
Wang Dacheng: Xi Riyan

Xi Ri Yan

Author | Wang Dacheng

Red Silk Stone (New Rhyme)

Dawn breaks out of the sea, and the color is sprinkled with sky red.

All things flourish, and a thousand mountains prosper along the way.

Hence the name Xi Ri Yan.

Wang Dacheng: Xi Riyan

The diameter of Xi Ri Yan is 15 cm long and 2.3 cm thick.

According to the reason, the circle is straight, and the lower moling is soft.

Yantang Divine Gift, Good Ink Pen Inscription Gong.

Near the wave of pride, watching the sun from afar.

Gao Zhitian Runli, Su Jian Shi loves.

The face is beautiful and the sky is fixed, and the pattern is created.

Red and yellow love each other, rich and noble.

The waves fall into the gold wire, and the waves push the red line to rush.

The morning sun is full of colors, and the sun rises together.

Dawn receded, and Dawn gave Yue Gongxuan.

The sun bath waves are jubilant, and the sky is full of waves.

The vitality exploded, and the qi suddenly burst forth.

All sides work together, and the eight parties are prosperous.

Wang Dacheng, male, born in 1950. Shandong Linqu people, like to collect, calligraphy and painting strange stone bonsai are involved in. You xi yantai, especially the local red silk stone. The book "Red Silk Stone Inscription Collection" published by Renmei Publishing House has been distributed by Xinhua Bookstore. He was the vice president of Lu Yan Association, and is currently the vice president of Linqu County Stone Appreciation Association and Red Silk Stone Association.

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