
At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University of Commerce, President Yu Jianxing frequently said: A person who is willing to give himself out, this is the "verification code" of contemporary Chinese elites

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Zheng Lin Correspondent Correspondent Lin Xiaoying

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University of Commerce, President Yu Jianxing frequently said: A person who is willing to give himself out, this is the "verification code" of contemporary Chinese elites

"During your studies, it's like playing 'King', the teacher gives you a map and takes you all the way to level up and fight monsters. Go to society, use the skills you have learned, the equipment you bless, and bravely single out the boss! ”......

On the morning of June 17, At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang Gongshang University, President Yu Jianxing frequently uttered golden sentences in his speech, the speech was humorous and humorous, but it was profound, and the applause on the scene was continuous.

See the graduates return to school for a reunion. Yu Jianxing said that the degree conferment ceremony was held as scheduled as the result of a major victory in the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic. "From the past to 'follow the run', gradually changed to 'follow the run, run side by side, lead the way' parallel, the characteristics of 'running together' are becoming more and more obvious, and individual fields have shown a 'leading' trend." He encouraged the graduates to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, achieve lasting peace and common prosperity in the world, and build a community with a shared future for mankind, which requires unremitting and arduous efforts.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University of Commerce, President Yu Jianxing frequently said: A person who is willing to give himself out, this is the "verification code" of contemporary Chinese elites

In his speech, Yu Jianxing also mentioned the four fallen superstars of the Republic last month, Academician Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, Academician Wu Mengchao, an expert in hepatobiliary surgery, Mr. He Zhaowu, a historian, ideological and cultural historian and translator, and Mr. Zhang Kaiyuan, a historian, educator and former president of Central China Normal University, "Their common point can be answered by a sentence of Academician Wu Mengchao: There is no shortage of experts in this world, there is no lack of authority, what is lacking is a person, a person who is willing to give himself out. ”

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University of Commerce, President Yu Jianxing frequently said: A person who is willing to give himself out, this is the "verification code" of contemporary Chinese elites

The speech of the last lesson was titled "Graduation is the Second Coming-of-Age Ceremony", and Yu Jianxing asked the graduates who were about to leave the campus to bring the "school code", open the "verification code", and protect the "inspection-free code". He said that "out of school code" means to complete the role transition from a campus person to a social person, from a recipient to a taxpayer. It is recommended that graduates should bravely face the society, always obtain the "verification code" of life in an elite state, refuse to "waste firewood" and "lie flat", part ways with "paddling", and not be "exquisite egoists".

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University of Commerce, President Yu Jianxing frequently said: A person who is willing to give himself out, this is the "verification code" of contemporary Chinese elites

"Elite is not an identity, but an attitude." Yu Jianxing said that a person who is willing to give himself out, this is the "verification code" of the contemporary Chinese elite, whether it is humanities, social sciences, science, industry, agriculture, medicine, any field, there is no shortage of perfect people, what is missing is people who give sincerity, justice, fearlessness and sympathy from the bottom of their hearts, and what is missing is people who are willing to give themselves out. Now it's your turn to play!

Yu Jianxing's heartfelt instructions made the graduates feel excited, and everyone said that "listening to the blood boiling, do not be a delicate egoist", "Just as President Yu said at the opening ceremony of the school, 'be a luminous person', learning and life are also a process of gradually shining and shining." ”......

At the scene, Song Jiongming, an alumnus of the 1993 Alumni College of Tourism and Urban and Rural Planning, the current director of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, and the president of Shanghai Culture Radio, Film and Television Group, returned to his alma mater and spoke as an outstanding alumni representative.

"I majored in hotel management, and during a news campaign by college students to search for veteran generals of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, my alma mater recommended me as a special correspondent for college students, which stimulated my strong interest in television news and created conditions for me to open the door to radio and television." Song Jiongming told graduates not to be satisfied prematurely, not to be discouraged prematurely, and to cherish every opportunity for innovative practice provided in the future job, which will be a valuable asset.

