
False publicity and emissions fraud Mercedes-Benz was fined $16.9 million by South Korean agencies

South Korea's antitrust regulator recently announced its decision to impose a fine of 20.2 billion won (about $16.9 million) on German automaker Mercedes-Benz (formerly Daimler Group) and its South Korean subsidiary for false advertising related to diesel exhaust emissions.

False publicity and emissions fraud Mercedes-Benz was fined $16.9 million by South Korean agencies

South Korea's Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) said Mercedes-Benz installed illegal software on its vehicles to manipulate emissions test data, with a total of 15 models being fitted with such software.

The Korea Fair Trade Commission said in a statement: "After the 'Dieselgate' incident, the number one company importing cars in South Korea still obstructs consumers' rational purchase choices with false and deceptive advertisements, and it is of great significance to sanction them." ”

The Korea Fair Trade Commission said Mercedes-Benz also falsely advertised that their cars kept emissions at their lowest level between August 2013 and December 2016, meeting the EU's Level 6 emissions standard.

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