
Why do people have to park for three days after they die? In fact, there is a certain scientific basis, and the wisdom of the ancients is convincing

With the development of society and the continuous improvement of human understanding of the world, people's ideas and concepts have become very open, along with all kinds of strange things


Constantly appearing, the tolerance of the majority of netizens is also getting higher and higher.

If you look back at the ideas of the ancients, many people feel that the ancients are conservative in their thinking, and even call such people "old antiques".

In fact, the thinking of the ancients was not feudal, and even sometimes more open than modern people, but because of the different social environments, people's awareness will also be different.

Most of the ancients were very wise, and these wisdoms were reflected in all aspects, such as common sayings in life, the language of these sayings is not beautiful, but it reveals the most essential truth.

Why do people have to park for three days after they die? In fact, there is a certain scientific basis, and the wisdom of the ancients is convincing

In addition, many small customs in life can also reflect the wisdom of the ancients. The funeral system in the mainland has a long history and has long been a complete system. Friends who have attended funerals should know that the funeral process is held throughout the country is roughly the same, and only a few regions have their own unique customs.

Many of the seemingly slightly feudal superstitious habits in funerals are the embodiment of the wisdom of the ancients.

For example, why do people have to park for three days after they die? In fact, there is a certain scientific basis, and the wisdom of the ancients is convincing.


Traditional funerary practices

Since ancient times, the mainland has had concepts such as "the dead are great", "the fallen leaves return to the roots", and "the soil is safe", which reflects people's respect for the dead, and also reflects the deceased's attachment to the homeland.

Therefore, each dynasty paid great attention to the specifications of funerals, and under the rule of feudal monarchy, the ceremonial system had strict rules for the funerals of the deceased of different identities, and the funeral specifications after the death of the Son of Heaven were naturally the highest.

Why do people have to park for three days after they die? In fact, there is a certain scientific basis, and the wisdom of the ancients is convincing

It is precisely because of this traditional concept that there have been thick burial customs in all dynasties and dynasties, which has also enabled many ancient cultural relics to be preserved to this day.

Looking back at the funeral of ordinary people, no matter what the character of the deceased was before he died, when he dies, all the grievances will be written off. The funeral is also the last time friends and relatives see the deceased, and the relatives also pay special attention.

After the death of the deceased, the relatives need to wipe his body in time, freshen up and dress up, and change into the birthday clothes prepared in advance, so as not to make the deceased look too embarrassed.

In modern society, there are also special morticians, whose daily work is to groom the deceased so that they can say goodbye to their relatives and friends with dignity.

Why do people have to park for three days after they die? In fact, there is a certain scientific basis, and the wisdom of the ancients is convincing

After the deceased's remains are sorted out, the relatives will not be busy with the burial, but will let the deceased park at home for three days, not out of feudal thinking, but to prevent unexpected situations.


Why did the body stay at home for three days?

Young friends may have watched many zombie movies, ghost movies and other movies, and it is inevitable to associate the dead with some images in the TV series, and then there will be a feeling of excessive fear in their hearts.

In fact, this is all psychological effects, and such a phenomenon cannot exist in the real world.

Allowing the deceased to park in their homes for three days is not motivated by superstitious thoughts, but mainly out of two considerations.

On the one hand, relatives and friends come to mourn, and before the deceased is buried, the family needs to light a long lamp under the wood where the body is placed, and they need to keep vigil in front of the corpse.

Why do people have to park for three days after they die? In fact, there is a certain scientific basis, and the wisdom of the ancients is convincing

The main purpose of holding a funeral

It is


The deceased's friends came to see them off, so they needed to set aside time, and if they died, they would be buried immediately, and many people who were far away could not arrive on time.

The second is to prevent the occurrence of misjudgment of death, which is also the most important phenomenon.

Many animals suspend their deaths when they are frightened or out of self-preservation, and similar phenomena exist in humans, and modern society still exists.

At that time, modern medical technology was relatively developed, and it was basically impossible to misjudge death, but ancient society did not have such conditions.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, the family will park the deceased at home for three days, and will also cover the deceased's face with a thin white cloth, so that it can intuitively see whether the deceased is still breathing.

Why do people have to park for three days after they die? In fact, there is a certain scientific basis, and the wisdom of the ancients is convincing

When people are particularly weak, their breathing is very weak, and they cannot be observed by the naked eye, and the wise ancients came up with this method to amplify their breathing.


"Rise from the dead" of the flat magpie

Bian Que was a particularly famous physician in ancient times, and posterity said that he had the ability to revive the dead, in fact, there is a small story behind such a legend.

At that time, the young prince suddenly died violently, and just when the whole palace was in the aftermath of Prince Zhang Luo, Bian Que was deeply suspicious of this. Because the prince's health was not bad, and he was very young, how could he suddenly die violently?

Later, Bian Que managed to see the "body" of the prince and found that the prince was likely to be suspended to death, so Bian Que used the method of acupuncture, and then supplemented by drug treatment, so that the prince miraculously "lived".

Why do people have to park for three days after they die? In fact, there is a certain scientific basis, and the wisdom of the ancients is convincing

People were deeply surprised by this, so the folk spread more and more mysteriously, and bian que was passed on as a figure who could rise from the dead.


From this small custom, we can see the wisdom of the ancients, many of which are not actually out of superstition, but later generations speculate that the ancients are more superstitious. This also means that there can be no prejudice against others, and it should be fully and objectively understood before making an evaluation.

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