
"My wife was examined by a male doctor, and I can't accept that I want to take my life lightly": When you meet a male doctor, will you choose to give birth, or change?

If you meet a male doctor in the delivery room

Will you choose to be born or change doctors?

In China, there are more than 100,000 obstetricians and gynecologists, one in ten of whom are men. With the development of society, although this group has been accepted by more and more people, they are still the most controversial type of doctors - "male doctors of obstetrics and gynecology".

"My wife was examined by a male doctor, and I can't accept that I want to take my life lightly": When you meet a male doctor, will you choose to give birth, or change?

Although people's concepts are now much more open, it is still somewhat embarrassing to meet male doctors during women's examinations.

Dr. Duan Tao, a famous obstetrics and gynecology expert and director of the Obstetrics Department of Shanghai First Maternity and Child Health Hospital, once shared such a story:

When I was interning in college, I once encountered an incident in which a group of people gathered around an old lady from the country at the gate of the internship hospital, and she kept crying.

Someone asked her why while persuading? She cried and said that she went to the gynecological clinic today and was examined by a male doctor.

This was more than thirty years ago, and although this is basically unlikely to happen now, there may still be people who feel embarrassed when they meet a male doctor at the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Not long ago, when xiaobian brushed Zhihu, he also inadvertently saw such a post:

"When my wife gave birth to a child, I was examined by a male doctor, and I couldn't accept it or even wanted to have a baby, how should I be good?"

The landlord deliberately emphasized the point where he was angry: I was very angry about the male doctor's internal examination, but what I was most angry about was that my wife did not resist!

Afraid that the majority of readers will not be able to empathize, the respondent explained in detail what is "internal inspection".

Among them, emphasis is placed on female organs such as "vulva" and "cervix". It was as if he had been greatly insulted.

Obstetrics and gynecology male doctor, is it really so troublesome?


The gynecological examination meets the male doctor

Will you refuse or accept it?

After pregnancy, you will encounter a lot of embarrassing things, pregnancy test encounters male doctors, ECG encounters male doctors, B ultrasound meets male doctors, and even some mothers say that when they do yin ultrasound, they will also encounter male doctors, and they also encounter male doctors during childbirth.

Most said it was difficult to accept

Ms. Wu:

Women can't have a little bit of personal privacy without it. The female obstetrician checked everything completely normal, but if I had to strip naked and sleep there, the male doctor would talk to me and see when the entity explained, I would have a diaphragm in my heart.

Although it is normal for a male obstetrician to see something strange, I can't accept that a woman has no bottom line in front of a male doctor when she gives birth to a child.

"My wife was examined by a male doctor, and I can't accept that I want to take my life lightly": When you meet a male doctor, will you choose to give birth, or change?

Ms. Li:

Infertility has been treated for three years, and she has not been able to conceive, so she decided to artificially inseminate.

When it was my turn to examine, I saw a glass in the studio, and the male doctors were watching behind it. The nurse urged me again to take off my pants, which I reluctantly did. I was so ashamed that I kept my eyes closed during the imaging and didn't dare to open them, but fortunately it was done in about ten minutes or so, and I immediately put on my pants and went out.


The mood is blocked, it is not pleasant to think about, it was very happy to be a father. It is uncomfortable to see that it was delivered by a male doctor.

Studying so many departments of medicine, a big man chooses obstetrics, don't say you are pure, you strip your daughter-in-law to let others "pure" look, are you comfortable? Men who study medicine and choose obstetrics or gynecology are big hooligans.

A minority expressed support

Mama Liang:

When I gave birth a few years ago, I found that there were male doctors and male trainee nurses who delivered me, and I was very reluctant at the time, but fortunately, the male doctor comforted me not to be nervous, you are a patient in my eyes, and I want to treat you like my family.

Thinking that I have already done this, I think about it or believe in the doctor. At this time, I was no longer embarrassed, and I felt the warmth of the medical staff.

I think everyone who meets a male doctor should first put down the embarrassment, because you don't have gender in their eyes, but he can't wait to treat patients.