It is reported that the 2021 graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony of Zhejiang Gongshang University was held at the Student Theater of Xiasha Campus, and 4321 graduates will leave the campus to set sail for a new journey. Zhejiang Gongshang University also customized a bottle of rapeseed seeds and a roll of original school motto alumni card sleeves for graduates, rape flowers have tenacious vitality, and their flower language means to refuel. This graduation gift may seem inconspicuous, but it is full of the atmosphere of the University of Commerce and the memories of the students, as well as the good wishes and expectations of the school.

After the graduation ceremony, the outside of the student theater was already crowded, and the graduates dressed in degree uniforms began to take photos.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University of Commerce, President Yu Jianxing frequently said: A person who is willing to give himself out, this is the "verification code" of contemporary Chinese elites

Yu Jianxing's speech at the 2021 graduation ceremony of Zhejiang Gongshang University (original)

Dear students, teachers and parents,

Good morning, everyone! Today we are holding the Graduation Ceremony of the Class of 2021. On this unforgettable occasion that deserves to be remembered, first of all, allow me to express my warmest congratulations on behalf of the school to the 4321 graduates who are about to embark on a new journey in life! I would like to express my highest respect to the teachers and family members who have always cared, supported, accompanied and witnessed your growth into talents!

In the past four years or more of study, you have experienced the changes of the times. General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "At present, China is in the best period of development in modern times, and the world is in a major change that has not been seen in a hundred years, and the two are synchronously intertwined and mutually exciting. In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, China is approaching the center of the world stage at an unprecedented pace, and in many aspects of politics, military, economy, culture, science and technology, from the past to "follow the run", gradually changed to "follow the run, run and lead" in parallel, the "parallel running" characteristics are becoming more and more obvious, and individual fields have shown a "leading" trend. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic, the reversal of globalization, and the revival of unilateralism have also cast a high degree of uncertainty over the future direction of the world. To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to achieve lasting world peace and common prosperity, and to build a community with a shared future for mankind, we need to make unremitting and arduous efforts.

Zhejiang Gongshang University was born in a time of national crisis, grew up at a time of national rejuvenation, and prospered when the motherland was rich and strong. Over the past four years or more, you have witnessed the growth of the school. You have witnessed the school's good results in the fourth round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education, 27 majors have been selected as national first-class undergraduate majors, 12 courses have been selected as national first-class undergraduate courses; you have witnessed the number of national social science fund projects ranking 18th in the country and the 1st among provincial universities; witnessing the school deepening strategic cooperation with Chinese University, jointly building 6 first-level disciplines, and establishing the "Zhijiang Big Data Statistics Research Institute" and the "Yangtze River Delta (Pioneer) Rule of Law Research Institute"; witnessing the school and the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Commerce, The relevant institutions of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese University, Zhejiang University and other units have jointly built an important window research institute; witnessed the deepening of the "run at most once" reform of the school, and the initial results of the construction of digital universities have begun to appear; witnessed the school received a donation of 350 million yuan to prepare for the construction of the country's first charity college; witnessed the completion of the first Sino-foreign cooperative school and the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence College in cooperation with the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom; witnessed the completion of the Yunbin Station of the Hangzhou Metro Line 8 Technology and Business University; witnessed the school's teachers and students enthusiastically asking for battle during the anti-epidemic period With courage and responsibility, he interprets benevolence, guards life with sweat and dedication, and shows the fiery feelings of home and country and strong social responsibility.

