
The 2022 Henan Provincial Culture and Tourism Work Conference was held in Zheng

author:Great River Network

On February 8, the 2022 Henan Provincial Culture and Tourism Work Conference was held in Zheng. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the meeting deeply studied and implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 19th Plenary Session, the Spirit of the Directors-General Meeting of the National Department of Culture and Tourism, the Second Plenary Session of the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Propaganda Ministers' Conference, summarized the cultural and tourism work in 2021, and arranged the deployment of key tasks in 2022. Jiang Jiding, secretary of the party group and director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province, made a work report.

The meeting pointed out that in 2021, the province's cultural and tourism system will know the heavy burden, face difficulties, and promote new progress in the province's cultural and tourism work: celebrating the centenary of the founding of the party and singing the praises of the times, the strategy of cultural and creative integration of culture and tourism has led the development, the inheritance and promotion of cultural heritage has achieved remarkable results, the development of global tourism has achieved breakthroughs, literary and artistic creation and public services have been brilliant, the construction of cultural industries and market systems has been newly improved, publicity and promotion, foreign exchanges are frequently highlighted, and safe development and guarantee capabilities have been strengthened. The study and education of party history gathers the strength to forge ahead. In 2021, the number of tourists received by the province reached 790 million, recovering to 88% in 2019; achieving a comprehensive tourism income of 607.9 billion yuan, recovering to 63% in 2019.

In 2021, Henan Cultural Tourism System:

Deeply feel that the leader cares and cares. General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the Yangshao Cultural Discovery and the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Modern Chinese Archaeology. The cultural and tourism front of the province strives to make Henan contributions to the construction of archaeology with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style, better display the style of Chinese civilization, and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Strengthen cultural self-confidence. The Chinese festival "Fantastic Tour" is popular in the circle, and it has cooperated with Elephant Fusion Media to set up a creative studio, coordinated cultural and cultural institutions, scenic spots and intangible cultural heritage projects to participate in the filming and production of a series of "Fantastic Tour" programs such as Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival, and helped programs such as "Roselle Water Endowment" and "Dragon Gate King Kong" to shine.

Dare to pioneer and innovate. New projects and new formats enhance the momentum of development, "Only Henan Drama Magic City", Silver Animal Kingdom, Ice and Snow Hotel and other wonderful appearances, becoming a new business card of Henan cultural tourism.

Fight the epidemic flood situation. The cultural tourism industry has shown strong resilience and tenacious will. Longmen Grottoes achieved a year-on-year increase in ticket revenue and tourist volume of more than 66% and 83%, respectively. Laojunshan received more than 1.8 million tourists in the whole year, and the comprehensive tourism revenue exceeded 360 million yuan, with a growth rate of more than 20% in both indicators. Xinxiang Baoquan has invested more than 2 billion yuan and 12 new projects. In the face of the flood situation and the "big test" of the epidemic, the cultural and tourism industry in the province has not had casualties due to extreme weather, no epidemic transmission, no major incidents in safe production, and handed over satisfactory answers.

The meeting pointed out that summarizing the past is to open a new situation.

In 2022, the province's cultural and tourism system should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the 19th Plenary Session, implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions and important instructions on cultural and tourism work, take the publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party as the main line, adhere to the banner, gather people's hearts, cultivate new talents, revitalize culture, and display image, take the implementation of the strategy of cultural and creative integration of culture and tourism as the command, and take "walking Henan and reading China" as the brand. With major engineering projects as the starting point, cultural creativity and scientific and technological innovation as the means, we strive to promote the high-quality development of culture and tourism.

The meeting demanded that we should firmly grasp the main line of work throughout the year.

It is necessary to focus on the important matter of the 20th National Congress of the Party, highlight this main line, make overall arrangements to promote various work, and contribute to the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party. Before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is convened, it is necessary to polish products, launch works, and create fine works around the 20th National Congress, organize a number of high-level performances, performances, exhibitions, and display activities, and enthusiastically praise the glorious course, great achievements, and spiritual genealogy that the party has led the people to go through. After the Twenty-National Congress of the Communist Party of China is convened, it is necessary to hold various study classes and training classes in a timely manner, make good use of newspapers, periodicals, websites, and new media matrices, and do a good job in all-round and multi-channel study and publicity of the spirit of the Party's Twentieth National Congress.

The meeting demanded that we should give prominence to the implementation of the major tasks of the strategy of integrating culture, tourism, culture and creativity.