"My wife was examined by a male doctor, and I can't accept that I want to take my life lightly": When you meet a male doctor, will you choose to give birth, or change?

Mama Huang:

When I was giving birth, it was a male doctor who broke the water for me, and the speed of movement, I felt that the medical skills were OK.

At that time, how I didn't mind ah, are doctors in charge of his men and women, now more and more male doctors, met B ultrasound, breast, gynecology, obstetrics have male doctors, so what, at least people are very professional ah!

That's what the obstetrician-gynecologist male doctors say

In the doctor's profession, which has become highly professional today, male obstetricians and gynecologists are still trapped in gender identity.

They will be asked whether there will be a physiological impulse when examining the female patient's body, and even whether it is suspected of psychopathy.

And what do they think of the profession themselves? How to view the female patient body?

Recently, a short video from the media "Arrow Factory" an interview about the "male doctor of obstetrics and gynecology", interviewed three excellent male doctors of obstetrics and gynecology, in the face of a variety of strange and tricky netizens asked questions: they answered like this.

Video source: Arrow Factory "Answering the Taboo Question"

"My wife was examined by a male doctor, and I can't accept that I want to take my life lightly": When you meet a male doctor, will you choose to give birth, or change?


Gynecological male doctors, many advantages

In foreign countries, male obstetrics and gynecology doctors are very common, and in the big cities of the mainland, there will be some prejudice, and in some remote areas and rural areas, it is quite difficult for male obstetrics and gynecology doctors to work, and the pressure is very great.

In the whole country, whether it is gynecology or obstetrics, well-known experts are mostly male doctors, and for obstetrics, male doctors have advantages that female doctors cannot match:

Male doctors have good physical strength, and during continuous surgery, most of the people who faint are female doctors.

When encountering heavy bleeding and dystocia, the life and death of adults and children are only on the front line, and male doctors are relatively less emotional, and the choice and treatment are more decisive.

Moreover, the fingers of male doctors are longer than those of female doctors, and the length of fingers is more advantageous when the fetal head is examined, and the shortness of fingers will affect the accuracy of judgment.

"My wife was examined by a male doctor, and I can't accept that I want to take my life lightly": When you meet a male doctor, will you choose to give birth, or change?

Many people feel that men who choose obstetrics and gynecology are impure motivations, and feel that they are "not shallow".

In fact, regardless of men and women, doctors only think about how to make pregnant women safe, and who have extra thoughts to think about other things.

A male obstetrician and gynecologist who has been practicing medicine for several years said that in the eyes of doctors, there is no gender between men and women, and there are only diseases and treatments.

As the saying goes, "one line of work, one line of fine work", from the time boys decide to apply for obstetrics and gynecology, it means that they have been mentally prepared. They have only one goal to learn, that is, to deliver babies smoothly and ensure the health of the mother and fetus.

As a doctor, it is more important to pay attention to professionalism than gender, which is the most basic moral issue as a doctor.

"My wife was examined by a male doctor, and I can't accept that I want to take my life lightly": When you meet a male doctor, will you choose to give birth, or change?

For patients, for the first time, leaking private parts in front of men other than their husbands will feel psychologically embarrassed.

But for the doctor, this is just a body organ, and there are a large number of patients every day, and the doctor has absolute immunity to this organ.

In front of these male doctors, your relationship — you are the patient, he is the doctor.

Finally, when we discuss this matter, we seem to have ignored the feelings of the parties.

Do women really not care?

Anyway, these mothers around me said that there will still be a little awkwardness.

However, having a child is a gamble that may take your life!

At this time, the first reaction is who is more skilled in operation, how to give birth to the child smoothly, and who has the heart to think of anything else?

After all, if you think about it with your toes, you know that in the face of life and death and shame, which is more important.

In addition, if the husband really feels unbearable, may wish to think in a different position, if you are cut by a female doctor, is it also "out of control"?

For the help of life, doctors have worked hard!

Source: Zhejiang Video, Zhejiang News Client, Arrow Factory, Answerer's Question, Chongqing Times, etc., the copyright belongs to the original author.

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