
Ancient amber has a good antiseptic effect, why hasn't anyone used it on people?

The insects and other animal carcasses in amber have indeed been preserved for tens of thousands of years because of special geographical conditions, providing us with samples for understanding the creatures of a long time ago, in addition, it is also a unique gemstone, which is of high value in ancient times, and it is not easy to obtain a large amount of amber in the country. Because of the special conditions for the formation of amber, this is not something that can be created by artificial imitation, and it has its special significance. The formation of amber is the fluid oozing from the body of the pine tree, and then just left on the trunk, while the insects that are eating or crawling or passing by are wrapped up, and the accumulation of time and the effect of geological movement are added, thus becoming an amber. It generally takes thousands or tens of thousands of years to be unearthed, so it is extremely precious. And basically the weight of amber is not heavy, because the pine tree can seep out of the pine resin is also limited. And if you want to use it on a human body, you need a lot of pine resin to wrap, which requires hundreds of pine trees to be enough, so it is not possible to do so. I'll talk about a few things:

Ancient amber has a good antiseptic effect, why hasn't anyone used it on people?

The history of amber

Amber, in ancient history, has many names. For example, there are called "Xuan" or "Relic Jade", and ancient science and technology are not developed, and the amber seen is wrapped in things, so some people say that this is the soul of the tiger, and it will be called "Tiger Ray" in the future. Amber has been regarded as an important treasure since ancient times because of its rarity, and because amber comes from pine resin, pine trees symbolize longevity in China.

And in the past, the ancients loved pine scent, so they also regarded amber as a precious spice. In ancient times, there were records of concubines using the fragrant characteristics of amber to attract kings. For example, Guo Xian of the Han Dynasty wrote in his "Cave Meditation"

"Emperor Lijuan, a palace man, wears amber as a pendant, puts it in her clothes, and does not let people know, but speaks of her own bones, and is related to the gods and monsters."

There is also the Hancheng Emperor Zhao Feiyan is a pillow amber pillow to ingest aroma, it also has a certain calming effect.

Since the Western world, such as around 1600 BC, the inhabitants of the Baltic Sea coast have used tin and amber as currency to trade with their tribes in the southern region in exchange for other people's copper weapons or tools.

At the same time, in the second millennium BC, the Methinies, Phoenicians and Etruscans of central Europe formed a commercial network of amber, and during the same period, Baltic amber spread to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea via the Aegean Sea. Some professionals have excavated bottles and pots from the ancient Greek Methene civilization in Syria, and in exquisite containers, amber necklaces with baltic seas have been found. Also in the East, because of its unique questioning and the value of scarcity, amber was also cherished by various peoples in the imperial court at that time.

Ancient amber has a good antiseptic effect, why hasn't anyone used it on people?

Why did the ancients not use amber to prevent corrosion

Ancient people knew from the corpses of animals and plants that came to life in amber that this has a strong antiseptic preservation effect. Someone must have thought of using it to preserve the remains of important people, but in practice they found many impossible problems.

First of all, amber forces a kind of grease oozing from the pine tree, which must be produced in a specific environment, and it is impossible to produce pine resin in autumn and winter, and when a pine tree can produce pine resin is not fixed, you have to wait for a long time, but after people die, it is not long to wait, especially in the spring and summer, the weather temperature is very high, and it is impossible to preserve the body for a long time after death.

Secondly, a person's body to do embalming is to need a lot of pine resin to be able to, which uses a lot of pine trees, not every kind of pine tree will produce a lot of pine resin, if you send people everywhere to collect, the collected pine resin can only be a piece of pine resin also need to be melted, but melting is very difficult, pine resin after a curing again is difficult to achieve the original effect.

Finally, amber was a kind of gemstone in ancient times, the price is relatively expensive, if you want to collect a large amount of amber then the cost is huge, such a price even a rich family can not afford, unless it is a king or emperor, but they have other better and more convenient ways, will not use amber such a form.

Ancient amber has a good antiseptic effect, why hasn't anyone used it on people?

In summary, the scarcity of amber and its research value lead to its high price is not affordable by the average rich person, coupled with the difficulty of collection, which makes amber can not be used on people.

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