It is necessary to implement the strategy of integrating culture, tourism, culture and creativity. Shape the brand of "walking Henan and understanding China", with historical exploration, historical events, and historical figures as the main line, systematically sort out historical and cultural resources that have great value, prominent influence and key significance in the evolution of Chinese civilization, and concentrate on creating major logos. Strengthen publicity and promotion at home and abroad, use modern technological innovation to immerse study tours, create a new genealogy of cultural and tourism integration formats, and build a continuous source, empirical and experience of Chinese civilization. Accelerate the construction of museum groups, plan to build a new courtyard of Henan Museum at a high level, accelerate the construction progress of the Yellow River National Museum, build Zhengzhou 'Hundred Museums' and Luoyang's "Oriental Museum Capital", and carry out all-round and categorical live display and figurative dissemination. Plan to promote major projects, strengthen cooperation with first-class cultural and tourism enterprises at home and abroad, and create attractive, appealing and powerful thematic and characteristic projects. Cultivate flagship brigades, form a provincial cultural and tourism investment group, support the integration and listing of cultural and tourism enterprises in the province, make good use of the provincial cultural tourism integration development fund, and build a first-class provincial cultural relics and archaeology research institute with world influence. Improve the service quality of "eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment", improve the cultural and tourism infrastructure such as hotels, and achieve scenic spots that are playable, roads are smooth, and hotels are comfortable, so that tourists can feel at ease and comfortable. To promote the revitalization of Yu cuisine, it is necessary to make traditional famous dishes pure and pure, but also to keep pace with the times and make new Yu cuisine.

It is necessary to create a brand system of "walking Henan and understanding China". Push the line to grasp the point, launch 16 theme cultural routes such as the origin of mankind, the origin of civilization, the origin of the country, the root of the surname, the four ancient capitals, Chinese kung fu, the red Central Plains, archaeological discoveries, etc., and create key projects. Led by the leader, in accordance with a product system, a marketing system, a transportation system for the layout, the ZhengBeiluo jointly built into an international tourist destination with important influence - the international cultural tourism capital. Zhengzhou focuses on creating 4 tourist destinations: the East to build the Zhongmu Cultural and Creative Park supported only by Henan, Film Town and Fangte, the Yinji International Resort in the southwest, the Dasongshan Cultural Tourism Zone, the Northern Yellow River Area supported by the Yellow River National Museum and the Dahe Village Heritage Park; Luoyang to build two areas of Longmen and Xiaolangdi; Kaifeng to build the Songdu Ancient City of 13.1 square kilometers as a destination. Led by the museum, with the new courtyard of the Henan Museum, the Yellow River National Museum, and the new courtyard of the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology as the leader, we will accelerate the construction of key projects such as the Zhengzhou Shangdu Ruins Museum, the Dahe Village Yangshao Cultural Museum, the Kaifeng City Stack city ruins museum, the Yellow River Hanging River Culture Exhibition Hall, the Zhouqiao Ruins Museum, the Sui and Tang Grand Canal Culture Museum, the Hanwei Luoyang City Ruins Museum, the Chinese Character Museum Phase II, and the Anyang Yin Ruins Museum. Digital empowerment, each year to spend 40 million yuan, the digital construction of the award compensation, the focus of the award from the traditional scenic spots to the large sites, museums and other cultural and cultural venues of the digital upgrading, with digital revitalization of culture, with digital display of culture, with digital interpretation of culture, to promote the construction of a number of immersive digital experience venues; the introduction of the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Digital Culture Industry"; Explore the construction of the Henan Provincial Cultural Tourism Industry-Education Alliance, cooperate with Henan Open University and other institutions to carry out skills training for employees in the online cultural tourism industry; strengthen cooperation with technology companies, and build a cultural tourism resource database, a cultural tourism cultural and creative digital center, a cultural tourism cultural and creative digital laboratory, etc.; Improve and upgrade Henan Cultural Tourism, and create a convenient and fast intelligent service platform. On the basis of the original "focus on one line (Yellow River), break through two cities (Kaifeng, Luoyang), and light up a few stars (Linzhou, Xinxian, Luyi)", comprehensively speed up the study tour, build a research and study curriculum system of "walking Henan and understanding China"; jointly carry out the "Yellow River Culture Thousand Miles Study Tour" with the Yellow River Affairs Bureau, the Cultural and Tourism Research Center of Tsinghua University, and the World Research and Tourism Organization; cooperate with the World Research and Tourism Organization to hold the World Research and Tourism Conference. Held the first Chinese cultural theme international research and camp education summit; introduced well-known professional institutions, created a number of study tour camps with distinct themes, developed research courses, and launched a number of study routes. Craft + Yu cuisine revitalization, the establishment of the province's industrial and artistic industry alliance, to create a creative research and development, processing and manufacturing, sales circulation, market services as one of the industrial chain, to promote the "double thousand project" (the development of more than 1,000 scale of arts and crafts enterprises, the formation of a hundred billion level arts and crafts industry); vigorously promote the revitalization of Yu cuisine, support Changyuan to build the national chef's hometown into a national food town, support Xinyang City to explore a new path of food + homestay, and promote the industrialization and brand development of Xinyang cuisine Support qualified provinces and municipalities to create a gastronomic capital. A breakthrough in archaeological tourism will turn YinXu, Erlitou and Sanmenxia Miaodigou into demonstration projects for archaeological tourism; relying on the new institute of Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, build an international archaeological research center; organize an international archaeological tourism conference and initiate the establishment of an international archaeological research and travel alliance; plan to build an international archaeological tourism Anyang demonstration area, build "Oracle Bone Academy", "Yin Ruins Oracle Bone Cloud Database", "Anyang International Bronze Art Town", women's tomb display and activation and other projects, to create a 100-billion-level industrial park. Brand polishing, extensive cooperation with new media, through the planning of creative festivals, boutique line promotion and other ways, a variety of activities, online and offline combination, so that "walking Henan , reading China" become popular throughout the country.

