
"The bone has disappeared since the right thigh was fractured," the girl said of suffering from a rare disease that could not find the cause for many years

Jimu News reporter Lee Hyun-shing

On February 7, a girl spoke out on the Internet, saying that in 2014, the bone of her right thigh had disappeared after the fracture, and the same was true for bone graft surgery, and now it is almost 8 years, and she has gone to a number of hospitals and still cannot find the cause. The sick girl sought help from society and said that because of her limited family conditions, she could be treated as a human body. On the 8th, the girl's mother told jimu news reporters that if the daughter's right thigh bone still disappeared like this, she may eventually face amputation.

The girl reported a rare disease in which the bone in her right thigh continued to disappear

"I had a rare disease and couldn't find the cause, the bone in my right thigh kept disappearing, and the doctors had never seen it." On the afternoon of February 7, The 23-year-old girl Xiao Dan (pseudonym) spoke out through the Internet, hoping to get help from the outside world, and many netizens paid attention to Xiao Dan's condition, and left messages to provide suggestions.

"The bone has disappeared since the right thigh was fractured," the girl said of suffering from a rare disease that could not find the cause for many years

The sick girl tweeted

Xiao Dan said that in 2014, she accidentally fell to her right leg, which was just an ordinary fracture at the time, and the bone was connected through surgery, but after a month or two of re-examination, she found that the right thigh bone was missing, and then less and less, so she went to go to bone graft surgery, took her left calf bone to supplement the right thigh, but then the re-examination found that the bone was constantly "absorbed", and went to many hospitals to find no cause. In 2018, Xiao Dan underwent another bone graft operation at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, and a total of 23 centimeters were added.

"The bone has disappeared since the right thigh was fractured," the girl said of suffering from a rare disease that could not find the cause for many years

A piece of bone fracture in 2014

But then, her bones continued to disappear, and on February 4 this year, a review found that all the bones in her right thigh were gone.

Xiao Dan said that he went to many hospitals for examinations, and all aspects of his body were normal, that is, calcium deficiency, but he could not find the reason why the bones were "absorbed". She also claimed that because of her limited family conditions, she could be treated as a human body.

"The bone has disappeared since the right thigh was fractured," the girl said of suffering from a rare disease that could not find the cause for many years

The film of February 4, 2022 shows that only steel plates are left on the legs (Source: Ms. Chen, the mother of the girl)

In addition, Xiao Dan's diagnosis certificate of admission at the time of fracture in 2014 showed "right femoral shaft fracture", in 2015 in another hospital, the diagnosis was "right femur defect, bone non-connection", and in 2017 in Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, the diagnosis was "right femur fracture after surgery does not heal".

Mother of a girl: "I may face amputation in the end"

The Jimu news reporter interviewed and learned that Xiao Dan, a sick girl who spoke online, whose hometown is located in Anyang, Henan, now their family lives in Handan, and Xiao Dan was identified as a third-degree limb disability in 2016 after a fracture.

At noon on the 8th, jimu news reporter contacted Xiao Dan's mother, Ms. Chen, 43 years old this year, ms. Chen introduced, because of the accident, daughter Xiao Dan in the third year of junior high school right thigh fracture, after has not been able to heal, now almost 8 years, "daughter has done 4 operations, two of which are bone graft surgery, but now still need to use crutches to walk slowly." ”

"The bone has disappeared since the right thigh was fractured," the girl said of suffering from a rare disease that could not find the cause for many years

Disability certificate of the girl concerned (Source: Ms. Chen, the mother of the girl)

"My daughter has not been able to heal after the fracture in 2014, and the bone in the right thigh has been disappearing, and the bone after bone grafting has slowly disappeared, we have gone to major hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai and other places, but we have not been able to find out the cause, some doctors said that they have encountered a situation where the bones are not long, but they have not seen the bones disappear." Ms. Chen said that in June last year, although some of her daughter's bone grafted bones disappeared, there were still more left, but when she went to the filming review a few days ago, she suddenly found that all the bones in her right thigh were gone, and now only steel plates are left in the legs. The reporter saw from the photos provided by Ms. Chen that Xiao Dan's right leg had a long surgical scar.

Status of girls' legs (source: Ms. Chen, the mother of the girl)

"In order to treat the child, our family has spent four or five hundred thousand yuan, but we have not been able to find the cause of the disease, and now we don't know what to do." Ms. Chen said that in order to take care of the child, she has not worked at home, the child's father only has a primary school education, relying on waste products to make a living, and her young son's left eye is also born invisible, no vision.

Talking about her daughter's next treatment, Ms. Chen said with tears that if her daughter's right thigh bone still disappeared like this, she may eventually face amputation, "This may be the worst plan." ”

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