The class of 2021 is lucky, and your graduation coincides with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the 110th anniversary of the founding of the University. You deserve this glory too!" Among you, there are self-developed self-service printing system "Enjoy Printing", which has served more than 7 million entrepreneurial experts and students of the School of Management in 42 colleges and universities in 11 provinces across the country; there are "Chinese College Students Self-Improvement Star" winners who have benefited from the precise poverty alleviation policy of education and actively participated in volunteer service, Zhou Lang of the Institute of Tourism; there are papers written on the land of Zhejiang, 15 counties and municipalities in the province, and the social practice research report participated in the writing of the Zhejiang Governor's approval. Yang Fan, a student of the School of Finance, who measured the ideal school of finance with his footsteps; there was a student who soaked in the laboratory for 10 hours a day, from the last place in the college entrance examination major to the first place in the college to protect the master's and doctoral studies of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; there was Ye Yumeng, the captain of the women's basketball team who has always maintained the first place in the basic items and comprehensive ability rankings, and led the school's women's basketball team to win the CUBA National Collegiate Basketball Second Division Championship; there are students of the Oriental Language College Zhang Zeyuan who is determined to delve into Arabic and be the messenger of the "Belt and Road" There are Zou Jianqiao, a graduate student of the Food College who has been producing a product that benefits the people since his undergraduate level, and after 7 years of persistence, he led the team to invent the precision liver protection product "Nano Clam Crystal".

At this moment, I can't count the youth stories of each of you one by one, but I would like to say that the best business university meets the best of you, and everything is the best arrangement. Over the years, you have grown and matured in Shangda. Today, you have graduated, your life will start again, I send you three "yards" as a graduation gift.

First, the eagle took off, went forward, and brought the "school code" of self-reliance.

During your studies, although you are an adult, you still need the support of your parents and teachers. It's like playing "King", the teacher gives you a map, takes you to upgrade your equipment, and you fight monsters all the way. Nowadays, when you go to society, you must rely on the skills you have learned and the equipment you have blessed to bravely single out the boss! As Goethe said, "Although we can grow up under the protection of our parents and relatives, rely on our brothers and friends, and be happy with our loved ones through the help of our friends, in any case, in the final analysis, human beings are still dependent on themselves." ”

Independence means more freedom, rights, and space for action, as well as courage, loneliness, and self-management. Robinson in Defoe's novel is a typical image of the "independent individual", he likes to take risks, tenacity, perseverance, wisdom, courage, enterprising, pioneering and innovative all in one, is a heroic image that is not willing to be ordinary and is not satisfied with the status quo. In his 28 years of isolated island life, he needs to endure loneliness, solve the livelihood of eating, drinking, living and wearing, and even experience the limits of survival. At the same time, independence also means responsibility. Hegel defined freedom as true freedom, and Marx said that the Robinsonian image of the "independent individual" would only appear after the formation of modern rich social relations, and that the dialectical unity of the independent individual and the rich social relations constituted the essential characteristics of man. Self-reliance is not isolation, no one is an island, no one does not need to communicate and cooperate with others, the richer the social relationship, the more independent you are.

Correspondingly, the "school code" of self-reliance means that you must complete the role transformation from a campus person to a social person, from a recipient to a taxpayer, to face the pressure from the workplace, family, life and other aspects, to be responsible for the family, the work unit, and the society. You must bear in mind that on the road to self-reliance, rules and laws are the bottom line for you to enjoy freedom and rights, and they cannot be crossed. At the same time, you must continue to climb the high line of life, just as birds come into the world not only to avoid guns, you have to soar freely in the vast sky!

Second, the world is north and south, no questions are asked, and the "verification code" of the elite is opened.

Elite is not an identity, but an attitude. Everyone who lives with a serious attitude is an elite. The realization of "elite" is a process of detachment, dependence, and final return to all sentient beings, looking forward from a distance and returning to their hometown from a close distance!

