now the most popular popular science post. Netizens are enthusiastic about watching the Winter Olympic Games and helping the Winter Olympics, and at the same time, the desire to learn about various ice and snow projects and become an ice and snow sports expert is also unprecedentedly enthusiastic.

Knowing what it is, it is even more important to know why it is so. Only in this way can we watch the game better and more intensively, and can we cheer for the athletes more well; at the same time, we can more calmly step on the ice and chase the snow, so that the seeds sown by the Winter Olympics can break through the ice, blossom into crystal flowers, and bear fruitful results. I believe that many viewers and netizens who are fully committed to the Winter Olympics will have such thoughts and begin to act. Fortunately, in the information age, on everyone's mobile terminal, in the Winter Olympic column of various media APPS, you can find the Winter Olympic knowledge science post at any time, providing full-time and all-round answers to all enthusiastic Winter Olympic audiences and all netizens who love ice and snow sports and want to participate in it.

At the same time, every game of the Winter Olympics has the most expert and excellent ice and snow sports experts to explain to the audience. The queen of short track speed skating, Wang Meng, came out of the circle again because of the nagging commentary, "You can always believe in the Chinese short track speed skating team" shouted, let everyone hi up, and her meticulous and accurate analysis, let the audience enjoy the speed and passion of short track speed skating competition at the same time, have a deeper understanding of the rules of the game, the use of technology. In the process of Gu Ailing winning the championship, the commentators conducted synchronous analysis from various aspects such as grasping the board, landing, rotating direction and degree, action selection, referee scoring, etc., so that the audience not only saw the beauty, but also understood and remembered; Chen Lu, as the most beautiful "ice butterfly" in China's figure skating, with a sweet and calm voice, with professional and delicate explanation, made the once lonely "queen" become the most kind teacher of the majority of ice and snow lovers.

From watching the lively to watching the doorway, from the audience to the participants, the Winter Olympics will allow more people to devote themselves to ice and snow sports, spontaneously understand ice and snow sports, and enjoy the joy and challenge, excitement and calmness brought by ice and snow sports. The Winter Olympics is a big lecture hall for ice and snow, and more knowledge of ice and snow will bring people more fiery passion. Countless proud snow flying and wonderful ice dances will surely start from the ice and snow lecture hall of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and be born in the process of moving, understanding, in-depth knowledge and practicing!

Winter Olympics science post brush screen! The Winter Olympics are the Ice and Snow Lecture Hall

Source Beijing Evening News | Reporter Hou Jiang

Edited by Hou Jiang

Process Editor Wu Yue

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