
Did the Harden rumors affect the dressing room? Mills: Take care of what's going to happen right now

Did the Harden rumors affect the dressing room? Mills: Take care of what's going to happen right now

Nets player Mills gave an interview to the media today after training, in which he talked about Harden.

Speaking about Harden's situation, Mills said: "I think what he's trying to do right now is take care of his leg injury and stay as healthy as possible. ”

Speaking about the impact of the Harden trade rumors on the dressing room, Mills said: "I think it depends on the individual, on whether you believe what the rumors are. In my own case, I have the ability to keep myself away from things that distract me. As a professional player and someone who has been working here for a while, I will try not to be affected by these things. So my advice to young people is to just take care of the moment and focus on what we're trying to do. As for the others, you don't control it anyway, and whatever happens, it's going to happen. ”

(Best 15th Person)

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