It is necessary to build a "three mountains" health tourism base. Adhere to the integration of transportation and tourism, create tourism products of "fast-forward and slow-travel deep experience", accelerate the development of homestays, deeply carry out the "Yellow River Intangible Cultural Heritage Lights Up Hometown Henan" National College Students Rural Revitalization Creative Competition, focus on the implementation of the cultural industry empowerment rural revitalization plan, and comprehensively promote rural operations.

The meeting demanded that we should vigorously promote the high-quality development of cultural tourism.

First, strengthen the creation of fine works of art. Focus on creating artistic masterpieces such as "Dahe Anlan" and "Urban Beauty". Held henan "three spirits" excellent repertoire exhibition and performance, to create a strong atmosphere for the celebration of the 20 major victories. Held the 5th Yu Opera Art Festival, participated in the 13th China Arts Festival, organized professional art competitions such as young drama actors and instrumental vocal music in Henan Province, and various exhibitions and exhibitions.

The second is to improve the efficiency of public cultural services. Carry out the creation of demonstration areas for the high-quality development of public culture, and name 10 demonstration counties, 30 demonstration townships, and 50 demonstration villages. Launched the Most Beautiful Public Cultural Space Competition in Henan Province, and selected 50 "Beautiful Public Cultural Spaces". Promote the construction of "rural cultural cooperatives", discover a group of cultural talents, cultivate a group of rural literary and artistic teams, and develop a number of rural cultural and creative products. Organize the first "Henan Huimin Cultural Festival". Do a good job in the 19th National "Stars Award" competition. Promote the legislation of the "Regulations on the Guarantee of Public Cultural Services in Henan Province" and the "Regulations on Libraries in Henan Province".

The third is to inherit and carry forward excellent traditional culture. The 9th China Museum and Related Products and Technology Expo and the World Ancient Capital Forum were held, the provincial cultural relics work conference was held, and the World River Civilization Forum was organized. Give full play to the advantages of the Coordination Mechanism for the Protection, Inheritance and Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Nine Provinces and Regions of the Yellow River in Henan, and hold the National Work Conference on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Annual Conference on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in China. Support the construction of a Tai Chi Laboratory. Promote the construction of national cultural and ecological protection experimental zones such as Heluo Culture and Baofeng Rap.

The fourth is to promote the development of the cultural tourism industry. Promote project construction, hold investment and financing investment activities, introduce large investment groups and first-class operation teams, and improve the provincial key project database. Promote the construction of cultural tourism financial service centers, cultivate key cultural tourism enterprises to go public, and select and name a number of provincial-level cultural industry demonstration bases. Create a national-level night cultural tourism consumption agglomeration area, select a number of provincial-level agglomeration areas, and accept a number of consumption demonstration counties. Held Heluo Cultural Collection, Zhongyuan International Cultural Tourism Expo, etc. Cultivate key projects and enterprises for international cooperation along the "Belt and Road".