Just last month, the Republic fell two superstars, one was Academician Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, and the other was Academician Wu Mengchao, an expert in hepatobiliary surgery; or last month, the Republic fell two literary stars, one was Mr. He Zhaowu, a historian, ideological and cultural historian, and translator, and the other was a historian, educator, and Mr. Zhang Kaiyuan, former president of Central China Normal University, and the people of the whole country mourned for it. Their deeds have been widely circulated and deeply moving. I have asked myself: Why did hybrid rice experts, hepatobiliary surgeons, and historians move China, and what do they have in common? A sentence from Academician Wu Mengchao can be used as an answer, he said: "There is no shortage of experts in this world, there is no lack of authority, what is lacking is a person, a person who is willing to give himself out." ”

"A person who is willing to give himself away", this is the "verification code" of contemporary Chinese elites! Whether it is humanities, social sciences, science, industry, agriculture, medicine, or any field, there is no shortage of perfect people, what is missing is people who give sincerity, justice, fearlessness and sympathy from the bottom of their hearts, and what is missing is people who are willing to give themselves out. Now, the philosopher withers, the spirit is eternal, and it is your turn to play!

People call Yuan Longping "Guoshi", which is the supreme praise. Today, you will receive bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, and you will be honorably entered the ranks of "scholars". Confucius's student ZengZi said: A scholar must not fail to carry out his duties, and the task is heavy and the road is long. Dear students, please always get the verification code of life in the state of elite, refuse to "waste firewood" and "lie flat", part ways with "paddling", and not be an "exquisite egoist".

Speaking of "refined egoists," I'd like to say two more. "Sophisticated egoists" are highly intelligent, well-trained, and profit-oriented, and they may be harmless to society, so why should I stay away? What is the difference between them and the elite? It's that they're not "people who are willing to give themselves away."

Third, have the world in mind, care for the people, and protect the conscience of this "check-free code".

Just now, I want you to achieve self-reliance and soar in the sky, and I want you to be willing to give yourself out and become an elite. How to open up between this "proof code" and "verification code"? The answer lies in the conscience of the world and the conscience of the people.

Wang Yangming, a famous philosopher of the Ming Dynasty, took "to the conscience" as the main theme of his psychology. The phrase "conscience" comes from Mencius, who said, "He who is able to learn what man does not learn is also able to do so; and he who knows what he does not care about knows, so does his conscience." Wang Yangming said: "Conscience is possessed by everyone, and everyone is self-sufficient, which is an internal force that does not fake external forces." "To the conscience" is to extend the promotion of conscience to all things.

As I said, you have obtained bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees and become "scholars" who cannot fail to be honored. In modern discourse systems, the "scholar" represents the conscience of a society. I give you the word "protection" as a "code exempt from inspection", a word of "protection", which shows that it is not easy to keep your conscience and conscience.

This conscience, this conscience, is my heart bright, what does my husband want; why I read books, why I become a gentleman; why I am in my duty, I am born in the li cang; it is countless distant places, countless people, all related to me; it is the mountains and rivers in my heart that are magnificent, and I believe that the world is worthwhile; love cannot be cured unless I love more deeply; I am amorous when the world is merciless, I rejoice when the world is amorous; it is compassion for the weak; and so on. I look forward to your continued writing of this definition.

Dear students, at your cheerful graduation ceremony, I still said the heavy topics of self-reliance, elite, and conscience, like an old father sending his children out of the house. When you enter school at the age of 18, you have your first rite of passage, which is a legal or physiological rite of passage. Today's graduation ceremony is your second coming-of-age ceremony, which is a coming-of-age ceremony in the sense of society and value. You must become a complete person, independent and not blindly obedient, determined and not gullible, uplifted and not drilled, ordinary and not mediocre, like a seed scattered throughout society, taking root and sprouting, thriving. That's what our education wants to give you — independence, elitism, and conscience. When you consciously integrate your personal destiny into the destiny of the nation and the destiny of mankind, you will certainly be able to realize the eternal meaning of life.

Many years later, when I am dying of old age, I will still remember the day I bid you farewell, your eyes were bright and full of ambition. I am extremely relieved, the mountains and rivers are unharmed, the world is safe, and the waves are chasing dreams.

Poetry: We flew away again and again in order to return again and again. The poem also says: If you have come, you have never left. I want you to fly higher, I want you not to forget your original intentions, to remember this second coming-of-age ceremony, I want you to remember the way back, I will always be here waiting for you!

Thank you!

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

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