
The Discipline Inspection Commission of Shanyin County held a meeting of the Standing Committee (expanded).

author:San'in News

On February 7, the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shanyin County held a meeting of the Standing Committee (expanded). Niu Sen, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, secretary of the county discipline inspection commission, and director of the supervision commission, presided over the meeting and made a speech. More than 30 people attended the meeting, including members of the leading body of the County Discipline Inspection Commission And Supervision Commission and responsible persons of various departments and offices.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions during his inspection and research in Shanxi, studied the spirit of the Sixth Session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress, and studied the spirit of the Communiqué of the Second Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission.

The Discipline Inspection Commission of Shanyin County held a meeting of the Standing Committee (expanded).

The meeting demanded that the discipline inspection and supervision cadres of the whole county should deeply study and implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Shanxi and the spirit of the sixth plenary session of the nineteenth central discipline inspection commission, take the initiative to adapt to the new development requirements of the new stage and new era in the new era, adhere to the decision-making and deployment of the party central committee, and follow up political supervision wherever they are, and effectively enhance the consciousness and firmness of comprehensively and strictly administering the party. It is necessary to conscientiously study the spirit of the Sixth Session of the Thirteenth Provincial People's Congress and the communiqué of the Second Plenary Session of the Twelfth Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, profoundly comprehend the arrangements and arrangements for the key work in eight aspects of this year, persistently put ourselves in the position, put our responsibilities in it, and put our work in it, clarify our thinking, perfect our measures, really do solid work, make achievements for a long time, and make important contributions and provide a strong guarantee for comprehensively and deeply advancing the building of a clean and honest Mountain.

The meeting stressed that in the new year, discipline inspection and supervision cadres throughout the county should continue to be loyal supporters of the "two establishments" and exemplary leaders of the "two safeguards," adhere to the strategic principle of administering the party in an all-round and strict manner, adhere to the general tone and strict tone of the work of seeking progress in a stable manner, continue to strengthen the standardization of the rule of law and the regularization of the building, and comprehensively promote the construction of a clean and honest Mountain. Focusing on the work arrangements of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and the overall situation of the county party committee, we should give full play to the role of supervision and guarantee implementation and promote the improvement of development, do in-depth and meticulous political supervision, promote the "three noes" as a whole, and provide strong political and disciplinary guarantees for building the "Lingxiu Ancient City", building the "New Yun Shanyin", and further promoting high-quality development in an all-round way, and greet the victory of the party's twenty major congresses with excellent results.

Contributed by: Supervision Commission of the County Discipline Inspection Commission

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