The fifth is to deepen the development of cultural and tourism resources. Conduct a census of cultural and tourism resources. Improve the level of tourism development in the "Three Mountains" area. Introduce large investment groups and first-class operation teams to implement the "whole village operation project". Cultivate and build world-class tourist attractions and resorts with rich cultural heritage, and accelerate the creation of 5A-level tourist attractions and national-level global tourism demonstration zones. Support Xinyang to build a demonstration zone for the integrated development of red tourism.

Sixth, strengthen the management of the cultural and tourism market. Complete the credit system for the cultural and tourism market, strengthen credit supervision and quality supervision, and advocate civilized tourism. Continue to promote comprehensive governance in the field of culture and entertainment. Focusing on cracking down on vulgar kitsch performance activities and unreasonable low-cost tours, we will implement special rectification actions in the cultural tourism market. Consolidate and deepen the achievements of the reform of "one team in the same city" in districted cities, and explore a comprehensive law enforcement work model suitable for the "integration of bureaus and teams" system. Carry out a large-scale training of comprehensive administrative law enforcement in the cultural market of the province and improve the quality of law enforcement personnel.

The seventh is to strengthen the dissemination and promotion of cultural tourism. Build an all-media promotion and communication pattern. Cooperate with Fudan University to carry out the publicity brand system building and upgrading project, cooperate with the Planet Research Institute to promote the "WalkIng Henan , Reading China" boutique route, do a good job in promoting the tourism cooperative along the Yellow River in Huangjiu Province, accurately promote the key source markets of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, and fully activate the domestic tourism market. Held the 4th Global Cultural Tourism Creators Conference, the 3rd Kuaishou Internet Celebrity Contest and other activities. Actively integrate into the Silk Road, Wanli Tea Ceremony and other marketing alliances, and hold the 2022 World Kung Fu Conference, the China-Japan-Korea Cultural Tourism Forum, and the Series of Activities of the Henan Province Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Youth Exchange Summit. Cooperate with the overall situation of national diplomacy and Henan Province's strategy of opening up to the outside world, and organize cultural performance exchange activities.

The eighth is to continue to improve governance capabilities. Strengthen rule of law thinking, firmly establish the concept of rule of law, continue to carry out rule of law publicity work, deeply promote "decentralization of services", and comprehensively improve the level of government service work. Strengthen investigation and research work, and thoroughly study the law of the integrated development of culture, tourism, culture and creativity. Increase the intensity of the construction of cadres and talents, innovate institutional mechanisms, do a good job in the training and selection of talents in key areas and key positions, and carry out various types of training. Strengthen basic scientific research and transformation of achievements, and study and formulate provincial-level local standards such as "Henan Provincial Country House Facilities and Service Quality Requirements", "Classification and Evaluation of Rural Tourism Demonstration Villages", and "Evaluation Specifications for the Construction of Wisdom Museums". Improve financial security capacity, standardize and improve cultural and tourism statistics.

The ninth is to do a good job in post-disaster reconstruction, epidemic prevention and control, and safe production. Carry out the "10,000 people to help 10,000 enterprises" activity, focusing on helping 29 cultural tourism enterprises, and promoting the post-disaster reconstruction of 2291 cultural tourism projects. Improve the level of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and strictly prevent the spread of the epidemic through cultural tourism. Improve the emergency response capacity of emergencies in the cultural tourism market, carry out publicity, education and training on safe production, continue to do a good job in the construction of a dual prevention system in the cultural and tourism market, and do a good job in the creation of safe cultural tourism.

The meeting also focused on the revitalization of Yu cuisine, the use of cultural tourism sandboxes, the philosophical thinking and development prospects of the meta-universe, etc., and conducted special counseling for the participants.

The meeting stressed that in the new year, the province's cultural and tourism system should take the "Year of Ability and Work Style Construction" activity as the starting point, strengthen theoretical study, enhance the political position, persist in strictly administering the party, create a strong work style, establish rules and regulations, firmly grasp the work fast, deepen reform, improve efficiency, provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of the strategy of cultural and creative integration of culture and tourism, and greet the party's twenty major victories with excellent results.

Present at the meeting were members of the leading body of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province; responsible persons of relevant departments and offices of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Finance, the Department of Transportation, the Rural Revitalization Bureau, and other units; the principal responsible comrades of the cultural and tourism administrative departments of various provinces, municipalities, and jiyuan demonstration zones; the principal responsible comrades of the organs, departments, offices, and units directly under the provincial cultural relics bureau; responsible comrades of the special offices of the department; and representatives of some Internet and cultural and tourism enterprises.

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