
If you feel tired, stop and take a break

If you feel tired, stop and take a break


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In life, each of us is moving forward, time is constantly rotating, and we are also rushing forward.

Between people, invisibly, we are all comparing, from childhood to adulthood we have always lived in comparison. Than grades, than work, than income, than family. In this comparison, it undoubtedly adds pressure to us, which forces us to work harder.

The farther you go and stand taller, the more you will find that there are many people out there who are better and more fighting than yourself, so we dare not relax, and can only bury our heads and keep moving forward.

Arm yourself into a gyroscope every day, running wildly, there are many things you want to accomplish, there are many desires you want to satisfy, once people are controlled by desire, it is difficult to stop, when you start high-speed operation, it will only be more and more fighting, and it will not be easy to stop at all.

If you feel tired, stop and take a break

Many times, even if you feel very tired, you are still unwilling to give yourself the slightest breathing time, and in the end it is indeed possible to get a lot, but at the same time, it also loses a lot.

I support us to take advantage of our youth, we should fight more, break through more, because many times in fact, our so-called efforts are just to move ourselves.

But physical fatigue is powerless to resist, sometimes we still have to learn to accept our body, after all, no one is an iron man, we need to recuperate.

If you're already feeling tired, stop and take a break, you don't have to be reckless.

If you feel tired, stop and take a break

Only by combining work and leisure can we adjust to our best state

Sometimes I think about why people need vacations, probably so that those who are busy have time to catch their breath and be able to stop and rest.

The Spring Festival holiday that just passed was the only time I stopped this year, since I began to write, I have kept the day every day, never stopped, although I know that it is not a big deal to break for a day or two, but once people hold their breath in their hearts, then they will not allow themselves to stop.

In the past year, I have my own job, no matter how late I work, I will insist on completing today's revision, once I was unwell, and I never relaxed. Writing is not just a job for me, but also a kind of faith, a heroic dream that has never stopped.

Since entering this industry, I have seen too many excellent people, and I have seen too many people who are more competitive than me, so I dare not stop, I know that only by working very hard can I go hand in hand with them.

Sometimes writing is very boring, sometimes I do feel very tired, because I sit for a long time staring at the computer screen, the body has a malfunction, I dare not stop on weekdays, I take advantage of the Spring Festival holiday to finally give myself a few days off, forcing myself not to stare at the data, not to want to work, to relax when you should relax, to fight hard when you should fight, so that you can live up to yourself.

Only by combining work and leisure can we adjust ourselves to the best state and meet the next struggle. Give yourself a proper break, and it's no big deal to pause once in a while.

If you feel tired, stop and take a break

Stopping appropriately is to move forward better

Sometimes, stopping appropriately is to move forward better.

Human reserves, like batteries, are limited and do not grow on their own. When the maximum savings value is reached, the machine cannot function, and we are the same, when your reserves are exhausted, then we cannot move forward steadily.

The world has always been running at high speed, none of us dare to relax, once you stop, you may be left behind by the times, which is why most people dare not stop.

It's just that when you've been running at high frequencies, sometimes you can't achieve very good results, we need to keep moving forward, and we need to stop appropriately and recharge ourselves. Only in this way can we have the ability to cope with the challenges of the world.

Sometimes, you keep pushing yourself forward, but you don't reserve energy from it, and the final result is only to exhaust the energy, and then you can only retreat. Only by constantly replenishing yourself, storing energy, and making yourself better and stronger can you resist all the challenges of the world.

No matter what industry you are engaged in, you need to stop appropriately, recharge your energy, improve your business capabilities, continue to study, read more, and reserve energy, so that you can meet the next life with a better state.

If you feel tired, stop and take a break

Life is still long, don't rush for a while, patiently wait for the flowers to bloom

All our efforts are not aimless, the more people grow, the stronger the utilitarianism will be, and no one will be foolish to do a fruitless thing.

Whether it is work or love, if you can't see the flowers bloom in a short period of time, you will choose to give up, and you will not have the patience to wait for a long time.

In fact, the reason why we don't stop is because we want a result too much, and we always feel that as long as we relax a little, we will give up our previous achievements, so many times what forces us to keep moving forward is not love, but simply because we want to see results.

When you are wrapped in utilitarianism, you have lost your original original intention, and the last thing you will bring will only be an increasingly screwed self, and there will be no happiness in the slightest.

Zhang Ailing said: Fame should be early, in this era, there are indeed many people who have taken advantage of the dividends of the times and become the people we dream of. It's just that each flower will have its own flowering period, and not all of them will be able to bloom to the fullest extent in a limited time.

Some people will see results in a very short time, while others will take a long time. Don't be in a hurry, life is still very long, give yourself a little more time, patiently wait for the flowers to bloom, as long as you work hard enough, you want sooner or later will come.

If you feel tired, stop and take a break

If you feel tired, stop and take a break.

Don't be afraid of being caught up, don't have to be afraid of being left behind, don't always live in comparison with others, and don't stare at other people's achievements, so as to start denying yourself.

As long as you always maintain upward tension, then don't be afraid, we don't always compare with others, as long as you are better than yourself one day, this is worthy of yourself.

Stop appropriately, in order to move forward better, stop and rest, adjust your state, stop appropriately, recharge yourself,

Don't blindly move forward, and forget to reserve energy, don't patronize and move forward, and forget your original intention, be patient, as long as you have a clear conscience, then naturally ask for benevolence.

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